This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by R1g0rM0rT1s on Friday, April 27, 2012 and has 10 replies.
......has to be the biggest pile of shit i have EVER encountered. should carry an emotional health warning!! if you wanna indulge in rejection and remove yourself from blame, it's AWESOME....but if you want to see CLEARLY what is going on with your relationship or what went's mostly complete and utter drivel.
these are the reasons i have formed this opinion and i admit that i've done more that my fair share of whingeing and whining about a certain leo but i'm a jew and it's in my, get over it, lol:
1. you only get one side of the story for a start! it's full of advice on how to deal with the ridiculously titled 'assclowns' but it doesn't factor in the fact that perhaps he's 'unavailable' cos you've been stalking him for 6 months!!
2. it absolves you from blame for everything going wrong in a relationship...cos that's what women do...blame themselves cos they're kinda programmed to and this website has a similar appeal to women of low self-esteem as organised religion has on people in general.
3. it delays recovery if things have been going wrong. all the time you should be moving on and getting it from a fresh source is WASTED in indulging in a whole load of demeaning claptrap. THIS SITE MAKES WOMEN LOOK AND FEEL LIKE DOORMATS!! self-helpy things ALWAYS hook you in with that angle...playing on guilt and insecurities and it's a very lucrative deal..they laugh all the way to the bank with this stuff.
the fact of the matter is that men just aren't that complicated!! having four brothers, been in the army and worked in male dominated environments, i know this for a fact.
they can't communicate stuff but that's all women want!! the problem is that they have to walk on eggshells cos they're kind of damned whatever they say to when being asked if your ass looks big in something!!
DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME LADIES. if it aint broke, don't fix it and if it is....just leave it alone and walk away smile
what's the point of adding sexual frustration to your miseries, LOL!!
yeah bling, i admire that ability to self-promote.
I've always been interested in how many 'self help gurus' on relationship were actually in one? many were desperately and morbidly obese in their mothers many were bitter and hateful people turning the vacuum to *super suck* so they could pull as many rats down with the ship as they many sat there twirling a teddy bears ribbon while they typed questionable many put something down because it 'sounded great'..and how many thought they couldn't tap out honesty because someones widdle PC feewings might get hurteded.
True. Verrah true. LOL Damned lemmings.
Valiantly standing at the cliffs edge with a wheetabix outstretched? Hahaha.
LMAO Paper is so stylish I find, it goes with the shopping trolley. Tongue
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Ooh, verreh urban-chic, dahlink!

Why thank you evah so Biff!