Are we scorp women intimidating to other women?
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I don't know if this is a scorp woman thing or an individual thing, but I have had girlfriends of exes even a wife of an ex fiance be jealous or intimidated by me, even years after the break up. Even when my scorp's prior female friend (aqua)until this day is like that. She asks people who know me if I am prettier than her, have bigger boobs, but what she even asked the scorp that. He was mean enough to tell her he doesn't and didn't look at her the way he looks at me. It is deeper than all the physical (he didn't tell me this but someone she told told me).
My ex fiance' and I were very close to this one couple whom I am still pretty close to the wife and he to the husband. She constantly tells me little stories about how his wife (they married after me and my ex husband did)constantl asks questions about me (mind you we have never seen eachother or met) they got togehter a few years after we broke up. She said the wife even stopped being friends with her once she found out we were still good friends.
I find this wierd and unnerving. As I am not the envious type and yes I am very confident and know that I am attractive, however I am a woman who has no problem giving another woman a compliment or even acknowledging how beautiful another woman is. I have never been intimidated by any woman and don't understand why any woman should be of another. Everyone is unique and has their own special thing.
Thoughts? comments? Anyone?
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
I doubt it has as much to do with being a Scorp as it does with the way you in particular carry yourself. When you exude confidence, less self-assured women might become more self-conscious.
I wouldn't label myself as intimidating, although I am generally confident in myself, my beauty, and overall capabilities.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Hmmm, is that it? I don't know if intimidating is correct but they sure feel less confident even after I am long gone which baffles me. Even my ex husbands g/f. I am like what the hell are they telling these women about me? It can't be good since I did all the breaking up. I donno.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
I do think its your demeanor. You even online give off a vibe of "man eater".
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
Women can be so petty.
Sometimes they stare you down and give you nasty looks. Unnecessary.
I avoid staring. Normally, I will tell you if I admire your hair, dress, shoes, etc. I am comfortable enough in my femininity and sexuality to do that. A lot of women aren't. My friends are like that too.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
What's a man-eater?
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
LMAO!!! Really??? Maybe even men have told me they were intimidated to approach me after they finally got the nerve and talked to me they saw how cool and down to earth I was. I hate that demeanor!!! What is it please explain. I hate that seriously. Maybe that is why I am still single. LOL!! A man might stare a hole through me but very few approach me out of all the glaring eyes.
So LM what is it? I have asked my male friends this questiona and some said I just have a confidence that makes people feel they might not be good enough to talk to me or some lame shit like that. I donno, but I don't like it because I am very social and love people...
However once a person gets to know me THEY LOVE ME for a very long time. 
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
What about the people who have never met me? That is the wierdest...
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Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
In response to the title...No.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Well maybe it is just me... I don't like it though.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
Well, like you said you've always been the one to leave them. It is an air of confidence. You take what you want and move on when your ready. You come off highly sexual as well.
It could not just be you they have a problem with, but they can also not trust their men around such a force.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
Theres not anything wrong with it, especially since your not that type of person. All in all, you weed out the meek.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
But these are men that I am no longer involved with on any level. These aren't the exes that I am still friends with. Sexual? Really? In my picture or how I talk on the forum? I am very blunt and open. So I just say what I truly think and mean. And hell, I am a scorp so sex is always an interesting topic... LOL!!!
A sport I admit I do enjoy emensely Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
The only problem I have is how it makes others feel. I don't like it especially the men. I guess if they let an appearance or air send them off then they aren't man enough for me anyway.
Even the scorp when he first approached me said: "I don't care if I have to pick my face up off the ground afterwards but I had to say something to you. Hello, my name is and you are a beautiful woman. I have been watching you walk by here for months now when you get off the train and I had to speak, then he began to follow me to my car and wait for me to get off the train for weeks until I finally gave him my number. Persistant scorps... Damn. But that is what I am talking about a person should always go after an interest.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
lol, yes your forum talk.
Do you think these men are still thinking of you? Maybe the ladies sense a little pining going on for you with their men.
