ask me anything :) im a scorpio woman

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ellynac on Sunday, May 29, 2016 and has 26 replies.
I am scorpio every way you look at it...ask anything smile
Straight Face
my daddy is a doctor and yeah
Hmmm my holeeeee....ha! on occasion I supposse i would
moon sign is Leo..favorite color today isssssss AQUA
I dont know, Im a scorpio chicka smile but I would think passion, loyalty would be at the top of the list
I love capricorns...they are always my best friends...taurus men always want me....libras are great....virgos? not sure about them
in love with Taurus, aries and Leo before
Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by ellynac

Good, take my keys and finish my beer. Drive me home chicka.
click to expand

Whoa, what kind of Texan let's someone finish his beer?!
ive never dealt with pisces much hmmm
yellow is a very happy color you must be a happy person
Posted by ellynac
I am scorpio every way you look at it...ask anything smile

Well already have a thread just like this scroll down and you'll see. Pages and pages.
Posted by firebunny
Straight Face

Posted by exxtasyx
Do you like your booty hole being licked? xoxox

Who doesnt..
@lovlilioness....absoluetly. First of all the reason you got a text was because he didnt want to do it to your face. He may have had a bad day or tried to actually get a rise out of you. Maybe he wants attention? Sometimes scorpios do messed up stuff like that wehen they are young. When they get older they dont want games....I bet for sure there is another shot for you. did you do something that offended him? usually the only thing that would make me brea k up with someone is lies and disloyaty
Posted by ellynac
I dont know, Im a scorpio chicka smile but I would think passion, loyalty would be at the top of the list

I told you on the other thread you can take care of me since the other Bull MIA you. Haha what you waiting for. A Written invitation?
Posted by lovinglioness1115
@ellynac My Scorpio ex broke up with me over text because he felt that we weren't compatibile, and I was dumb and showed him that I was too emotionally attached to agree to break up, but he ignored my last texts pleading with him to not do this. Then he texted me two weeks later and said "Hey, how have you been?" and I gave him the cold shoulder and he blocked me on Facebook the next day. Is there any chance of us at least becoming friends? I know you're not a guy, but I'd love to know how you view this.

Oh here is some advice needed to be given..
Compliments how do you feel about them?
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
User Submitted Image

Who peed in your trixs?
Posted by sunkisses26
my favorite color is yellow ...I'm left handed...I have been in love with a favorite signs are virgos and pisces

Thank god someone said pisces... Big Grin
Actually wanted to know few abt pisces scorpio relationship.. Bt I think nobody here been with pisces.. Big Grin
if you're here, who's running hell?
Posted by sunkisses26
Posted by ToxicSlayers
Posted by sunkisses26
my favorite color is yellow ...I'm left handed...I have been in love with a favorite signs are virgos and pisces

Thank god someone said pisces... Big Grin
Actually wanted to know few abt pisces scorpio relationship.. Bt I think nobody here been with pisces.. Big Grin

lol Big Grin I am a cancer not scorpio ...but I do have a Scorpio moon does that count ?
click to expand

And I have cancer moon.. Big Grin
I see too much compatibily in our chat.. :p :p
Haha sure knowing abt Cancer & pisces from scorpio section would be bonus... Winking