Did Scorpios Sink the Titanic

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by LilYanga11 on Sunday, September 25, 2016 and has 6 replies.
My name is Beverly H.C. Yanga, F.B.I. Illuminati Division. My agent number is #6570309, we received a tip that an International Scorpio Conspiracy, colloquially known as "the Illuminati" or "The New World Order" (closely connected with the organization known as "The Man") has acheived global domination. Having been assigned to the case, I followed an elderly Scorpio man home from his dentist appointment. I broke into his vents and hid in his vents and he despairingly discussed the price of dentures with his wife as she baked brownies (poisoned, I presume). My mind reeled in shock and horror as I realized "dentures" was a code word for a world domination. Suddenly it all made sense to me... World War 2, 9-11, Justin Bieber, chaos and devastation, the book of revelations, my mom asking me accusingly if I was still taking my meds, it all came together... like pieces of a puzzle... a puzzle of darkness and secrecy. It's time to shed to light on the puzzle so we can we can put the pieces back in the box. I quickly stole the old man's car and made my way back to agency headquarters where I'm typing this on an agency computer.

If any of you have any tips or leads on this case, please email me at notcrazy69@yahoo.com.
Yes- they are evil plotters, probably right hand manned by a Taurus.
Posted by stopbeingdelusional
OP is Ands.
Is that an old user?
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Yes- they are evil plotters, probably right hand manned by a Taurus.
Even if Tauruses are evil, I refuse to believe it! *weeps a lil cuz his Taurus ex actually was kinda evil and he still can't accept it* I love Tauruses.
Posted by MagicMona
to save you time, let's just assume that everything bad that happens is every scorpio's fault.
Let's not get carried away here. Pisces seem kinda secretive so they might be in on it too.