They could be comparing themselves with you and finding they may be the total opposite and wonder what their men see in them. Its definitely insecurity, but all women tend to ask the 'why me?' question.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***attractive in almost a scary kind of way. ***
In a scary kind of way??? LOL!!!
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Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
"I personally think no women will feel completely comfortable leaving their man alone with a Scorpio woman." my experience, no woman I've known has felt comfortable leaving their man with me. They've even told me that to my face.
I just think it's the confidence you exude...but then again, I DO have scorp in me. I still think it's the confidence.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***They could be comparing themselves with you and finding they may be the total opposite and wonder what their men see in them. Its definitely insecurity, but all women tend to ask the 'why me?' question.***
LOL!! Okay I think that is stupid if that is true. Who cares I am never going to be with them again.
I never give a hoot about anyone's exes. My ex husband's daughter's mother didn't know how to deal witht the fact that I was so nice to her and how her daughter took to me, she even told her daughter I was trying to still her away from her. LOL!!! Wierd. I hate unnecessary drama. Uggghhh!
***Do you think these men are still thinking of you? Maybe the ladies sense a little pining going on for you with their men.***
I should hope not years and years later.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
I take it as a compliment, but it does suck since its a hindrance on meeting new people and making even plain old friends.
Its a woman thing to size one another up regardless of what you look and act like. Its sad though.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
I was referring to QS' comment, but I equate it to confidence if Im told Im intimidating and I feel as if Im not.
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Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
"For many, confidence tends to attract people, in a positive way...not repel them."
It attracts men and repels women. I know a lot of women dont like me yet I pretty much keep to myself. I get along better with men. It's a combination of beauty and confidence. If other women consider you beautiful or you have looks men find appealing, you'll naturally repel the competition.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Is that is newbie? I have ALWAYS had more male friends than female since I was in grammer school... My female friends are like my sisters. They are TRUE, males are so much easier to get along with, you can learn so much from them about men. I enjoy that the most sometimes they get so comfortable with me around they some things about women and I have to remind them I am a woman and I am present. They laugh it off and are like yeah but you are our buddy... It is different. Yeah right!
JD, got it... Wow, a scorp used those same words as it related to him getting closer to me and never being able to return. Funny.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
I honestly don't think I intimidate anyone, men or women. I don't see why I would. I do my thing, and I don't really bother anyone else.
Yes, I am a pretty girl, but I have yet to meet a woman who didn't trust me, specifically, around her guy.
I've always been the girl-next-door type. The one that all the guys thought was laid back and, loads and fun, and full of laughs, once they got to know me. Otherwise, I tend to be bashful, especially at first.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
""I've never really had women dislike me, other than in elementary and Junior high school,...""
On the rare occasion that someone dislikes me, those around us tend to wonder what is THEIR problem, lol. If ever I get self-consious of how I'll come off to others, my friends say, "Relaaaax! Everyone loves Notso!"
The only thing that gets me into trouble with folks is my sense of humor. Some find me a little TOO silly, once I've opened up. Everything is not for everyone, I guess.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
The last time a woman didn't like me, it was because I didn't get her a Christmas present (nevermind that she hadn't gotten me one either, lol). She apparently had the notion that we were friends, and that I owed her something. From where she deduced this, I have no idea.
Also, I have a bad habit of being passive, which causes problems. Because when I get tired of being passive and eventually assert my wants and needs, the other party is taken aback (and understandably so), which can lead to confusion, subtle tension, and an overall atmosphere of discomfort. I am learing it is best to speak up when an issue first arises. It helps in the long run.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
"Also, I have a bad habit of being passive, which causes problems. Because when I get tired of being passive and eventually assert my wants and needs, the other party is taken aback (and understandably so), which can lead to confusion, subtle tension, and an overall atmosphere of discomfort. I am learing it is best to speak up when an issue first arises. It helps in the long run."
same here! When I blowup, watch out! I dont like being mean, but I do think I should voice my feelings before I let it get to that point.
