Do's and Do not's for Scorpio Men ?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by BadSag12 on Sunday, October 9, 2011 and has 7 replies.
What are some things that get you annoyed or mad with women ?
What are some thigns that get you happy or make you appreciate women ? (except sex)
Annoy- loud mouth, nagging, bad temper
Happy- smile, cracking jokes, preparing good food
okk. I'll wait. thanks. It needs a lot of patience though.
How many days should I wait ?
Do Scorpions in general lack patience or is it just me ? I knew a guy who was librian. I saw him as very patience and calm and cool.
I would love to be that way. But I don't see a possibility. Is this another Scorpio trait ?
Ah sag..
Posted by Rituv13
okk. I'll wait. thanks. It needs a lot of patience though.
How many days should I wait ?
Do Scorpions in general lack patience or is it just me ? I knew a guy who was librian. I saw him as very patience and calm and cool.
I would love to be that way. But I don't see a possibility. Is this another Scorpio trait ?

Scorpio women are identical to scorpio men in behavior with very few subtle differences. You have a hole instead of a pole.
Keep that in mind
Posted by BadSag12
What are some things that get you annoyed or mad with women ?
What are some thigns that get you happy or make you appreciate women ? (except sex)

Whan a woman is just looking for a good time.... not good. She lacks common sense and has no sense
of direction because her own objective of self-gratification is on display.
When a woman is loud and foul-mouthy for the sake of being so or to sound "tough", I am not impressed at all.
(I cursed a good friend by introducing one such woman - they got married and he's been miserable ever since)
Flightiness.... doggone.... sheeesh...... A hundrend friends and I am the one you are talking to...
I wonder.... Will you be happy when you are whithered and old????
What makes a woman pleasing to me?
Quiet and thoughtful, yet playful when appropriate.
When a woman shares common interests and values, this is good.
A woman who values committment. Can make up her mind and see it through to completion.
Independant but also co-dependant: A woman who can hold her own, yet values singular companionship.
Decency: A woman who has self-respect and respects others.
Mental/emotional stability is also a prized trait.
That's about it as far I as I care to write for now.

True blood is an awesome show.