Air signs

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by aNEWday on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 and has 83 replies.
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If you HAD to pick one to date, which air sign would you pick and why?
Or, if you've dated one, what has been your experience.
Just curious .. I have no answer to this
Oh and of course, if you are an air sign who loves us scorps please tell me why smile
I dated a gem for a few months he was quiet in a sneaky kinda way almost like he wasnt truly a quiet person but only around me. Anyway I had to end it, no real emotional bond between us. Not interested in dating anymore air signs.
Scorpio-Aquarius I'd say would be a match made in heaven if they could surrender to each other but that never happens. Aquas have deep feelings but they are very uncomfortable with them... If you ever see an Aquarius actually emoting you are probably gonna be wondering if they are psycho ^.
I'm an air sign (Gem) married to a Scorpio, and I have some input about the "sneaky" thing.
My Scorp has never trusted me fully, although I've been completely loyal and have never given him a valid reason not to trust. He's so suspicious of everything under the sun that he SEEKS OUT reasons to be paranoid. It's frustrating.
I think this happens, in part, because Gems have so many sides to our personalities. He's not like that- he just is what he is. It's not that I'm hiding things from him, it's just that it's impossible for me to present all the sides of my personality at once. I'm sure he can tell that something is always being held back. This can be maddening for someone who always wants to get to the bottom of everything.
I have actually found myself becoming sneaky around him so that I can hide innocent behavior that I know from experience will be taken the wrong way. It's just easier than getting into an argument.
Let's try this again....
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Aquas have deep feelings but they are very uncomfortable with them... If you ever see an Aquarius actually emoting you are probably gonna be wondering if they are psycho. I dunno I don't necessarily want to discourage it but Aquas have such thick emotional defense mechanisms.

Why is that?
Rabbit - Dont post that picture! You know you like Gemini's! You're always on our board plus I think you are still in LURVE with a past Gemini.
Anyways...YAY! Look at all the Scorps/Gemini's. I think it's so strange how we just seem to like each other. Im a Sun/Mercury Gemini but they sit in the 8th house (Scorpio).
I LOVE Scorpio men. I feel like I look for them unintentionally too. Every single one especially lately. Just recently Ive been crushing on two November Scorps. Nov 1st and 4th. I found out from them pretty early on and Im like WHAT THE HELL?! Now I just shouldn't even think about it and assume they are Scorpios seeing I dont want much to do with anyone else. Maybe a few Aries here and there. I did like this Libra but he's way too "hey every body let's all be friends" bullshit. I dont like how lax they are about relationships.
I fell pretty hard for a Scorpio before and I feel like it's never going to rest as far as how I felt or just thinking about him.
I really believe air signs and Scorps fare best as friends and/or professional partners. They seem to be at their best when they have some kind of project or other collaborative effort to do. Scorp likes being in charge, so the air person must be willing to defer enough for Scorp to feel in charge. I don't believe the two are intended to date or be romantically involved.
Posted by Whimsy
I'm an air sign (Gem) married to a Scorpio, and I have some input about the "sneaky" thing.
My Scorp has never trusted me fully, although I've been completely loyal and have never given him a valid reason not to trust. He's so suspicious of everything under the sun that he SEEKS OUT reasons to be paranoid. It's frustrating.
I think this happens, in part, because Gems have so many sides to our personalities. He's not like that- he just is what he is. It's not that I'm hiding things from him, it's just that it's impossible for me to present all the sides of my personality at once. I'm sure he can tell that something is always being held back. This can be maddening for someone who always wants to get to the bottom of everything.
I have actually found myself becoming sneaky around him so that I can hide innocent behavior that I know from experience will be taken the wrong way. It's just easier than getting into an argument.