Women dont hate me, because Im pretty low key. I steer clear of women regardless, b/c Im not into hating for no reason (when I had alot of female friends in HS thats what they spent most of their time doing which was a total drain on me.). BUT Ive been told by guys that I give off the intimidating vibe. I think its b/c I dont talk alot and go about my business without paying too much mind to anything else.
yes i am intimidating to other women, and sometimes i do it deliberately, becoz i'm very choosy when it comes to allowing people entry into my universe. LOL. i am scorpio sun and scorpio moon and it takes a long time for me to warm up to people. but my gemini ascendant and saggitarius mercury neutralizes my scorpio-ness so i can easily switch to "friendly" and "approachable" mode anytime i want to, especially if the situation calls for it like in a work environment. but i have noticed that i click with scorpio women instantly, maybe there is a subconscious recognition that she is the same as me in a lot of things.
ah i have to add that i have lots of male friends, and i like them becoz they see me as an equal. sometimes i even think that i prefer their company, especially if the women around are so shallow.
some women don't like me becoz they see me as aloof. they don't know that i just don't want to be close to them that's why im putting up the barrier, and i am a very private person. being true to my scorpio nature, after just a short time of knowing a person i tend to know more about him/her than he/she does about herself. LOL.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
I don't find Scorp women intimidating, but then I don't have self-esteem or jealousy issues. Some of my closest female friends are Scorps. I can see how others might be put off, though. Not just other women either. I've seen my friends intimidate men on many occasions. lol
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"Sometimes they stare you down and give you nasty looks. Unnecessary."
I HATE THIS! Women do this to me all the time. At least when men are checking you out, they usually have the decency to try and hide it (well, except for the construction workers by my house who also feel the need to voice at the top of their lungs their opinion when I walk by...
When women pull this shit, though, it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. You'd think there's a man shortage or something! And there's obviously not, because some of the most unattractive, bitchiest women I've ever met in my life somehow found some poor sap to manipulate into marrying them.
If you are pretty and confident, forget it! Other women will hate you on sight. Especially the kind who just can't seem to fend for themselves, and their only hope is to get a man to take care of them *eyeroll* It's their only hope for survival, you see, and you are a THREAT...cause you're WAY hotter. lol
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Well I will give a women a compliments about what she is wearing, her hair, shoes, etc, but tell another women she looks good I can't do that I am not into building up up other people confidence,especially another women...she should have confidence enought to know that she is attactive, and don't need another to tell her that. I will tell a man how handsome and sexy he is.
"I don't need a women to tell me I am attractive, I have the men to do that"
I have purposely intimidated other people, just for the joy of doing because I saw a weakness and I used it to my advantage, but on a constant no. Women don't intimidate me because I can spot of fake women just hearing her talk.
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
chocolate!!!!! How the hell are you....What's going on? 
"You gotta stand up to them like in front of a rabid dog. They can sniff the fear on don't show 'em any."
LMAO...that's the joy of intimidation...seeing the fear...LOL Signed Up:
Oct 18, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2502 · Topics: 29
hey QS,
maybe those ladies want you 
I do find them intimidating.... Sometimes, when I am joking around, (this has happened the times atleast) harmless jokes and these two bitches bit my head off. It was very very hurtful, because their reaction was way too strong
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Nov 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 819 · Topics: 41
I occasionally have friends compete with me, get jealous of me, and I find it difficult to deal with.
I often feel like screaming at these people "I worked my ass off for everything I have -- my master's degree, my two cute kids, my home. So get a fucking life!"
But I don't, thanks to my Mercury in Libra
If you work hard enough for something, and want it, you will get it, it's just a matter of time -- whether it's a good man, or a job, or whatever. So I don't understand women competing with each other, I really don't. The pettiness depresses me, actually. Signed Up:
Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"guys do it too. . . .competing is so dumb if you ask me, but hey whatever"
PP, gay men are JUST AS BAD as women in this area! Honestly, my gay male friends are even cattier than my straight female friends.
They also believe that every straight man who flirts with me is secretly gay and was really flirting with them, but that's another thread. 
