Cleaning his room

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by LouLore on Thursday, November 7, 2013 and has 14 replies.
It's been a tough year of breaking up and making up with the BF and I... But every time we come back together we become closer, and things feel pretty good right now.
I'm cleaning his room today while he's at work for his birthday. I like folding his clothes, matching his socks. I feel a little bit wifey and I like it. It feels good to admire his taste, where he puts things, the fact that he trusts me with his personal space.
Can anyone relate?
His roommate mentioned that my service will pay off in the long run.. That he will do sweet things for me too. He is quite sweet, but I'd love to see something like this from him. Does your scorp do thoughtful things for you?
Any who, just thought I'd post. I've taken a break from cleaning, and now I must go back to dusting. smile
Haha! Yes smile I have once before.
He will drop it into conversation jokingly for like a week until I'm like Fine! Ill clean it! .. But I'm using this as his bday present :p
If he didn't know... My post would sound really creepy!! Lol. The wifey part anyways.
I had a Pisces x do the same thing... and an aqua... It always shocked me because my place would just look so different after words... normally this is about when they wanted to start living with me though... or basically did... are you falling for him more...
and don't forget the bday sex... guys feel neglected if they don't get it...
Posted by Rabbit
Do not look between the mattress and box spring.

Oh my god. I can't believe I didn't think of this. I've finished cleaning and am now eating his food and watching cable lol. I am so going to look!!
He always asks me when I'm here alone if I've snooped and found anything. I never snoop, but even cleaning I never find anything unusual.
This is genius. Will report back with findings.
Posted by piscesmoon2
I had a Pisces x do the same thing... and an aqua... It always shocked me because my place would just look so different after words... normally this is about when they wanted to start living with me though... or basically did... are you falling for him more...
and don't forget the bday sex... guys feel neglected if they don't get it...

See I'm nervous to fall *too* hard right now because we've been so on and off.. But it's never for more than 2 weeks at most.. And it basically just shows we can't stay away from each other.. So idk, I go back and forth with this.
But, we've been using the L word a little lately.. After 2.5 years!
I think about living with him.. But I believe he is more hesitant than I am. We've both agreed we can see each other in our long term future.
So we will see smile

Didn't find anything under the bed :/
He has some boxes in his closet but I'm not interested in looking through them, that is too snoopy. :p
Yes... I love cleaning and especially for those that I care about. I did that for my ex, although I had no idea it would take me so long, it took me 4 hours. Once I start, and I see that drawers are sloppy and not organized, I have to take everything out and re-fold, color coordinate the clothes in the closet....
I also cleaned for my aries bestie. I never snooped though, I would feel too guilty. The person is trusting you to clean their home, room...whatever, why violate that trust.
Bottom line... there is nothing like cleaning with a glass of wine, taking your sweet time and listening to some awesome tunes. :-)
Posted by LouLore
Didn't find anything under the bed :/
He has some boxes in his closet but I'm not interested in looking through them, that is too snoopy. :p

That's funny, I'm not a snooper either.
One time, my Pisces left a Valentines note for me in his room. He looked at it and walked out. I didn't move. He came back in, picked it up... glared at me and threw it back on the desk before leaving again. That's when I read it and put it in my bag.
I texted him and confessed I "stole" it later when I got home, lol. We were so shy back then
Posted by GetMisted
To me, on and off means it'll never be. If past relationships have taught me anything, it's that once one calls it quits, every attempt after is failure.
If two people get back together, one is trying to do something better. But it should have been done a long time ago. And if it wasn't, commucation failed somewhere which lead to the initial break up to begin with.
I realise this has nothing to do with your thread, but it stuck out like a sore thumb.
The scorp man will do those these because he wants to, without being told do, and do them when you least expect him to. If you expect it, he won't. If he never does it, he's just not into you.

I have believed the same. In my past relationships I have never fully went back to someone after the relationship ended.
With my current, each and every time we were both willing to consider it a committed relationship when we "made up" ... And I will say, I think that most of the breakups only happened because our communication did suck.. And when it came time to evaluate some part of the relationship.. We would both get defensive and call it quits. And then two days later it'd be back to normal.
All the splitting and getting back together may have caused some issues underneath it all, but I know that I'm willing to try to make it all good as time goes on so we will see how it all works out. I think that it's promising we are using the L word more.. When in the past we were both so shy with each other about that kind of stuff.
I appreciate your input smile
Posted by shellshocker
Posted by LouLore
Didn't find anything under the bed :/
He has some boxes in his closet but I'm not interested in looking through them, that is too snoopy. :p

That's funny, I'm not a snooper either.
One time, my Pisces left a Valentines note for me in his room. He looked at it and walked out. I didn't move. He came back in, picked it up... glared at me and threw it back on the desk before leaving again. That's when I read it and put it in my bag.
I texted him and confessed I "stole" it later when I got home, lol. We were so shy back then
click to expand

That's so cute! smile
What sign are you shell shocker?
Posted by djbuck1
I had a GF who was a "cleaner." I told her, "I don't care where else you clean, but stay out of my bedroom." There was nothing illicit in there, and ntohing she couldn't see. I just didn't want her pawing over my stuff and (far worse) moving it! I know where my schmick is, and I want to keep it that way, not have to go looking.

Aw yea I'd be the same in that all my stuff has a specific place. Fortunately he doesn't have much stuff and is quite organized so I just had to do a LOT of clothes folding and dusting is about all :p
You're a pisces too, right Djbuck?
Posted by djbuck1
I had a GF who was a "cleaner." I told her, "I don't care where else you clean, but stay out of my bedroom." There was nothing illicit in there, and ntohing she couldn't see. I just didn't want her pawing over my stuff and (far worse) moving it! I know where my schmick is, and I want to keep it that way, not have to go looking.

I know the feeling. I don't have things to hide, but when people start moving my stuff, and worse, throwing things away without asking, it really ticks me off. I know where everything is and it even messes with my head when only I'm the one cleaning. Guess I'm glad I will be the one doing the cleaning as a wife.
Posted by FrostAndBite
Aw so sweet. You two totally have that Pisces/Scorpio connection.
I find with scorp men their way of expressing devotion changes over time.
The first six months it was cute, sweet and witty gestures/presents.
The next year it was personalized dates or ideas of things to do together, trying to find hobbies we could do together.
Lately it's been more long term things or financial sort of investments. As mine has started to nest he likes to surprise me with furniture pieces he thinks I would like. When we bought our house he remodeled the kitchen knowing that it's my most prized room and he held it hostage so I couldn't see it till it was done. Not to mention he picked every color and every texture out perfectly even though a few choice contradicted the opinion of *gasp* his mother.
I would think he will start blossoming more in that way once things feel more secure/stable for him.

Wow this is exactly like my scorpio dad. He actually just got done having the kitchen remodeled for my mother. All good things to know for when I marry my scorp.