any chance of a scorpio coming back?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by datboi on Friday, January 6, 2017 and has 21 replies.
Basically what happened is I had a fight with two scorpio friends and it's been around a year since we've last talked. I never blocked their numbers and since the fight neither two have contacted me. It was super awkward too because we sat next to each other in class and ignoring them was difficult and taxing.

My question is - if I contact them now... is there any chance of a rekindling of friendship or should I just forget about it?
btw the fight was over something really stupid and idk I kinda just overreacted. If I reach out to them I would be apologizing.
Posted by datboi
Basically what happened is I had a fight with two scorpio friends and it's been around a year since we've last talked. I never blocked their numbers and since the fight neither two have contacted me. It was super awkward too because we sat next to each other in class and ignoring them was difficult and taxing.

My question is - if I contact them now... is there any chance of a rekindling of friendship or should I just forget about it?
Scorp son fell our with his two best mates, Gemini and Pisces....he was blanking them at school. I talked to him and said friendship was precious..he wanted them to apologize as they had let him down at Halloween. They said sorry and now they are all best mates again....

I would try, at least, to contact them......holding out on each other is never going to solve anything. Be the bigger person and reach out to them
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Good luck on them contacting you.
It is a horrible thing about Scorps isn't it.....that bloody holding out thing Sad

Christ, i have had to heal that in myself big time. I guess it comes when we grow up some?

Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Friendship won't be the same even after contact.
I am not sure. I had a falling out with a friend as i felt she wasn't there for me

We are very close now, but i have learned not to put so much importance on needing people
Posted by blackphase
What about the Gemini? Lol

You seem to piss a lot of people off and overreact from what your post history shows..

10 bucks on Libra Sun or RisingLaughing
over it. i talked with littlenanobyte and i figured out what i needed to do and say. also this is something that happened a year ago not recently.

lets stay on topic here tho i didnt ask about gems did i ?
eh thats fine. id just like to apologize to them to let go of past regrets so if it doesnt work out it doesnt work out. at least i tried?
Once I cut someone off, it usually means I am done. However, depending on how important you were to me, I may be open to opening up lines of communication again, but I will never let you close again.
Posted by blackphase
Posted by datboi
Posted by blackphase
What about the Gemini? Lol

You seem to piss a lot of people off and overreact from what your post history shows..

10 bucks on Libra Sun or RisingLaughing
over it. i talked with littlenanobyte and i figured out what i needed to do and say. also this is something that happened a year ago not recently.

lets stay on topic here tho i didnt ask about gems did i ?
Yeah.. you got Leeb fo sho. Dat attitudeLaughing
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ive also got mars in aries - care to try me? ?
Posted by blackphase
Posted by datboi
Posted by blackphase
Posted by datboi
Posted by blackphase
What about the Gemini? Lol

You seem to piss a lot of people off and overreact from what your post history shows..

10 bucks on Libra Sun or RisingLaughing
over it. i talked with littlenanobyte and i figured out what i needed to do and say. also this is something that happened a year ago not recently.

lets stay on topic here tho i didnt ask about gems did i ?
Yeah.. you got Leeb fo sho. Dat attitudeLaughing
ive also got mars in aries - care to try me? ?
Try what? You barking up a vicious tree little buddy. Lol
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and you have no business planting your gigantic nose into my business.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Good luck on them contacting you.
It is a horrible thing about Scorps isn't it.....that bloody holding out thing Sad

Christ, i have had to heal that in myself big time. I guess it comes when we grow up some?

It all depends how severe it is I've cut a few people in 2016 known one for quite awhile and the other just 2 yrs.
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...but do you ever look at how you respond to issues....i have learned that sometimes i have been too hard on people in the past. I have eased up a lot now (Taurus moon helps though) smile

Where is your moon?
Posted by blackphase
Posted by datboi
Posted by blackphase
Posted by datboi
Posted by blackphase
Posted by datboi
Posted by blackphase
What about the Gemini? Lol

You seem to piss a lot of people off and overreact from what your post history shows..

10 bucks on Libra Sun or RisingLaughing
over it. i talked with littlenanobyte and i figured out what i needed to do and say. also this is something that happened a year ago not recently.

lets stay on topic here tho i didnt ask about gems did i ?
Yeah.. you got Leeb fo sho. Dat attitudeLaughing
ive also got mars in aries - care to try me? ?
Try what? You barking up a vicious tree little buddy. Lol
and you have no business planting your gigantic nose into my business.
Ya came to a public forum.. made a public thread and asked for advice..

And you don't know the size of my nose Tongue

User Submitted Image

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i made a public forum in the scorpio board. do you see gemini anywhere???

it was a figurative way of saying gems cant keep their noses in their own business. its so big it has to creep on other peoples business.
EvoScorp I am curious as well - what is your moonsign?
I'm not a scorpio but I agree with - chances of contacting you again ? Pretty thin , but I guess that if they really cared about you , sure why not .

To be honest I feel that scorpios are way too complicated or moody . If they were more open and go straight to the point instead of acting like a petulant child . Anyway I always believe that the person who makes the first move is the smartest and more mature one . So if you really appreciate them , make the move , if they still act petty , let go of them , you certainly don't need them
Posted by datboi
Posted by blackphase
Posted by datboi
Posted by blackphase
What about the Gemini? Lol

You seem to piss a lot of people off and overreact from what your post history shows..

10 bucks on Libra Sun or RisingLaughing
over it. i talked with littlenanobyte and i figured out what i needed to do and say. also this is something that happened a year ago not recently.

lets stay on topic here tho i didnt ask about gems did i ?
Yeah.. you got Leeb fo sho. Dat attitudeLaughing
ive also got mars in aries - care to try me? ?
click to expand
LMFAOO you remind me of myself when someone tries me. I USE THE SAME FACES


I didn't really read through this but I mean.. Why wouldn't he forgive you, you ARE

dat Boi
I have sag Mars rising and moon tho
:/ I'm not contributing to this thread in the right way sorrynotsorry
we have pride but we're loyal so if they still love you theyll come around once you appreciate them and apologize