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
I know you were messin, PP
It doesn't matter anyway. I wouldn't trade my gay friends for all the gold in Christendom. I still love them, even when they criticize my outfits. lol Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***Insecure people purposely try to intimidate another, to feel better about themselves.***
I have no idea if this is true or not as I am very confident and I hate the fact that others my be intimidated by me. I hate it.
***QS just the way you speak (type LOL) and seeing your photos shows me you have all the best qualities that a woman should have, to complete herself as a whole person.***
Oh, KG! You are so sweet to say that. LOL!!! This might be good as a woman but it sure makes it hard when men think you are intimidating or too good for you. However, if they think you are too good, you probably are.
***I do find them intimidating.... Sometimes, when I am joking around, (this has happened the times atleast) harmless jokes and these two cookiemonsteres bit my head off. It was very very hurtful, because their reaction was way too strong***
Are you sure it isn't just our bluntness. We can come off as aggressive with our brutal honesty.
BTW, I just came from a long fabulous weekend in Atlanta, GA. Great time! and S_R a girl did hit on me at a party. I warned her she was barking up the wrong tree. LOL!!!
However, I have more male friends than female friends as well and my female friends the few I have, not the associates, love and respect me for who I am period, my confidence, bluntness and my undying friendship
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I am very comfortable in my skin. Hard to get embarrassed and I can just about be comfortable with anyone. Hmmm, why would that intimidate anyone. I have been told my expression makes me look stuck up, until I open my mouth and have a conversation with someone. LOL!!!!
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
""...and I hate the fact that others my be intimidated by me. I hate it.""
I can't explain why exactly, but I don't sense this.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Regardless of what you sense, I don't think anyone should be intimidated by anyone else. No woman or man intimidate me no matter how much they know, how they look, or how much money they make. Why? Because they aren't me. There is only one me and I am unique. I guess that is how I think others should feel. To know they are the only them and that makes them special.
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Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
"I can't explain why exactly, but I don't sense this."
I believe this to be true. I am a scorpio woman and other women can not stand me especially around their men. I am a loner and keep to myself but some how they still have something to say. Most of my friends are males because, there is no drama with them and we can have real conversations but the few female friends that I do have are true friends. They have been riding with me since the beginning. I don't know what it is about us that makes other females feel threatned, but at the same time I have met a lot of men who are also intimdated by scorpio women and choke up when they try to talk to them. I just feel we are very mysterious and beautiful all together no matter the color, shape or size we are that is what makes us so different and unique compared to the other signs. We don't reveal too much about ourselves and our emotions are hidden. Which can understandable put off some people especially if a person is trying to get to know you.
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Aug 09, 2014Comments: 17 · Posts: 1335 · Topics: 35
YES from my experience I have been envied since high school from women and it escalated to work.
1. We are naturally confident
2. tomboys so we get along with men better because we are aloof and private
3. sex appeal is a given
4. intelligent
5. men literally become obsessed with us for years ( I still have an ex of 5 years ago try to get back with me lol)
6. we know what we want (career, mate, etc )
7. honest and loyal
I have realized a lot of women are insecure and they will try to talk down on a confident woman who knows herself. They end up showing their insecurities and vulnerability on not feeling good enough or trying to hard for a man.
With me it is always what you see is what you get and when a guy feels like he is irreplaceable I drop him. We are man eaters because we know the secret to getting a man to worship you is to put him in his place and act like you don't need him.

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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
Some Scorpios seem to try to be intimidating, but I will say there was one Scorpio that I use to work with that REALLY had a presence. She had an inner strength that was very real...nothing fake about it, and I'm one for not paying too much attention to people, but she was one of the first to really make me take notice. It was nothing that was flaunted, just as if she knew exactly who she was and exactly what she was capable of. She was young too, which was even more impressive.
Besides her, the only other person I've ever come in contact with whose presence was strong like that and threw me off a bit was a Leo at the same job. Both were very very strong and secure girls. I don't find or see that in many people.
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
That something radiating from within that's saying "I know exactly who I am."