Anybody can be suspicious/mistrustful or doubt others, but Scorp suspicions are "different."
In the past year, I bought a new phone, and my Scorp boss/friend expressed dismay and hurt. "You changed your phone number without TELLING me?" I assured him my number hadn't changed, I'd just replaced my old phone. He insisted I call him immediately to verify this. I had no problem with that, but I didn't "get it." Why on earth would I change numbers and not inform him? And if I did, why would I lie to him about it? That makes no sense.
Speaking of being upset. I think my Scorpio ex is a bit miffed about what happened recently. Ive known him for four years and hes always been in/out of my life. A few months ago after an 8 month hiatus he comes back with a vengeance, re adds me to skype, starts yammering my ear off about how he's doing and Im thinking....Okay wth?! Im still mad (Taurus venus/mars), and he goes "Isnt this how it works?" And I go "No it's not". I slink off silently and when he logs off I remove him. Im not sure how much this pissed him off or surprised him but normally im apt to talk (Gemini merc), but not this time. Im figuring it will be another year before he comes back to try to tell me how he's changed. Not sure how or why this happens maybe its like oh ok let me tell her how it's going now and maybe she will want to get back with me.
I think it's doable as long as placements are correct or ones that seem to do well coexisting.
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by Xin
Speaking of being upset. I think my Scorpio ex is a bit miffed about what happened recently. Ive known him for four years and hes always been in/out of my life. A few months ago after an 8 month hiatus he comes back with a vengeance, re adds me to skype, starts yammering my ear off about how he's doing and Im thinking....Okay wth?! Im still mad (Taurus venus/mars), and he goes "Isnt this how it works?" And I go "No it's not". I slink off silently and when he logs off I remove him. Im not sure how much this pissed him off or surprised him but normally im apt to talk (Gemini merc), but not this time. Im figuring it will be another year before he comes back to try to tell me how he's changed. Not sure how or why this happens maybe its like oh ok let me tell her how it's going now and maybe she will want to get back with me.

Do you need some tips on icing a fool out?
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See the most fucked up thing about it is Im not sure if I want to completely ice him out. Id prefer him to learn a lesson but again thats just me being retarded hoping he will actually come back with exactly what I want to hear LOL! That possibility is about 1%
Posted by Xin
I think it's doable as long as placements are correct or ones that seem to do well coexisting.

Agreed. I only meant that (to me anyway)the friendship/partnership venue feels most natural and comfortable.
Posted by Xin
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by Xin
Speaking of being upset. I think my Scorpio ex is a bit miffed about what happened recently. Ive known him for four years and hes always been in/out of my life. A few months ago after an 8 month hiatus he comes back with a vengeance, re adds me to skype, starts yammering my ear off about how he's doing and Im thinking....Okay wth?! Im still mad (Taurus venus/mars), and he goes "Isnt this how it works?" And I go "No it's not". I slink off silently and when he logs off I remove him. Im not sure how much this pissed him off or surprised him but normally im apt to talk (Gemini merc), but not this time. Im figuring it will be another year before he comes back to try to tell me how he's changed. Not sure how or why this happens maybe its like oh ok let me tell her how it's going now and maybe she will want to get back with me.

Do you need some tips on icing a fool out?

See the most fucked up thing about it is Im not sure if I want to completely ice him out. Id prefer him to learn a lesson but again thats just me being retarded hoping he will actually come back with exactly what I want to hear LOL! That possibility is about 1%
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I can relate to this. Tough spot to be in. For your own sanity, cut him out completely. With all that back & forth you'll never be able to get him out of your system. It hurts so bad to remove the person you love out of your life, but it has to be done for one's own peace of mind, especially when the othe person is not doing anything to better the situation.
I've been in the back & forth with my libra ex for almost 11 years. We broke up back in 2005 & I'm still not over him. I blame myself because I allowed a friendship to exist between us even though we still had feelings for each other. So I never had time to really get over it. Late last year that's when I decided to completely let him go. Meaning, no friendship & no talking. Total removal. It's been hard & painful, especially when I saw him recently. But I'm adamant this time because I want to heal & the only way for me to achieve that is by not seeing or talking to him ever again. Oh boy but it is SO difficult but I'm resolute. I'm tired.
Well I'm not a Scorp. But the one I would date would probably be Aqua. Sorry, Gemini and Libra women aren't my cup of tea. No offense.
Posted by Rabbit
All signs are compatible if the devotion is there on both sides.
Also...never reading a thing about astrology helps. Ignorance is bliss.

