Does the scorpio ever find true love?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Xshallprevail on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 62 replies.
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Anyone else feel like it may not exist?
Starting to feel like my expectations are unrealistic

Man, you looked like my ex scorp. He is sgt.u.s army.

To answer your question is irrelevant for me. Lol

I find most scorpios - women and men have a high standard. Expecting too much in a partner

And it is difficult in finding a partner because of boredom that tends us to withdraw in a relationship if minds aren't stimulated. We need satisfaction. It is inner problem actually that we need satisfaction and soul is too hungry for that satisfaction. We need some time alone. Scorpios are loner people. This maybe the reason why we asked if there is true love. There are qualities of a person we are looking in a partner. The standard is really that high and hard to find one who possessed those qualities.
Posted by tiziani
I just maxed out on my philosophy for the day.
Don't stahp
Posted by Xshallprevail
Starting to feel like my expectations are unrealistic
This. So now you know. Been there many times.

You guys are better off, reflecting your own behaviour and then try a new approach instead of giving up. It takes two people for a relationship. Chances are high that you do something wrong too.
What you put out is what you will recieve. Change your mindset.

On the other hand, stay discouraged. Less competition.
Posted by Harukka

Will, like venus in scorpio I don't if I'm feel like scorpios sun, but it's hard to find love for meh

The hardest thing about Venus in Scorpio is they seem to have unrealistic views on love. All or nothing. Either I love you or I can't stand you. Their struggle is seeing the in between. Where is the emotional/logical balance? This is something to be learned overtime and the more mature ones get it.

Its a tough venus to have, but the pain comes from within. Other than that it's a beautiful venus, the love and dedication is amazing. Loyal and loving people

Nope, it's hard out here for a pimp.
Posted by femme
Nope, it's hard out here for a pimp.

Can't fall in love trying to get that money for the rent.
Linda Goodman wrote that nothing is ever enough for the Scorpio person
Posted by MyStarsShine
Linda Goodman wrote that nothing is ever enough for the Scorpio person
Reminds me of the curse in Pirates of the Caribbean,

where they can eat the apples, but can't taste the


Posted by AbusedDoeboy
Posted by femme
Nope, it's hard out here for a pimp.

Can't fall in love trying to get that money for the rent.
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I don't know, doesn't making a come up with that special someone sound romantic? It does to me.

But yes, right now money over everythang. Everythang? Everythang. *Kat Williams voice*

Posted by MyStarsShine
Linda Goodman wrote that nothing is ever enough for the Scorpio person
Yes indeed

How are you doing Monty smile ?

I'm not a Scorpio but do have a Scorpio sun Taurus moon ex. I felt it was impossible to keep his heart and mind full. It's was really hard to keep him stimulated.
Lol you guys are so depressing. It must genuinely suck to live a life constantly desiring to find true love and just never being satisfied.

Why not date another scorpio?
I am young, and I am still learning how to balance everything out. Sometimes I become invested too much in the relationship, and I become obsessive. Honestly, having a lot of scorp in a birth chart can be very powerful, but very negative.
Yeah, Scorpios do find true love. My Scorpio male friend recently started dating a girl and completely fell head over heels for her. Before that, he was a total ****boy and screwed every girl in town lol. It's funny because he and his girlfriend started out as sex friends too, but they realized that they had much in common in terms of interest, love for art, and as people and fell in love because they had a lot of things to talk about I guess.

My mother has three Scorpio friends (1 female and 2 males) who are very faithful to their spouses.

Anthony Kiedis, who's also a Scorpio, had said that he's always curious about girls and is still searching for the right one. Just recently he thought he had found the right one but she broke it off. So Scorpios are always in a struggle to find the right one but they eventually do even if it takes a million years because they seem to try just too much haha.
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX

They are destined to be intensely alone forever.

Haha Alicia

Doomed to the pit of isolation for all eternity


I think so.

My Pisces aunt and her Scorpio husband are not the perfect relationship but they are the definition of what I'd call true love. Been married for 20+ yrs and together for probably 30. Been a VERY long road to get to where they are, but looking at them now I'd say it was worth it. He moved here to GA from Texas because my Pisces aunt wanted to come and be closer to my mom and their daughter. After 10+ years of living here, he wants to go back home and be closer to his family, so my aunt will have to leave her job she just got a promotion and raise at, and a job she's been at for like 8yrs, to do for him what he did for her. She says its her turn now. He made the move for her so she will for him. They just compromise all the time like that.

A Taurus cousin of ours was married to a Scorpio. They'd been together since she was 15, and only parted when he was killed a few years ago.

There's also a renovation show that I used to watch with a Scorpio and Taurus couple. I liked their dynamic.

Hmm have you met a Pisces before? Scorps usually fall in love with pisces, no matter the circumstances. All they have to do is meet.
Posted by MIIeFisk
Posted by lnana04

My Pisces aunt and her Scorpio husband are not the perfect relationship but they are the definition of what I'd call true love. Been married for 20+ yrs and together for probably 30. Been a VERY long road to get to where they are, but looking at them now I'd say it was worth it.

