Posted by Rabbit
Do not look between the mattress and box spring.
Posted by piscesmoon2
I had a Pisces x do the same thing... and an aqua... It always shocked me because my place would just look so different after words... normally this is about when they wanted to start living with me though... or basically did... are you falling for him more...
and don't forget the bday sex... guys feel neglected if they don't get it...
Posted by LouLore
Didn't find anything under the bed :/
He has some boxes in his closet but I'm not interested in looking through them, that is too snoopy. :p
Posted by GetMisted
To me, on and off means it'll never be. If past relationships have taught me anything, it's that once one calls it quits, every attempt after is failure.
If two people get back together, one is trying to do something better. But it should have been done a long time ago. And if it wasn't, commucation failed somewhere which lead to the initial break up to begin with.
I realise this has nothing to do with your thread, but it stuck out like a sore thumb.
The scorp man will do those these because he wants to, without being told do, and do them when you least expect him to. If you expect it, he won't. If he never does it, he's just not into you.
Posted by shellshockerPosted by LouLore
Didn't find anything under the bed :/
He has some boxes in his closet but I'm not interested in looking through them, that is too snoopy. :p
That's funny, I'm not a snooper either.
One time, my Pisces left a Valentines note for me in his room. He looked at it and walked out. I didn't move. He came back in, picked it up... glared at me and threw it back on the desk before leaving again. That's when I read it and put it in my bag.
I texted him and confessed I "stole" it later when I got home, lol. We were so shy back thenclick to expand
Posted by djbuck1
I had a GF who was a "cleaner." I told her, "I don't care where else you clean, but stay out of my bedroom." There was nothing illicit in there, and ntohing she couldn't see. I just didn't want her pawing over my stuff and (far worse) moving it! I know where my schmick is, and I want to keep it that way, not have to go looking.
Posted by djbuck1
I had a GF who was a "cleaner." I told her, "I don't care where else you clean, but stay out of my bedroom." There was nothing illicit in there, and ntohing she couldn't see. I just didn't want her pawing over my stuff and (far worse) moving it! I know where my schmick is, and I want to keep it that way, not have to go looking.
Posted by FrostAndBite
Aw so sweet. You two totally have that Pisces/Scorpio connection.
I find with scorp men their way of expressing devotion changes over time.
The first six months it was cute, sweet and witty gestures/presents.
The next year it was personalized dates or ideas of things to do together, trying to find hobbies we could do together.
Lately it's been more long term things or financial sort of investments. As mine has started to nest he likes to surprise me with furniture pieces he thinks I would like. When we bought our house he remodeled the kitchen knowing that it's my most prized room and he held it hostage so I couldn't see it till it was done. Not to mention he picked every color and every texture out perfectly even though a few choice contradicted the opinion of *gasp* his mother.
I would think he will start blossoming more in that way once things feel more secure/stable for him.