Posted by Reincarnation
Shrooms or LSD, Bird?
Posted by queencancer
The key is to gain enough discernment to differentiate between God/magick and Satan/corruption/material world.
Posted by MrFirebird
"ONE World" Trade Center is basically an "Octogram"
Posted by MontgomeryPosted by MrFirebird
"ONE World" Trade Center is basically an "Octogram"
It is.
Octogram... or saturn's cube-- it's everywhere.
Turned on its side (the tree of life, that is) ...
will give you saturns sigil or IXXI... 2Bd% E2% 80% 99e% CC% 81cran% 2B2015-01-04% 2Ba% CC% 80% 2B01.01.51.png
Which is your 911... crazy, innit?
click to expand
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by MontgomeryPosted by MrFirebird
"ONE World" Trade Center is basically an "Octogram"
It is.
Octogram... or saturn's cube-- it's everywhere.
Turned on its side (the tree of life, that is) ...
will give you saturns sigil or IXXI... 2Bd% E2% 80% 99e% CC% 81cran% 2B2015-01-04% 2Ba% CC% 80% 2B01.01.51.png
Which is your 911... crazy, innit?
click to expand
Posted by Montgomery
I know what an octogram is...
I didn't think I would need to connect the dots.
The genesis is the same.
Posted by MrFirebird
What .... you don't want your brain wired to the grid?
The new higher consciousness... !
click to expand
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by MoonArtist
Ok, what is "Shift" all about?
Moon, if you think I am a shape shifter, I repeat, again... I am NOT, repeat NOT, a shape shifter!!click to expand
Posted by MoonArtistPosted by MrFirebirdPosted by MoonArtist
Ok, what is "Shift" all about?
Moon, if you think I am a shape shifter, I repeat, again... I am NOT, repeat NOT, a shape shifter!!
I don't think you are, I asked you about your thoughts on the subject and what you knew, but you dodged, zigged, zagged and then to expand
Posted by MrFirebird
But thank you for sharing those pics.
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by MoonArtistPosted by MrFirebirdPosted by MoonArtist
Ok, what is "Shift" all about?
Moon, if you think I am a shape shifter, I repeat, again... I am NOT, repeat NOT, a shape shifter!!
I don't think you are, I asked you about your thoughts on the subject and what you knew, but you dodged, zigged, zagged and then ignored.
Let's change the subject.
Stuffy nose Runny nose
As above so below.
click to expand
Posted by GalinaM315
Posted by MoonArtistPosted by MrFirebirdPosted by MoonArtistPosted by MrFirebirdPosted by MoonArtist
Ok, what is "Shift" all about?
Moon, if you think I am a shape shifter, I repeat, again... I am NOT, repeat NOT, a shape shifter!!
I don't think you are, I asked you about your thoughts on the subject and what you knew, but you dodged, zigged, zagged and then ignored.
Let's change the subject.
Stuffy nose Runny nose
As above so below.
GAH!! Bloody fargin flippin.....!!!! Why is it classified?
I'm not changing the subject. But if you have a runny nose and so above/below, I'd have that looked at. Drippy dicky might be to expand
Posted by MoonArtist
Poop doodles. You could have said so ages ago.
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by MoonArtist
Poop doodles. You could have said so ages ago.
thought I didclick to expand
Posted by GalinaM315
width="420" height="315" =" 3A www% 2Eyoutube% 2Ecom embed FuinaIm% 2Dkd4"
Posted by GalinaM315Posted by MrFirebird
Think about what's going on in Syria, now.
5 years was a bit ambitious.
7 countries.
In the wake of these invasions, there has been conflicts
Additional nations such as Egypt, Yemen and Qatar come to mind.
The United States Of America is already doomed
The assassination of Kennedy was a coup d'état.
3:36 Why? .....The man nailed to expand
Posted by GalinaM315
I find this interesting.
Thank you for sharing and you are always welcome.
Posted by GalinaM315Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by GalinaM315Posted by MrFirebird
Think about what's going on in Syria, now.
5 years was a bit ambitious.
7 countries.
In the wake of these invasions, there has been conflicts
Additional nations such as Egypt, Yemen and Qatar come to mind.
The United States Of America is already doomed
The assassination of Kennedy was a coup d'état.
3:36 Why? .....The man nailed it.
Kennedy is a symbol for all the coups the "powers that be" has embarked upon.
So... why was "X" killed? Who benefited and who has the power to cover it up?
IF they shut down the internet it is because they are losing control of public opinion.
Jesus said, "my people perish for lack of knowledge"
During his ministry, he was doing things that completely contradicted what the Jews thought they were supposed to do.
Why? Because the jews did not understand, because they were blinded by false knowledge and false wisdom (the idols).
Jesus went to the winebibbers, and publicans, forgave the prostitute, and many other things to the dismay of the Jews.
Peter was hungry and the Lord gave him meat and Peter refused saying the meat was "unclean" The Lord told him not
to call it unclean.
Quite extraordinary in that many people seem to overlook these truths.
You are correct.
I believe some people know the truth and are aware of what's going on.
I wonder if it's FEAR that paralyzes them....?
click to expand
Posted by GalinaM315
Well said, Mr. Firebird.....Well said. :-)
Posted by queencancerPosted by MrFirebirdPosted by queencancer
The key is to gain enough discernment to differentiate between God/magick and Satan/corruption/material world.
my comment
You still have yet to answer my question and judging by your pic and the info you've posted here, I'm no longer interested in continuing this discussion with you. Thanks but no to expand
Posted by GalinaM315
Thank you Mr. Firebird and have a Wonderful Christmas. :-)