Which one cheated?
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I think the Scorpio, possibly, while they were separated. Not so much cheating as he had issues holding his money. He'd rather utilities get cut off, evictions, and bills not being paid, then being without his pockets full of cash. REAL issues there.

Also, they worked at the same job (the job my aunt is still at) and after a few years, he decides to quit leaving all the financial burden on her. He just recently started working again. She resented him for that, but they are in a better place now.

Scorpio men seem EXTREMELY hard to deal to the point where it's hard to take a post about finding love from a Scorpio seriously, but again, I'd say my aunt and him are the closest to true love I see around me.

Even with our Taurus cousin that I mentioned, her Scorpio husband was murdered in the parking lot of a club as he was talking to another woman. She had to grieve his death in anger.

Scorpios seem to deal with women that love them. It's not an issue of finding love, it just seems they don't know what to do with it when they have it. VERY difficult men, from what I see, but I guess it's all eventually settles.

Posted by pakmai
Posted by Harukka
Posted by GypsyInChains
Posted by Harukka

Will, like venus in scorpio I don't if I'm feel like scorpios sun, but it's hard to find love for meh

The hardest thing about Venus in Scorpio is they seem to have unrealistic views on love. All or nothing. Either I love you or I can't stand you. Their struggle is seeing the in between. Where is the emotional/logical balance? This is something to be learned overtime and the more mature ones get it.

Its a tough venus to have, but the pain comes from within. Other than that it's a beautiful venus, the love and dedication is amazing. Loyal and loving people

It's all or nothing, because I will give you all my love, soul heart, I will live for the person I love.

Yeah we are unrealistic, and so romantic, I think venus in scorpio will die for their lovers.

Whatever it's all or nothing even for friends and family, you can be my friend and hurt me, That's why I protect my self from love.
Sounds like my Venus in Pisces ? I'd gladly take a Scorpio then.. I love you all anyway but I'm a Pisces so.. I think about all of the Scorpios I have met are honestly scared to truly love someone how they desire to. They want to see someone do it for them first thennn they might show you how deep their love is. But as a Pisces, Scorpios have no problem opening up to me/trusting me and vice versa. I've had that "connection" with a Scorpio man before but I will say this, he went with an Aries woman instead because he absolutely treats her like shit. Like, I think he sees how far he can go with women and she just so happened to take it. He tried to do that with me and I dished him everything right back. We're still very cool though. Sometimes, Scorpios would rather have full control than just genuine love (in my opnion).
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Bingo. They need to loosen up and appreciate fluidity.
Yes, we do.

Only finding true love if we walk in, fully aware and acknowledging the amount of work, dedication, and patience it will require.

We will also have to learn to set aside our own egos in order to survive and thrive with another being within this new world.

If we walk in with an openness to learn, change and grow accordingly so. Then yes, it is within our grasp.
Scorpios are the only sign I can think of that expects 100% loyalty. We all love Jesus (those of us who believe in him), but we still sin right? If I can't be 100% loyal to Christ who gave his life for me, why in the heck would you expect me to be 100% loyal to you? Scorpios are excellent people, but their expectations are ridiculous.
I don't know as well, I find it too hard to believe that we Scorpio are just too overprotective, perfectionist and can be very cautious. That is why it's difficult for us to open up or find a suitable partner. I want to be involved in a relationship but none of them are very open about it and I just can't have that closeness/same mentality to them. they just don't want to be with us.


Posted by vesper
I don't know as well, I find it too hard to believe that we Scorpio are just too overprotective, perfectionist and can be very cautious. That is why it's difficult for us to open up or find a suitable partner. I want to be involved in a relationship but none of them are very open about it and I just can't have that closeness/same mentality to them. they just don't want to be with us.


Especially to women; no men wants to have a relationship with us. I'M DISAPPOINTED.
I haven't noticed any pattern with Scorpios being more inclined to struggle with that than other signs.

True love does exist for a Scorpio .....
while we mention about scorpio love, this is what I don't get it

A scorp friend, after 4 years dating with the girlfriend they broke up

stayed like friend for 2 years, and back together for nearly a year now

the problem is when staying with his ex atm, he told me he's waiting for another girl, and no one close to him knows this girl existing

i mean so far the ex is the only girl known by everyone, and the other one still a mystery, but only few people know about it.

so what is this mess up I wonder?

Posted by Impulsv
He is waiting for another woman

Is she taken?

Yeah he's with ex cuz that's who is available

yup, she's a woman, I heard that she moved away.

and and may be u probably right, most runners up get the final place
my unbiased opinion is that scorpios have a higher chance than other signs to end up with a true love, especially if they grew up in a loving family
the reason being you get what you are
Posted by SensitiveBlues
anyways you guys should definitely get with Virgos....only they'd be patient enough to deal with this BS

Our opposite pisces would be better for them.
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by Xshallprevail
Anyone else feel like it may not exist?
I don't. I feel like it definitely exists.