But doesn't true devotion entail being realistic about what one offers another person and how that offering best "fits" into each other's lives?
*catching up on all the insight*
Just a few things i can think I right now to comment..
I've always like aqua' friends, as many of u have said. Growing up I remember having a female aqua friend at camp. We had the best relationship and spent 80% I our time laughing and just having a ball. She was hilarious.
I've found aqua men easy to talk to as well. Haven't had much interaction deeper than a chat here and there, but I've had an aqua guy interested in me. I also noticed they come off very cocky.
Gems. No, I wasn't hoping this would turn into any kind of gem bashing. Honestly I always found this sign most intriguing and maybe it's because there always seems to be a love-hate relationship between us. Maybe the whole 8th house thing. I've been around a couple gem ladies and no, they are not my favorite. Yes, I do think they are sneaky, but more than anything I don't like them enough to care about that I guess. I've just never had much interaction with the male gems. I will take all of your insight and keep it in mind lol.
Libra's. I probably feel I relate to 'most' bc I have venus and mars in libra. I've had a crush on a few - what can u say you are some good looking people - but other than that not much interaction either.
.. Ok I'll be back
P.s lots of typos bc I'm on my phone!!
I went on a few dates with several Gemini men and all I can say is NEVER AGAIN! They're full of hot air, know it alls, pretentious and too self-absorbed for my taste smile
ah, those damn silly air signs
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."
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Geisha what's your sun/moon sign? how old are you?
Posted by LostinPhilly
I went on a few dates with several Gemini men and all I can say is NEVER AGAIN! They're full of hot air, know it alls, pretentious and too self-absorbed for my taste smile

Omg, my sister said the same exact thing
Wow, gems huh? Wicked
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."

Geisha what's your sun/moon sign? how old are you?

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Sorry? What has that to do with quoting V??tsy??yana?
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."

Geisha what's your sun/moon sign? how old are you?

Sorry? What has that to do with quoting V??tsy??yana?
click to expand

Nothing to do with Yanni.
I am just curious about your signs and how old you are.
Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."

Geisha what's your sun/moon sign? how old are you?

Sorry? What has that to do with quoting V??tsy??yana?

Nothing to do with Yanni.
I am just curious about your signs and how old you are.
Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?
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OK. Libra Sun/Taurus Moon. Apologies, but I don't reveal my age for security reasons since my alias already implies where I live.
No, have never participated in any political party.
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."

Geisha what's your sun/moon sign? how old are you?

Sorry? What has that to do with quoting V??tsy??yana?

Nothing to do with Yanni.
I am just curious about your signs and how old you are.
Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?

OK. Libra Sun/Taurus Moon. Apologies, but I don't reveal my age for security reasons since my alias already implies where I live.
No, have never participated in any political party.
click to expand

Ok, thank you.
One more question. Where is your pluto?
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."

Geisha what's your sun/moon sign? how old are you?

Sorry? What has that to do with quoting V??tsy??yana?

Nothing to do with Yanni.
I am just curious about your signs and how old you are.
Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?

OK. Libra Sun/Taurus Moon. Apologies, but I don't reveal my age for security reasons since my alias already implies where I live.
No, have never participated in any political party.

Ok, thank you.
One more question. Where is your pluto?
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LIBRA: Sun, Mercury, Uranus
TAURUS: Moon, Saturn
SCORPIO: Venus, Jupiter, Neptune
VIRGO: Mars, Pluto, Lilith
Been there many times.
Posted by MrFirebird
Been there many times.

*puzzlement* There are Creoles in Georgia?
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."

Geisha what's your sun/moon sign? how old are you?

Sorry? What has that to do with quoting V??tsy??yana?

Nothing to do with Yanni.
I am just curious about your signs and how old you are.
Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?

OK. Libra Sun/Taurus Moon. Apologies, but I don't reveal my age for security reasons since my alias already implies where I live.
No, have never participated in any political party.

Ok, thank you.
One more question. Where is your pluto?

