found out Scorpio Venus bf did somethg to Test

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by applemint_fv on Saturday, June 29, 2013 and has 4 replies.
I woke up in the wee hours and couldn't sleep back, so I scrolled my Whatsapp contact list for fun(thumbnail pic) to see if anyone has changed their profile pictures. I was shocked when I saw a contact whom I named "whoAreYou"'s my bf's picture *jaw drops*
whoAreYou is an unknown guy(I won't lie, quite good looking) who messaged me 4-5 months back.
At that time he puts on a different picture. The messages :
Him: hi there
Him: hello?
Me: ?
Him: hi how are you Winking
Me : who is this?
Him : u don't know me?
Me: nope. tell me or I'll block this number (i was annoyed.didn't like when a stranger gets my number and simply message me)
he went silent. The next day I messaged
me: so? who is this
him: it's ok forget it smile

That was strange so I stopped responding & saved his number so that I know who it is if the guy disturbs me again. 2 weeks after that incident he deleted the profile picture on whatsapp.. till 2 days back, when I saw the new picture (my bf's picture). So it was actually him! I'm sure he doesn't know that I saved the number months ago. He has 2 handphones, for work & personal. He is 39years old.. travels a lot.. he's a busy man and we meet only when both are free, I never thought that he would do such thing.
I was stunned. I couldn't believe it. If I did not save the number, I wouldnt know that it was him.
Did he do that to test me? to see if I will show interest in the guy or not & chat more?
Why did he do that? Does he not trust me? or is this normal? he doesn't give me signs that he doesn't trust me when we meet.
We've been together since January this year. but have known each other since 2years back(acquaintance). I have mars in scorpio and he has venus in scorpio. I didn't see that coming & somehow feel "betrayed" .. will 'watch' him from now on! grrrrr
Posted by applemint_fv
I woke up in the wee hours and couldn't sleep back, so I scrolled my Whatsapp contact list for fun(thumbnail pic) to see if anyone has changed their profile pictures. I was shocked when I saw a contact whom I named "whoAreYou"'s my bf's picture *jaw drops*
whoAreYou is an unknown guy(I won't lie, quite good looking) who messaged me 4-5 months back.
At that time he puts on a different picture. The messages :
Him: hi there
Him: hello?
Me: ?
Him: hi how are you Winking
Me : who is this?
Him : u don't know me?
Me: nope. tell me or I'll block this number (i was annoyed.didn't like when a stranger gets my number and simply message me)
he went silent. The next day I messaged
me: so? who is this
him: it's ok forget it smile

That was strange so I stopped responding & saved his number so that I know who it is if the guy disturbs me again. 2 weeks after that incident he deleted the profile picture on whatsapp.. till 2 days back, when I saw the new picture (my bf's picture). So it was actually him! I'm sure he doesn't know that I saved the number months ago. He has 2 handphones, for work & personal. He is 39years old.. travels a lot.. he's a busy man and we meet only when both are free, I never thought that he would do such thing.
I was stunned. I couldn't believe it. If I did not save the number, I wouldnt know that it was him.
Did he do that to test me? to see if I will show interest in the guy or not & chat more?
Why did he do that? Does he not trust me? or is this normal? he doesn't give me signs that he doesn't trust me when we meet.
We've been together since January this year. but have known each other since 2years back(acquaintance). I have mars in scorpio and he has venus in scorpio. I didn't see that coming & somehow feel "betrayed" .. will 'watch' him from now on! grrrrr

Hi. I have Venus in Scorpio in the 12th house. I will admit to testing guys a lot to see if they're truly trustworthy, however, I only do that before we're in a committed relationship. Once the relationship has begun, I sincerely and fully trust the guy otherwise I won't be with him. You said this happened 4-5 months ago, and that was near the beginning of the romantic relationship. Maybe at the time he wasn't really sure of how trustworthy you were and felt the need to test. He probably trusts you now, but just wasn't so sure then. Trust is ever
Trust is everything to a Venus in Scorpio. I would talk to him about it and ask why.
Totally testing you. 100% . My ex did some things like this too (he is Scorpio Sun/Mercury/Venus). He would make random names and message me just to see if I was doing anything "bad". I passed every single one of his tests (which probably amounted to like 100+ I'm sure).
I was mad when he slipped and told me he did a few things because to me it's like what are you trying to do? Like are you LOOKING for a reason NOT to be with me? Anyways we didnt work out due to him leaving to finish grad school in CA, and as you know there was no trust (on his side). So that's that.