Does anybody know...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by newbie on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 and has 15 replies.
...what the multiple "Idiots" topics created by ScorpioBehindYou are about? Just curious.
no idea, he sure has lots of anger.
I would say somebody has hacked into the website. SBY struck me as a nice, respectful guy. But, maybe they're the ones you have to watch!
But, yeah, i'd say it's been hacked. It wouldn't surprise me, it's not exactly the most sophisticated thing on the web Winking.
Yes, dudes. I think i can confirm, i think the site has been hacked. This same message, supposedly by SBH has been posted on every astrology-related board here.
Oh blymie dxp, i know times are tough, but come on... a bit of internet security here, lol. !
And, i've just realised that this dim whit has used thousand miles per hour's (username) avatar under a different username. Further evidence that this is the work of a bored teenager at home.
I dont think dxp has been hacked. He responed to this topic and no others...I think. Why would someone want to hack dxp???
perhaps!! Lets catch him and find out! humm????
Oh I GET it now...LOL. He was trying to get deleted but didnt know how. DXP has now put an option in our accounts to enable us to delete our accounts by ourselves...i.e. without having to PM the almighty.
Someone on the Aqua board showed him how and now he's gone...mystery solved.
nah his username is still active. i personally think he was just trying to get the most nomimations for "most annoying person on dxp" on the astrology board.

stalker potential dea i guess our scorpion s ruling planet has been shaken...
Even more "strange" is the username with one post which bumps a topic that was created back in 2005 or so!...How does one find a thread that was last posted on 3 years ago??? The pages at the top of my screen only go back as far as February 2008.
I see it, FA. I have no more than 18 pages at the top - the topics on page 18 date back to February 2008. That's all I get.
Gang...another mystery that needs solving...uh huh.
Oh! drrrrr. I get it now...