I myself am a Scorpio woman and have very recently started dating a Scorpio man. This is the first time that I have ever done this and as a typical Scorpio I have been trying to find out as much information as I possibly can. I feel like there is a real potential there but sometimes I can be quite guarded and even briefly unresponsive to him without meaning/wanting to be. I just have a hard time trusting people and believing that they're genuine and I like to quickly figure out as much as I can about their emotions and motives without them knowing, in order to protect myself and decide whether I would like to take things further.
I have a hard time working out if he actually likes me or whether he's just enjoying going through the motions and I'm just one of many. Sometimes I also get really nervous and find it hard to speak to him, I hate to admit it but I feel slightly intimidated by him. I am confident and very sure of myself and no man has ever had this effect on me before, so naturally i'm terrified but intrigued at the same time. I feel like he has awakened something in me that has been seriously lacking in my life for a long time and we have not even slept together yet!
I'm scared because he's so hard to read and for some reason I tend to be attracted to people shrouded in mystery, but I have had previous experiences that have taught me these mysterious types can't always be trusted. It's possible that I may be focusing too much on the negative aspects of Scorpio rather than the positive, but I am so determined not to be swept off my feet by him until I am absolutely sure that it's like I won't allow myself to see the positives for fear of becoming too hopeful and attracted to him! Even though all I want is to be happy and able to give him a chance I fear I may be coming off as too guarded and uninterested in him when that couldn't be further from the truth!
I feel like I'm going a little crazy here...
Can anyone relate to this or advise me in any way? It would be greatly appreciated
I think he's definitely interested but I just can't quite work him out