Do Scorpio men often become obsessed with virgos?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by roxyfalcon2006 on Monday, December 19, 2011 and has 14 replies.
Or Leo women for that matter. I've had THREE Scorpio men become extremely infatuated/obsessed over me. The first one I made out with a few times and he got super clingy and weird... I finally ended it and now he hates me. The 2nd one was my ex-Cancer boyfriend's best friend, I never did anything with him obviously, but it was really trying on my relationship because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knew that is best friend was creepin'. And the third scorp I've worked with for a few years and one drunken night I kissed him (he has a girlfriend of 3 years I didn't know about, I don't pay attention to FB that much and he's NEVER mentioned her, and I've never seen him with her). And again a year later at a party we kissed (he's still with the gf) and he always talks about how he wants me to come see him and he wants to take me to Cabo San Lucas and all this b.s.
So my question is, is it common for Scorpio men to like Virgo women? Or Leo women? I was born Sept 11th, but I do believe in Vedic astrology, in which the signs did switch, because I am ABSOLUTELY 100% more of a Leo. Like the Leo description is my personality in a nutshell.
Just curious because I recently developed a crush on this Scorpio guy I went to hs with but haven't talked to in 5 years.. and I looked us up in the "Secret Language of Relationships" astrology book and it says we're perfect for marriage. That book has NEVER been wrong, I'm telling you.. every single friend that's looked up a crush/signficant other said that it is so correct. I even had a friend break up with her fiance and we later read in the book that they were worst for marriage!
Not saying I'm gonna marry this guy, lol but it's just kind of interesting to me. Can anyone tell me if this is common?
So not dating that cancer anymore...what happened?

they become obsessed with us yuck lmao.
Do you have a Leo ascendant? You look like one if that's you in the photo smile
attracting a specific sign over and over even for a period of time can be a sign you're shpposed to be learning something from them, and viceversa
I get the same reactions from Scorpio men, but im a Capricorn (aqu-venus; tau-moon; sag-asc; sag-mars) I have recently met 5 back to back Scorpios (& I didn't know their bday till after the fact). All pursued me first. My experiences have been pretty good, no drama except for one who got crazy psycho cuz I told him I wasn't interested in him after all, that he lost his chance cuz he flaked on me. He begged for chances and I tried being nice & blunt. Didn't work. Only thing that worked was to tell him that he needed to move on, and that he had bugged me to the point of not even wanting him in my life. I had to be that cutthroat with that Scorpio.
I'm pretty successful at my job, I'm stable in my life but strive to achieve more, I love adventure & new experiences so maybe that's what the Scorpios see in me, idk?!? I'm pretty passionate and very up front about my feistiness and that I speak what I feel. The one I currently date is also a Scorpio..& I keep hearing these bad experiences re: Scorpio men but for the most part I love their passion, their intensity (cuz I'm very intense), their dark side. I'm not afraid of or intimidated by them. Only thing I don't like is their withdrawing but ehh I give them space & if they wanna return, they will & usually they do smile happily I can say I'm on good terms with any Scorpio I have ever met..
btw this is only my 3rd relationship, other 2 were with a Leo ( too much intensity, emotion, sucked the life out of me but was good when it was good, drama filled but was almost the "one"--4years), other was Aries (3 months lol.. Too fast, fake, different life style s, man-whore, lacked motivation).
@happykitsune we broke up at the beginning or October. I just wasnt feeling it and I knew he could tell. He started withdrawing to the point where I lived in his town and I didn't see or hear from him for like 3 days and when he did respond he was really short with me. So we had a long talk and mutually ended it. I don't think I was expecting things to end so quickly, because they went front being good to bad so fast, but honestly I wasnt that affected by it. We dated for about 3 months and i still wasn't fallIng in love with him, as great as he was to me. I realized I didn't like Canada an I was making stupid sacrafices to stay there just to be with him. So now I'm at home in Michigan saving up to move to LA and im muchhhhh happier!
Ah I see. That's good you decided to move back home and realized the sacrifices you were making weren't worth it for him. What's your venus? Sounds like you take a little more than most to fall in love. I would imagine myself falling for a guy at that point
Lol no.
Scorp men become obsessed with whoever is there. Virgo, Gemini, Taurus, its all good just pure Obsession they are obsession.
My ascendant is aries and my Venus is in Leo. This is what the birth chart said about my venus in leo...SO true about the respect for th partner thing.. And being attracted to the powerful and admired guys...

