Friend + Problem = Bad day.

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by whoaitznara on Sunday, September 3, 2006 and has 2 replies.
i'm in a bit of a pickle, and i just need some opinions, so my best friend has this boyfriend...and he's really inconsiderate and rude, and he doesn't seem to care very much about her feelings, often times she'll tell me about the problems that go on...and i tell her she needs to talk to him, she'll talk to him and everything will be fine, but nothing is ever really fine because the same shit always happens again, he doesn't like hanging out with her friends, or doing anything outside of just them two, and she's not a lot of help either...cause she often times feels guilty for telling him how she feels and standing up for herself...i've tried to help her, and she goes to therapy for it...but anyway, today we all got together to hang out, and he was really withdrawn and quiet and really didn't say much, later on he took her aside and i later found out that he was unhappy because he felt like she wasn't paying enough attention to him, which is ridiculous cause she was fine with everybody, and after that conversation she began to ignore me, and i got pissed off because i'm just so tired of her following everything this guy says and does, and so anyways to make this long story the end i yelled at him, cause he told me i had a nasty attitude, and none of us spoke to each other...and i felt horrible...because throughout this fight she didn't even stand up for me, or tell him that he should have had a better attitude....she didn't even say bye to me when we left...she just kept walking with him....and ugh this just really pisses me off...because she can do so much better...she just needs to open her eyes...and i've tried reallly hard to make her see...i just don't know what to do anymore.
and i'm sorry this is long....
i just needed to get it off my chest.
Is he bullying her at all? She needs therapy?, she's too scared to stand up for herself? she does everything he says...Sounds a bit fishy to me..