What do you think of this completely AI generated (ibm-watson) movie trailer? (Morgan)

This topic was created in the Movie Trailers forum by rabidtalker on Friday, September 2, 2016 and has 5 replies.
Movie is Morgan

They had IBM's watson completely make a movie trailer:

Posted by bumboklatt
nothing new. There still is a huge human aspect to it. Computers can actually do much more sophisticated things than that. Its kinda liek that noise limiting software that raises the volume in low spots and lowers it in high spots.
I thought it was neat that it could create something creepy like that Tongue

Posted by OmniVirgoFlirt

its not creepy....the technolgy has been around for years.

if this happens

do this

else this

eight bit cpus were capable of this
Not saying the ability of the computer to follow if-then statements is creepy or use syntatical logic is creepy or even outstanding, but the content of the trailer itself it created is creepy, that is very good on the part of the computer's AI. Perhaps 8-bit cpu's were capable of doing the calculations if you reduced it down from the AI to the simplified algorithm to create the skeletal trailer framework , but do you think they could hold all that storage even if their data bus size was increase to 16 bits? that would be ~64kilobytes barely enough to hold the program code itself. Even if it was then given a hard drive of modern size to operate on, 8-bit calculations plus load/store instructions would take an extremely long time. Nonetheless, I am more impressed with the creativity and coherence of the trailer itself rather than a mechanical implementation of it. If it can keep being "creative" that would really speak volumes.

Posted by OmniVirgoFlirt

Yea i actually know so...As ibm now has watson, they also had duel socket eight bit machines back in the day.

Their Ai api is abasically the implementation of Spamassasin in a nutshell.. Consider a machine code non interpreted compiler the same. tsort is a simple algo version of it in a way.

So you're saying it's all a gimmick then with no creativity? I can buy that... I know companies really like to advertise in any way possible... non-compiled interpretive code would run even slower and take more space than compiled though. Regardless, I want the creativity more than the mechanics.

Posted by OmniVirgoFlirt

no its not all a gimmick... it takes a creative manipulative mind to come up with it... much creativity in it and tons of thought.
Excellent, I want to see more trailers then. Big Grin