Venus is in 04 Degrees Leo.
You have a striking, regal appearance and demeanor that attracts others to you. Your friendship is highly sought and you tend to take friendships quite seriously -- you remain loyal and true to those to whom you are attached. For you, love is mixed with pride and respect. Relationships are over when you lose respect for your partner. Be careful of a tendency to relate only to those who make you look good -- the powerful, important and influential. This can lead to arrogance and selfishness, and neither of these qualities becomes you.
Posted by roxyfalcon2006
Or Leo women for that matter. I've had THREE Scorpio men become extremely infatuated/obsessed over me. The first one I made out with a few times and he got super clingy and weird... I finally ended it and now he hates me. The 2nd one was my ex-Cancer boyfriend's best friend, I never did anything with him obviously, but it was really trying on my relationship because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE knew that is best friend was creepin'. And the third scorp I've worked with for a few years and one drunken night I kissed him (he has a girlfriend of 3 years I didn't know about, I don't pay attention to FB that much and he's NEVER mentioned her, and I've never seen him with her). And again a year later at a party we kissed (he's still with the gf) and he always talks about how he wants me to come see him and he wants to take me to Cabo San Lucas and all this b.s.
So my question is, is it common for Scorpio men to like Virgo women? Or Leo women? I was born Sept 11th, but I do believe in Vedic astrology, in which the signs did switch, because I am ABSOLUTELY 100% more of a Leo. Like the Leo description is my personality in a nutshell.
Just curious because I recently developed a crush on this Scorpio guy I went to hs with but haven't talked to in 5 years.. and I looked us up in the "Secret Language of Relationships" astrology book and it says we're perfect for marriage. That book has NEVER been wrong, I'm telling you.. every single friend that's looked up a crush/signficant other said that it is so correct. I even had a friend break up with her fiance and we later read in the book that they were worst for marriage!
Not saying I'm gonna marry this guy, lol but it's just kind of interesting to me. Can anyone tell me if this is common?

Don't mean to rain on ur perade , but at the end of the day (don't matter the sun sign) guys will say anything to and do STUNTS, to get in them draws. is that simple RIP n' DIP
Posted by Spartaculous

Don't mean to rain on ur perade , but at the end of the day (don't matter the sun sign) guys will say anything to and do STUNTS, to get in them draws. is that simple RIP n' DIP

Lol yes... but you know its whether or not they'll stay with you after they get into them draws Tongue Gotta find one who does
Why you picking on scorps like that for? But the answer is yes haha. I dated a virg for a couple of years and it was very rocky. My fierce passion was often counter-attacked with her hyper-analytical mind as she always wanted to know why I felt the way I did, and I always had a's just five seconds later she would ask the same question. The sexual energy was intense and intimate which suited me as a scorp, but the after sex discussion was a nightmare as my honest affection was dismissed by her disregard for emotional commitment. I could dominate her physically but not affectionately which was our ultimate downfall as it was hard to connect on that level. This is how it was between us two, so it doesn't mean that your relationship will be the same way.
Posted by MoonMan
Posted by roxyfalcon2006
.... and I looked us up in the "Secret Language of Relationships" astrology book and it says we're perfect for marriage. That book has NEVER been wrong, I'm telling you.. every single friend that's looked up a crush/signficant other said that it is so correct. I even had a friend break up with her fiance and we later read in the book that they were worst for marriage!
Not saying I'm gonna marry this guy, lol but it's just kind of interesting to me. Can anyone tell me if this is common?

There is a known phenomenon which affects human thought processes, it's called confirmation bias.
Food for thought.

[snippet form Wikipedia]
Confirmation bias (also called confirmatory bias, myside bias or verification bias) is a tendency for people to favor information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses regardless of whether the information is true. As a result, people gather evidence and recall information from memory selectively, and interpret it in a biased way. The biases appear in particular for emotionally significant issues and for established beliefs.
Illusory correlation is the phenomenon of seeing the relationship one expects in a set of data even when no such relationship exists. When people form false associations between membership in a statistical minority group and rare (typically negative) behaviors, this would be a common example of illusory correlation.
....This bias can be caused by, among other things, an event that stands out as unique. For example, "The only time I forget my pencil is when we have a test". This is most likely an illusory correlation. It could be caused by only a few other pencil-less tests, which stand out particularly well in memory.

click to expand

So so so true. I took a few psychology classes and even wrote a paper about this for another class in college. But yeah I don't know, it describes all my different relationships differently, and they seem to match what I experienced, but you could be right lol