Do you know....

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by balsley on Thursday, July 27, 2006 and has 9 replies.
If Scorpios ever let you in on their little secrets?
What does it take besides the obvious loyalty, devotion, and praise to get a Scorpio to really open up?
yes yes..but sometimes the windows get shut to!
you'll see
"A Scorpio will never open up. If you're the right person he will let you in and close the door behind you."
you definitely nailed it smile
"There are things about a Scorpio that you will NEVER know."
I think this applies to every individual on earth. There will alwys be something a person will not share to anyone. Every person can think of somethin they do or about them that no one else really knows.
Whoa smile All Good answers. It is definitely hard for us to open up. You have truly got to be the right person. Sometimes i can share everything or nothing at all. And nothing you do or say will make me open my mouth if anything i might get mad if you try and push me to hard. I do not play. When i say i don't want to talk about it. Drop the subject...
And what is up with those people who feel the need to tell ALL? Does anyone want to really know that much about someone else? Good point notso07.
Like that old saying, "Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."