what are the chances of a Venus in Aries forgiving you for being a dumb broad and making a mistake purely out of just trying to be agreeable and friendly, but totally fucking up in the process.. basically....I fucked up and I'm aware. but I didn't mea
You're less likely to get covered in white stuff if you shove the whole thing in your mouth. I get my best revelations when I'm driving...and apparently while eating powdered doughnuts.
How does a woman show a cancer man how much he is loved and wanted? What things have women done in the past for you that truly made you feel loved by their actions alone?
Pisces man has been a absolute handful the past 7 months. I made up my mind I was done with him and showed it by cutting all contact with him. He came hard after me and did the unexpected. He has never told me he loves me but for the first time he did. He
Hello everyone I am doing some research & looking for people who have a genuine interest in Astrology. I am working on a project providing a 1 to 1 chat service with an authentic team of Indian astrologers . The service allows you to have an app b
Hello everyone I am doing some research & looking for people who have a genuine interest in Astrology. I am working on a project providing a 1 to 1 chat service with an authentic team of Indian astrologers . The service allows you to have an app b
I met this Taurus guy 18 years ago, when I met him I had that "he'said the one" feeling. We went out with friends and he finally kissed me. It was something I can not describe, he would call and I can't say no to him. I ended up engaged to someone else 13
From Cafeastrology: March 20, 2016 The Sun enters Aries today, marking the time of the Spring equinox and the start of the astrological New Year, at 12:30 AM EDT. The Sun will transit Aries until April 19th. In Aries, the Sun is enthusiastic and s