LIBRA: Sun, Mercury, Uranus
TAURUS: Moon, Saturn
SCORPIO: Venus, Jupiter, Neptune
VIRGO: Mars, Pluto, Lilith
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Oh yes, I can see why, now.
Thank you, again.
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Been there many times.

*puzzlement* There are Creoles in Georgia?
click to expand

They have Creoles in Hawaii, Jamaica and many other places. Not just Louisiana.
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by Rabbit
You can use astrology to better understand a persons behavior.
But astrology won't teach you how to love or who to love.

"Thus, if men and women act according to each other's liking,
their love for each other will not be lessened
in even one thousand years..."

Geisha what's your sun/moon sign? how old are you?

Sorry? What has that to do with quoting V??tsy??yana?

Nothing to do with Yanni.
I am just curious about your signs and how old you are.
Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?

OK. Libra Sun/Taurus Moon. Apologies, but I don't reveal my age for security reasons since my alias already implies where I live.
No, have never participated in any political party.

Ok, thank you.
One more question. Where is your pluto?

LIBRA: Sun, Mercury, Uranus
TAURUS: Moon, Saturn
SCORPIO: Venus, Jupiter, Neptune
VIRGO: Mars, Pluto, Lilith
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How's that Scorpio in Venus treating you?
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Been there many times.

*puzzlement* There are Creoles in Georgia?

They have Creoles in Hawaii, Jamaica and many other places. Not just Louisiana.

click to expand

Learn something new each day. Never knew about Hawaii. When did Franco-Iberian colonials ever travel there?
Posted by ryu8

How's that Scorpio in Venus treating you?

You mean, besides fleeing like mad from my boss who has the same placement?
Pretty chillaxed just now. Taking care of paperwork.
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by ryu8

How's that Scorpio in Venus treating you?

You mean, besides fleeing like mad from my boss who has the same placement?
Pretty chillaxed just now. Taking care of paperwork.
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don't flee, just let it happen...
on the other hand, lmk if you want to chillax w. some company
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Been there many times.

*puzzlement* There are Creoles in Georgia?

They have Creoles in Hawaii, Jamaica and many other places. Not just Louisiana.

Learn something new each day. Never knew about Hawaii. When did Franco-Iberian colonials ever travel there?
click to expand

At least 2 years ago, I think. Time flies you know.
Lovely ladies, Creoles are.
Posted by ryu8
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by ryu8

How's that Scorpio in Venus treating you?

You mean, besides fleeing like mad from my boss who has the same placement?
Pretty chillaxed just now. Taking care of paperwork.

don't flee, just let it happen...
on the other hand, lmk if you want to chillax w. some company
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Dude, look. It's like this. Professional ethics. Don't you have any?
It's not just that, though. I think it's some kind of mistake. Like he turned into Godzilla overnight. It's just not supposed to be like this. I'm doing my best to wait patiently through the retrograde. After that, if things don't cool down, I'm looking for another job and not ruling out calling Damian Karrass.
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Been there many times.

*puzzlement* There are Creoles in Georgia?

They have Creoles in Hawaii, Jamaica and many other places. Not just Louisiana.

Learn something new each day. Never knew about Hawaii. When did Franco-Iberian colonials ever travel there?

At least 2 years ago, I think. Time flies you know.
Lovely ladies, Creoles are.

click to expand

C'est drole! LOL
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Been there many times.

*puzzlement* There are Creoles in Georgia?

They have Creoles in Hawaii, Jamaica and many other places. Not just Louisiana.

Learn something new each day. Never knew about Hawaii. When did Franco-Iberian colonials ever travel there?

At least 2 years ago, I think. Time flies you know.
Lovely ladies, Creoles are.

C'est drole! LOL

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Vous ?tes excit?e, oui?
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius

I dunno I don't necessarily want to discourage it but Aquas have such thick emotional defense mechanisms they are likely to hurt a scorpios feelings and not know why.

