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Sep 29, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1419 · Topics: 92
I've asked this before but it's a thing I experienced with the first Scorpio the second Scorpio I'm working with is doing it quite a bit when we are alone together. I find interesting the first scorp she would smile a lot around me around others she didn't.
No I'm not interested in dating the second Scorp she's a married it makes me laugh how the two Scorps have similar behaviors the one behavior that I'm not fond of is when they get scared they will throw you under the bus in a heart beat. All in all I'm using what I learned from the first Scorpio to handle the second one it is knowledge that is being well used.
You Scorpio women are strange that is for sure.
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 348 · Posts: 5327 · Topics: 266
scorpio women are walking punchlines
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Sep 29, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1419 · Topics: 92
I'm not sure what is wrong with her she doesn't give me much eye contact anymore when she does smile at me she's looking down at the ground or not at my eyes. When I started working with her she would give me the Scorpio stare I gave it back she used to have the Scorpio intensity, 6 months later that's gone its funny how Scorpios change when they get comfortable with someone. I'm assuming she still loves her husband I sure hope she does because I don't want to be anymore than friends with her. The first Scorpio did the same thing with me its confusing as phuck you never know what's going on with them I was interested in her.
The biggest problem with a Scorpio is comfortable with you its easy for them to pick fights or things turn upside down easily. There are days I feel like I'm married to the Scorpio I'm working with now I get nagged at and she give's me the look when I haven't done what I said I was going to do.