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So,,,we brokeup last year in April because I *unintentionally* betrayed his trust,confessed the truth myself and sincerely apologized. Never cheating on him or anything of that sort because I did love him(still do) but had to lie about something major(per
I need 3 judges and 15 contestants. This contest will follow the formatting of the Dry Run to the Battle of the Brains Contest in 2013. Anything under the sun will be asked. Judges will judge on a scale of 1 to 10 the answers based on logic, charm and wit
Okay, I wasn't raised celebrating Christmas, but last year I did with my boyfriend's family and then my stepmother wanted to celebrate, particularly for my aunt. I'm not fond of the consumerism aspect of it, but I love the ambiance, the lights, and the co
Libra sun
Scorpio moon
Virgo mercury
Libra mars
Scorpio venus
I dont know him directly. Hes a poet and i went to one of his shows many moons ago. Last year he sent me a poem for my birthday. Then nada.
This year he turned it up a notch and sen
Post whatever you feel like. A song of the moment, the day, the month, the year. Figured i better stop spamming the front page all the time lol
Came across this guy a few months back and just dig his music.
O holy St. Jude, apostle and martyr, great in virtue,
rich in miracle, near kinsman to Jesus Christ, faithful
intercessor of all who invoked your special patronage
in time of need. To you I have recourse from the depth
of my heart, and humbly beg grea
I hate gifts.
I don't know what I want so how can you know what I want? And if it's not up my alley I can't smile and be all mushy 'thank you it's all I've ever dreamed about'...
I am just upfront with people about it.
I had just heard 'I want to give