Hey Scorps, Crab here!! I'm not a fan of forbidden love or temptations at all, but you see I'm still stuck in it. It's been a year now this guy(scorpio) has been making a pass at me. He's a friend of my ex-friend(Pisces). Anyway the Piscean guy being a blabber mouth probably spoke a lot about me and got this one interested. The Pisces has always been a little too fond of me but I never took him seriously( such a crybaby and he pretty much gets into anyone's pants). So the Scorp tries to approach me in subtle ways, like following me a couple of times and giving crank calls. At that point I had no idea about him and thought it must be the doings of some creep. A special mention of "him being engaged" by then. It was something of an arranged marriage/engagement. So then a few months later we come face to face and I still have no idea who he is. Now he got married in Feb last year and a month later since he returned from his honeymoon, things took a serious turn.
He began to make his intentions known to me, as in staring long and hard(typical), constantly moving around me, trying to help me all the time I was around. He then very smartly took my phone number but never gave a call. I noticed a few blank calls since then. Ok now I'm a little old school you might say but I'm not touchy feely with guys and had just one boyfriend. I do realise that guys seem awfully attracted to me but it doesn't affect me mostly. But this time, it did. I began getting extremely attracted to him and we sort of started flirting around. But still no proper direct approach from either side. This went on happening till the day his wife came to know about me and then I saw her for the first time. Obviously I was hurt, angry and savage. His wife never expressed her anger or displeasure to me( another scorpio here!). She just seemed to be interested in knowing me. I had already begun to avoid him and was creeped out by her behaviour. I mean which kind of woman would be interested in knowing the girl her husband is attracted to!
He seemed unaffected by his wife's knowledge about me and went on trying to get close. He tried a million ways to make up to me but I resisted. I was still attracted and he knew that. To prove him wrong, I flirted with one of his brothers hoping he would get the message. Read somewhere Scorpios dump a person when they feel he/she doesn't take them seriously. Apparently, the plan backfired though he did get mad. Somehow he decided to play along and pretended to be supporting my closeness with his brother and yet everytime I got close enough he drove his brother away. Just as I suspected. He would still look at me apologetically at times, and lovingly at other times. I called a couple of my girlfriends to confirm the situation and they did. Fed up, I finally gave up on the entire family and clan. The situation is such that I will have to come face to face almost every week. That's unavoidable. So I sent him a message that he was crazy if he thought he could have me dance around when he already has a wife. I told him either to clear things up with me or leave me alone. He's done neither. He still tries to persuade me. I still like him but I know my limits and respect them too. Perhaps, we both have deeper feelings for each other than we realised initially. I miss him and he understands me intuitively, just as the classic Cancer-Scorpio chemistry. He knows he can trust me. I want him to clear up the mess and come to a conclusion mutually decided by all three of us. How do I deal with it? What should I tell him? He seems to be painfully shy around me. Guys don't misunderstand! I don't want to break his family, never would want that. What do you think he's upto? Should I leave completely? By the way, if this helps, he's 7th nov born!!
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
"All 3 of us"? Him, the wife & you? I've been throu something similar, but I decided to cut ties with the guy. Life is too short & precious to be waiting around. Do you like being "the other woman"?
Ha! Don't you Scorps kinda consider yourself invincible? I had no idea at that that point about his marital status. He loved projecting himself single maybe. And no I don't like being the other woman in anyone's life, but well here I am. Never planned it, but not gonna give in either, at least not on his terms. One thing I realised is Scorps love, love, absolutely love having the upper hand just so they could twist it around as and when they wish. What I also realised is "Obsession" forms a big part of their life. So if he wants it, he gets it on my terms or else he could live with his Dark Side all eternity. Being a Crab, I want stability much more. He gives me what I want, I give him what he wants.
Signed Up:
Apr 09, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 4200 · Topics: 67
wow.. what a weird thread
Signed Up:
Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
Do yourself some good and stay away from him.
If you allow closeness, he will succeed in sucking you in.
You can be assured there is no future in there for you.
Waste of time and efforts.