
This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by mikeandhisdreams on Thursday, October 27, 2005 and has 7 replies.
img>= 20Design% 20Summer% 202002% 20-1/Scorpio% 20Henna% 20Tattoo.jpg>
wow how come it wont work anymore
b/c your bracket is in the wrong place and it's the wrong bracket.
That's cool looking! But I'm definitely not in support of tattoos like that - too permanent for my liking - I'd get tired of people at the beach watching me, expecting me to act exactly like a Scorpion 'should'. Of course, it would be nice to watch the looks on peoples faces as I revealed it to them.
That would look dead sexy on a man...but I would also prefer it if it were only a temp tattoo...
Ooo la la *mwah*