my daddy is a doctor and yeah
Hmmm my holeeeee....ha! on occasion I supposse i would
moon sign is Leo..favorite color today isssssss AQUA
I love capricorns...they are always my best friends...taurus men always want me....libras are great....virgos? not sure about them
in love with Taurus, aries and Leo before
ive never dealt with pisces much hmmm
yellow is a very happy color you must be a happy person
@lovlilioness....absoluetly. First of all the reason you got a text was because he didnt want to do it to your face. He may have had a bad day or tried to actually get a rise out of you. Maybe he wants attention? Sometimes scorpios do messed up stuff like that wehen they are young. When they get older they dont want games....I bet for sure there is another shot for you. did you do something that offended him? usually the only thing that would make me brea k up with someone is lies and disloyaty
Compliments how do you feel about them?
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 348 · Posts: 5328 · Topics: 266
if you're here, who's running hell?