Here's why: (except the possessiveness I think I disagree w just a lil)
"Scorpios are possessive when they love, and Aquarian men only allow themselves to be possessed for short periods of time. If he is smart, he will realize that being possessed by this magnetic woman is better than becoming unposessed and discarded when he has hurt her by asking for too much freedom. When you hurt a Scorpion woman she will ACT as though she does not care where you go or what you do, and may ACT as though you don't exist. Don't even bother saying hi to her when you see her next. How could she say hi back to a man that is invisible to her? The deep freeze that a Scorpio woman can put on her emotions will make him feel very cold. He will start wishing he was possessed by her again. It was way better swimming in her ocean than standing outside of it with no towel and shivering to death."
Don't get left in the cold!
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by MrFirebird
Been there many times.

*puzzlement* There are Creoles in Georgia?

They have Creoles in Hawaii, Jamaica and many other places. Not just Louisiana.

Learn something new each day. Never knew about Hawaii. When did Franco-Iberian colonials ever travel there?

At least 2 years ago, I think. Time flies you know.
Lovely ladies, Creoles are.

C'est drole! LOL

Vous ?tes excit?e, oui?
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Non, fatigu?e.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Let's try this again....
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Aquas have deep feelings but they are very uncomfortable with them... If you ever see an Aquarius actually emoting you are probably gonna be wondering if they are psycho. I dunno I don't necessarily want to discourage it but Aquas have such thick emotional defense mechanisms.

Why is that?
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Fine the majority of what I said is a blanket statement... happy?
Posted by aNEWday
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius

I dunno I don't necessarily want to discourage it but Aquas have such thick emotional defense mechanisms they are likely to hurt a scorpios feelings and not know why.

Here's why: (except the possessiveness I think I disagree w just a lil)
"Scorpios are possessive when they love, and Aquarian men only allow themselves to be possessed for short periods of time. If he is smart, he will realize that being possessed by this magnetic woman is better than becoming unposessed and discarded when he has hurt her by asking for too much freedom. When you hurt a Scorpion woman she will ACT as though she does not care where you go or what you do, and may ACT as though you don't exist. Don't even bother saying hi to her when you see her next. How could she say hi back to a man that is invisible to her? The deep freeze that a Scorpio woman can put on her emotions will make him feel very cold. He will start wishing he was possessed by her again. It was way better swimming in her ocean than standing outside of it with no towel and shivering to death."
Don't get left in the cold!

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Hey... I'm older... I'm willing to try stuff but I just didn't like the way the only one I ever pursued made me feel I guess *shrug*
Okay correction when I was around her it was pretty awesome BUT when she was not present it was like I didn't exist ^.^
And there were a lot of unknowns that happened as well. If I was single I wouldn't be opposed to trying it again but at the moment I'm pretty smitten with a cap.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by PhoenixRising
Let's try this again....
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Aquas have deep feelings but they are very uncomfortable with them... If you ever see an Aquarius actually emoting you are probably gonna be wondering if they are psycho. I dunno I don't necessarily want to discourage it but Aquas have such thick emotional defense mechanisms.

Why is that?

Fine the majority of what I said is a blanket statement... happy?
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You made a statement that I found interesting and wanted to know more about your thoughts as to why. You always provide such evasive answers to very simple questions. I won't bother asking why. I'm sure that will be danced around as well. Peace.
Posted by PhoenixRising
You made a statement that I found interesting and wanted to know more about your thoughts as to why. You always provide such evasive answers to very simple questions. I won't bother asking why. I'm sure that will be danced around as well. Peace.

Sorry :/
I thought you were trying to mock my response for some reason?
I think much like with how Scorpio is supposed to be all dark and mysterious yada yada... Aquarius being absolutely objective and devoid of emotion is a really big contradiction. If I had to guess I'd say Aquarius is probably one of the more sensitive signs in the zodiac. It's easily disguised by trying to love everyone. Hey you get rejected no biggie there's always someone else...defense mechanism #1 against rejection. Defense mechanism #2 is being as logical and objective as possible in an attempt to prove that emotions are silly. The truth is Aquarius I believe is just as sensitive as any sensitive sign you could think of. The only way to handle it I'd say is to be in a constant state of thought and detachment.
I think Scorpios particularly the women but the men too seem to have MUCH MUCH better control of how they let their emotions effect them. For me I lack this control. If someone really rattles me it's very difficult to concentrate and find my equilibrium again. I'm just shitty with emotions so I try to avoid it as best I can because I suck at expressing myself in an overly emotional way... My cap girlfriend swears up and down I was born without tear ducts LoL!
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius

