A Question

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Gaurav_Aries on Wednesday, July 2, 2008 and has 19 replies.
Why is it that sometimes you like the person whom others may hate ? In fact have you ever thought why dislike at all ? Or what will happen if you lose the ability to dislike ?

And itz not about specific gender.
Your objective or maybe can relate.
"Why is it that sometimes you like the person whom others may hate ?"
Different strokes. Or are you asking for somewhat more detailed, personal input?
"In fact have you ever thought why dislike at all ? Or what will happen if you lose the ability to dislike ?"
It's pretty relative. The only way not to dislike anyone is to not prefer anyone, I think, which would make for a pretty dreary existence.
"Or what will happen if you lose the ability to dislike ?"
I don't think it's possible not to dislike anyone, even the wisest people can't do that..now not to hate is arguable.
I just want to know what goes in my mind which makes me like or dislike things - for example I really like some posts, some are just okay while some may make my blood boil . Why ? What hurts me and why ? I mean, itz just a conceptual thing - good or bad but yet itz something which am occupied with quite often I guess.
And of course am interested in knowing what you guys think of the same issue ?
DCV ....U remember me ? Did I get it right ?
"which would make for a pretty dreary existence"
Well yes, thatz what I think as well - but then isn't it a question of stamina and endurance then ? Not to prefer or not to lead a life of diffused passion - is it boring and is that all ?
"for example I really like some posts, some are just okay while some may make my blood boil . Why ? What hurts me and why ?"
Sensitivity. I have scorp blood so I channel it in times like those and just blank the other person out.
They cease to exist and I keep things moving.
"I don't think it's possible not to dislike anyone, even the wisest people can't do that"
Well Hypno, when one starts analysing to get to the bottom, somewhere the limit of logic and reason in reached - in the sense that one has to subscribe to axioms philosophical, religious or otherwise. Who puts a stamp on what we finally believe ?
Bran I get your point - you dislike self-righteous people. But whatz your theory of that particular dislike ? I mean what harm do such people cause to you ? or to anyone else for that matter ?
"I just want to know what goes in my mind which makes me like or dislike things"
Liking and disliking clearly depends on your opinions, view of life, principles, taste and some other things..
For example i automaticlly dislike anyone hates everything and everyone cuz he comes as narrow minded to me.
Another example, due to my nationality and political views, i dislike any Zionist..because you already have an image of what they could be in your mind.
"They cease to exist and I keep things moving"
If that doesnt consume any energy - then I guess itz the optimal approach.
"There is a difference between being an enemy versus being a detractor. You can still see qualities within your enemy even if you are on the "wrong side of the fence""
Right, someone being your enemy does not mean you dislike him, you might even respect him, admire or like him..it's just the matter of 2 opposite sides that make you enemies.
"Well yes, thatz what I think as well - but then isn't it a question of stamina and endurance then ? Not to prefer or not to lead a life of diffused passion - is it boring and is that all ?"
Is it possible to manipulate one's mind to that extent, anyway?
I think it's a complex issue, but the main reasons for liking/dislinking a person are probably:
1)The probability of maintaining a relationship with that person.
2)The usefulness of the person.
3)The danger the person poses. Not necessarily physical danger.
The mind process of liking or disliking someone goes like this:
When you meet someone new, the first impression he gives to you instantly enter your mind looking for similiar impressions you had with other people..when your mind finds a match, you look if you like or dislike that person and apply that on the person you just met. if your mind didn't find a match, you just wait for some familiar signs he would give.
It's looks superfecial, but no matter how wise or smart you are, you can't control your feelings.
"but sometimes you meet someone and there is an instant repulsion, some call it bad vibes"
Thatz one of the things which amaze me a lot - sometimes itz a trade-off between alacrity ( dont know where it comes from ) and judgement. Some times I feel we just don't want to like people.
gaurav: there was a big hoo-hah at some british school recently when two students were claimed to be DISCRIMINATED against by not being invited to a classmate's birthday party LMAO!!!!
apparently, it's not a good thing in this day and age to dislike someone or be disliked. it's not politically correct!
as the kid generally not invited to anyone's parties till i passed through puberty, i would say that they probably wouldn't want to go anyway - so NER!!!
in general though, there is nothing wrong with accepting the fact that you aren't going to top all popularity polls throughout your life. it's totally natural to dislike people but like all things, moderation is key smile
i'm fine harbouring my dislike of certain people but if they ever speak to me it triggers rage which is not attractive Sad
i always feel more drawn to 'outsiders' and steer clear of the herd.

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