Are the Scorpio eye legends true?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by firesignsunite on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 and has 6 replies.
I'm sure there was threads like this before
but I'm curious
what makes your eyes so different than fire,earth,and air signs?
Post some pictures of dem eyes
I need some proof yo that those scorpio eye myths aint bullshit

This is probably the best (although dated) photograph I have of my eyes. Although, this thread may not be concrete enough proof to you because you would not realize the special quality about our eyes through a picture. It's something significant about our eyes when we're really staring or gazing directly at you which would help you realize there is truth in the classic, or as you would say "legendary" set of Scorpio eyes.
Posted by sand
Hypnotic. Whats ur asc and moon meow?

Ascendant is Aries, moon is Scorpio! smile
Lack a picture at the moment but you can see my eyes in my avatar pic. smile
User Submitted Image crap idk how to do this
^Funny you should say that. I have a friend who calls a certain look that I give people "The Medusa". Most times I don't even know I doing it until she says "Stop giving me or (enter person's name here) "The Medusa"."