Sorry I thought you were trying to mock my response for some reason?
I think much like with how Scorpio is supposed to be all dark and mysterious yada yada... Aquarius being absolutely objective and devoid of emotion is a really big contradiction. If I had to guess I'd say Aquarius is probably one of the more sensitive signs in the zodiac. It's easily disguised by trying to love everyone. Hey you get rejected no biggie there's always someone else...defense mechanism #1 against rejection. Defense mechanism #2 is being as logical and objective as possible in an attempt to prove that emotions are silly.

I apologize as well. My reply was a little dismissive/short because I was pissed off at something else. I'm sorry.
I appreciate your answer. I'll be honest I always sensed Aqua were also quite sensitive despite the stereotype suggesting they are quite detached and "robotic". I think you just go about demonstrating your concern for others in a way that promotes "the right to choose" vs a water sign, which may use manipulation and control to express and maintain love. The Aquas I know are very warm and as you pointed out, very sensitive. When I was younger I didn't know how sensitive until I crossed the line with one once--which I will never do again.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius

The truth is Aquarius I believe is just as sensitive as any sensitive sign you could think of. The only way to handle it I'd say is to be in a constant state of thought and detachment.
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I can appreciate this very much for the simple fact that I have an Aqua Rising and I believe it helps me detach quite easily. It allows me to remove myself from toxic situations/people with ease and never bat an eyelash. It comes off as cold, but it prevents me from getting hurt any further. I probably need to work on working through things with people, but that may be my defense mechanism. The first sign of anything "threatening" and I'm gone. Self-preservation and all that jazz.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius

My cap girlfriend swears up and down I was born without tear ducts LoL!

Hmm, I think your actions contradict this statement:
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius

I think Scorpios particularly the women but the men too seem to have MUCH MUCH better control of how they let their emotions affect them. For me I lack this control.
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Unless you meant, you lack the ability to hold it together behind closed doors. If that is true, I think that may be the same for most Scorps as well.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by PhoenixRising
You made a statement that I found interesting and wanted to know more about your thoughts as to why. You always provide such evasive answers to very simple questions. I won't bother asking why. I'm sure that will be danced around as well. Peace.

Sorry :/
I thought you were trying to mock my response for some reason?
I think much like with how Scorpio is supposed to be all dark and mysterious yada yada... Aquarius being absolutely objective and devoid of emotion is a really big contradiction. If I had to guess I'd say Aquarius is probably one of the more sensitive signs in the zodiac. It's easily disguised by trying to love everyone. Hey you get rejected no biggie there's always someone else...defense mechanism #1 against rejection. Defense mechanism #2 is being as logical and objective as possible in an attempt to prove that emotions are silly. The truth is Aquarius I believe is just as sensitive as any sensitive sign you could think of. The only way to handle it I'd say is to be in a constant state of thought and detachment.
I think Scorpios particularly the women but the men too seem to have MUCH MUCH better control of how they let their emotions effect them. For me I lack this control. If someone really rattles me it's very difficult to concentrate and find my equilibrium again. I'm just shitty with emotions so I try to avoid it as best I can because I suck at expressing myself in an overly emotional way... My cap girlfriend swears up and down I was born without tear ducts LoL!
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True, Aquas are very sensitive people deep down inside. We also hate dealing with negative emotions so we run if we sense something is going to hurt. It's hard for an aqua to get over & deal with emotional pain. We never forget it & never want to experience it again. That's why its hard for an aqua to open up again after being hurt...we emotionally shut down. No one ever gets that close again.
Hurt me once, shame on you. Hurt me twice, shame on me. That's how it is with some aquas...fear of pain.