So... On Thursday I wanted to see scorp so we made a plan and I ended up waiting for him for 2 hours. So I messaged him saying I would see him another time (because i was upset) . He said "I wanna see you" So I said another time. He put a sad smiley.
I called him an hr later and said I really wanted to see you and i was waiting for 2 hours. He said "I know". Then he said I know what I'm going to do.
I went out dancing with a friend and 2 hours after that scorp calls me and he asks where are you. and that he had been driving up and down looking for roses to surprise me with but couldnt find any.
so i begin to tell him i just cant deal with this, he's so complicated etc etc because it had been a while that i was trying to see him and he just didnt seem to want to see me.
i sent him a message after i came home saying that he should have told me that he wasnt emotionally available and that i did not deserve how he treated me, hiding thing, lying not putting out effort etc and that i wished him all the best and hope he finds what he's looking for.
he didn't respond and it has been 5 days.
i saw him at work and i said hi and he gave me a soft intense only for me look and said hi.
still no contact, no response, nothing.
has he lost interest and just didnt want to tell me?
Signed Up:
Dec 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 493 · Topics: 51
Going through the same thing! Anxious to see answers.
Games, tests and lust?
What does that mean?
I see what you're saying about upper hand..
But what i want to understand is why not respond even to say "ok whatever, have a nice life"
i mean doesnt he think it would be an obvious lie about the roses?
When he came into my office suite, at first he walked really far away from my desk like he wanted to avoid me.
And at first i was ignoring him but then i said hi and he seemed like he was coming over to me and he just responded saying hi.
and then he seemed more normal after that.
the times before i have ended it, and he would message back saying i want the relationship etc.
so him not responding now, does it mean he's like whatever it's done?
and then no contact or anything 5 days in??
so how would i know he's still interested esp since he didn't respond to that last text?
So him not responding this time is a pretty good sign that he's done.
why not respond then and say, fine see ya?
i will has been my gem tendency to be back and forth ...
i would usually try to sort things out after tho..and i havent messaged or called..
him not responding is leaving it open-ended...or is it final?
Signed Up:
Jun 20, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 3847 · Topics: 1
He was looking for roses... Oh look, he didn't find any... Funny that... All words no action. As the others say, it's all crap. If you ended it then end it. Just because he didn't text back 'ok' it doesn't mean anything.
Saw Scorp today...
he came into my work suite and he walked past as usual, then he stopped a little way from my desk and his body was turned towards me and i was about to say hi and when i looked at his face his eyes were averted so i didn't say anything...
i wanted to reach out but he just had on a blank expression as usual.
why are you scorps so good with the blank expressions?!!
you are so hard to read!!
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Blank expression = no reaction to you = move on.
Just an interpretation as a nonscorpio, on the outside looking in.
Soo...I called scorp on thursday and he was very receptive asking me how I was. He seemed really attentive. We chatted for a bit and he asked me "what do you want" so i asked in terms of what? and he asked if i still wanted to try me and him or if i was done. So i told him that for me, i needed to see him more and that wouldnt change for me. and that i suppose him being busy all the time and not needing to see the person he was with wasnt something that would change.
to which he may be surprised.
I told him i still liked him that that hadn't changed.
so later on at like 12am he messaged me saying "hi".
the next day neither of us spoke to each other.
then yesterday he messaged me saying " r u"
and there has been nothing since..i havent messaged him and he hasnt messaged me.
he seemed to be still wanting a relationship with what is he waiting for? why is he sitting on his laurels?
Signed Up:
Dec 17, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1295 · Topics: 10
why do you keep calling him initiating?
Honey, hes gaming you. he enjoys fucking with your emotions he's feeding off it and humiliating you. I would be more worried about my reputation at work. The fact he avoided you now this game? He sounds very immature and what hes doing is cruel Im sure its hard to see from your vantage point but maybe you should consider to put a self protection/self respect suit on.
Signed Up:
Oct 15, 2012Comments: 13 · Posts: 775 · Topics: 0
Good lord. There's nothing confusing about his behaviour...stop allowing him to be the puppet master.
Find someone else who is at least decent or take the time to work on yourself so that in future you won't put up with such disrespectful behaviour.
Signed Up:
Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Midnight calls/texts? Fishing.
Also disrespectful.