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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
A good friend was here earlier and was talking to another friend of ours on the phone. We were doing some redecorating and as the friend was talking to the friend on the phone, detailing all that I was going to do(as far as redecorating). It wasn't to the extreme of ending a frienship over, but as it was being told, my intentions were being disclosed and I felt my Scorpio secretness being destroyed. Does that happen to you as well when others tell details about you????
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Feb 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 763 · Topics: 13
I'm not a scorpio but I do not like it when someone tells my business even it is something harmless, it annoys the heck out of me. Second, it is none of their business unless I make it there business.
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Mar 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 449 · Topics: 10
That's not bad, its only about redecorating so she probably thought it was harmless to discuss (unless you told her to keep it to herself).
I experienced something far worst from my Scorpio ex-Best friend. I would tell her initimate details of my private life because I trusted her and we were best friends. She used to tell me other people's business but she wasn't close to them so I figured she wouldn't do that to me. Well I was wrong. Everytime I met a new friend of hers, they would ask me about my boyfriends and how they can't believe xyz happened to me. I couldn't believe she had the audacity to tell others my business after I trusted her. She knows I'm a private person! So there's an example of a Scorpio (moon in libra) that can't keep her trap shut. This is what ruined our friendship. To this day I cannot bring myself to be her friend anymore, although I think of her often and miss the fun we used to have, the trust is broken.
I always hear of Scorpios being secretive and keeping others secrets. Yet I know that they can sure dish the gossip. So what's the deal--do you only keep secrets if specifically told to?
Signed Up:
Mar 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 449 · Topics: 10
"And,You didn't plot revenge??????"
Nope. I don't believe in revenge, but I do believe in karma, what goes around comes around. We were friends for about 10 years. I cannot hurt (on purpose) people that I care about. Instead I shut down (I will get very silent on you and withdraw) or kick them out of my life. I was still her friend after the gossiping stuff. She came to my birthday party and met some new friends I had. My intuition sensed some jealousy from her because I no longer had to depend on her to have a social life. She then made new friends and made less time to hang out with me. She subtly demoted me (her loyal best friend that never hurt her) and became best friends with a girl that backstabbed her a few times. I did ask her why she disappeared from my life after my birthday party and told her I felt dissed. She told me that she was going thru stress. We haven't hung out since 2002. I moved back to our hometown this February and texted her to ask a question. A week later, she called me, she told me she was excited that I was back in town and she invited me to go to her cousin's birthday party. I told her I'd go but then I never showed up nor called because that weekend I got sick and I was also very reluctant to hang out with her, I don't want to get hurt again. I have a hard time letting friends go, so I guess I need to make a decision.