And to answer your title question - some Scorpios DO.

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Well hello you, haven't seen you in a while! So happy to see your pretty face around here!
YES they do and I am perfect example. Ask away...I mean I am a Gemini...
@EnochtheWise Wow, that video has me convinced. I could see the rainbow with sparkles! I'm super in tune suddenly. I can sense I'll meet my twin flame at the grocery store today, when I'm buying eggs and pickles (richly symbolic, I know!).

Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by CopperDove
@EnochtheWise Wow, that video has me convinced. I could see the rainbow with sparkles! I'm super in tune suddenly. I can sense I'll meet my twin flame at the grocery store today, when I'm buying eggs and pickles (richly symbolic, I know!).

Welcome to the 5th Dimension bro...

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Thank you! I'll be sure to pick up some marshmallows at the store to make good use of all of the fire.

One of my favourite parts of that video is when she mentions something about the heart and touches her cleavage at the same time.

Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by CopperDove
@EnochtheWise Wow, that video has me convinced. I could see the rainbow with sparkles! I'm super in tune suddenly. I can sense I'll meet my twin flame at the grocery store today, when I'm buying eggs and pickles (richly symbolic, I know!).

Welcome to the 5th Dimension bro...

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

One of my favourite parts of that video is when she mentions something about the heart and touches her cleavage at the same time.

Yeah, I noticed that. I felt like she was touching my heart simultaneously.

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Wonderful! She's so powerful with that one gesture that I think she can touch both the heart and sacral chakras at the same time.

Universe, where's my Scorpio who's need of True Love I can satisfy smile smile
Why is this even a question in the first place, are you questioning whether or not 1/12 (or likely even more so) will ever find true love?

You find love to a certain degree but you build true love to last.

Posted by TheLadyScorpio

You find love to a certain degree but you build true love to last.

This is the best quote of the day!
Posted by Xshallprevail
Starting to feel like my expectations are unrealistic
dont be a coward, what the heck do you think you were born for. a true scorpio never gives up, how can you give up on what you dream, you must make the world bend to your will until true love becomes reality.
Posted by Taniwha
Yeah, I literally feel like there is only one woman on the face of the earth for me. I feel that from the bottom of the heart and It would slowly kill my heart my heart to settle for anything less. Maybe I am afraid of anything less.
I agree... There's someone for u.. Maybe U've met them or maybe u met her in a dream. Whatever space u met her in.. U knew that u was her.. Now a piece of u thinks she exists, but then ur not sure.... That Scorp intuition is real. It's sounds crazy, I know..but who cares!! I met this guy in my dream.. He just kept showing up.. Then 7 yrs late.. I freakin met him in real life.. It was like I've known him all my life. He's a as usual.. He was too aloof for me and I thought he was too flirty.. He called me arrogant.. - I called him a push over... It made for exciting banter until I got tired of waiting for him to make a move. Like a Scorp, I put it out there.. He pretended he didn't notice (this was 10yrs ago) - today he claimed he knew.. Whatever he didn't make a move so I moved on.. Unfortunately, it's like I had this unconditional love, even when I was mad..I still loved him (never told him)... We moved on. Ten yrs go by, I reach out and now we're talking and doing what we wanted to do all along... We're in his time out mode (Dang Virgo).. It drives me crazy and his aloofness (when we're not mushy) drives me crazy. We like consistency.. Anyway... It's like we both have this unspoken bond (when I'm not pushing his bottoms with my need for assurances). Hey I'm a Scorp and proud.. Love me or - well I guess it don't matter if I don't care. Lol... But I do believe there's someone... Ur unconsciencely looking for her. Ur soul will know when u meet her. Don't look for her.. But be aware that she exists... U already know what she looks like bc God has been sending u signs of her (characteristics, looks, personality, ect).. U just need to work on u... When it's time, she will appear.... Just my 2 cents
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Posted by Taniwha
Yeah, I literally feel like there is only one woman on the face of the earth for me. I feel that from the bottom of the heart and It would slowly kill my heart my heart to settle for anything less. Maybe I am afraid of anything less.
you sound crazy
I've felt that way for most of my life actually. The most basic way to put it is I've felt like there's one particular soulmate out there waiting for me. On some level I still believe this, but am just ignoring the whole matter for now.

Grow up

I'm sort of on a quest to do that at the moment. Will you be my guru though bro? You seem extremely mature, stable and at peace within your self, adored by the masses, and spiritually enlightened....
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no offense but ?
I'm waiting for my soulmate too, don't know when that special person will show up..

Posted by Xshallprevail
Starting to feel like my expectations are unrealistic
Throw some of your expectations out there. Like examples?
I have been hearing no. It's fabricated but who really knows.