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Mar 04, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 113 · Topics: 16
...that the world is against you or out to get you.
I have had several instances and several convos with Scorpion men and women, and when you think that people or friends are out to get you, you become cold and icy.
I have heard my mom tell me throughout my lifetime that she feels the need to isolate herself from the world because the world doesn't love . I understand what she means. It's funny that she say's that because not only her but several scorpio friends i have met through online and in general have said that they have felt that need to distant themselves from others. My latest Scorpio friend/lover when we first met ...protected me....through isolating US was funny, yet charming...he didn't want to see me harm He knew that my so called friends weren't really my true friends that hurt him . He hadn't even known me for 3 hours and he was immediately like..."Stay away from them cause they are not your friend's ...this world and these streets will eat you up and spit you out. Stay to your self. " ...pause..."F*** that I tell what I will make sure they don't **** with you. I'll be here." ..and that is exactly what he did . He stayed around.
My mom used to be overprotective ...OMG...sometimes to the point of smothering me lol....I got used to it over the years. I guess I kinda picked up on that attitude though. Me being a Leo, I find myself feeling "exposed" . I don't trust easily. Or when I do I'm always on edge. I guess my Scorp lover picked up on that too. Guess mom made it hard for me lol she gave me a slight touch of that venom she has lol...