So confused. Scorp and i had a talk. We are believers and we wanna do things the wright way. And we both agreed on rushing with the sex was bothering us. So we agreed that we should leave that part for now. But we talked about where we stand now.
He says: i never had this connection with anyone and we are not just friends. For him this feelings are still new whil i had them already since summer.
And he is honest bout the fact that he is not looking for a relationship now.
And i know this: he has physical,financial issues and is still overcoming things from the past.
However i told him too that im in love and dont see him as just a good friend and that i dont consider myself single.
Weird is: he agreed and that there doesnt havent to change anything only that we shouldnt do that anymore because what if all this doesnt work out then we'll both be hurt
We still kiss and cuddle and he says that the bond we have is special and that im special to him
But......i think ahead. I wanna see where this goes. You guys think this is a rejection or a step forward. Somehow it feels like both to me. Im not sad im just a bit confused. Im gonna talk to him anyway today. Just was curious what you would say
I know there is no other woman and i dont see that happening either.
Thats not it
Btw .......maybe a funny and sweet i made a joke....i dont even remember what it was. He laughed before bout things i do but.....this giggle. Ive never seen him giggle like this. Hahaahahah -_- wich offcourse made him even more adorable ....but that giggle O_O he looked at me, gave me a hugg and giggled almost his pants of. Upside.....never a boring moment with him. Its like a rollercoaster ride.
Hahahaha @irrestisablescorp i hardly saw any typos hahaha i think i owe you a sorry for mine hahahaa there a couple of them in my post