
This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by cappysweetie on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 and has 21 replies.
Okay, I made some observations for the past two weeks . I only lightly participated in the discussions because I wanted to focus more on what every one else. I have a series of questions, based on my observations ? yes they are vague but there is a point to my madness .......
Being so consumed with hate and regret , is it possible to become excessively cold towards your own emotions along with others? If a person?s emotions are FROZEN, can their heart ever be open again? Can life ever truly be what you want it to be .....if their heart?s NOT open? Some may consider people who are FROZEN as strong, but are they really just broken?
What could melt the ice built around a jaded heart? Could a person cause the meltdown ? Or will he or she only aid in the process? Could this person hold the key?
Ha, yes Juicy
These questions are very difficult to answer. I made up the questions by using the data from my observations. Now in order to prove my hypothesis, I need to get opinions. Only then I can determine if my hypothesis is correct. This is kind of like an experiment ... but not soooo messy smile
yeah what Juicy said....
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to create a brain teaser smile J/K I just need to prove my hypothesis Winking
Big Grin @ sb
Oh in addition ....
So once a person is frozen, will there always be permanant scarring around his/her heart? Well, I have another question for you ... could those scars be reminders but also hold special meaning -- such as you can be reminded of the love you lost but also of the love you've gained? As a result, if that person melts the ice around your heart ... the emotions could be stronger? However, this can only occur if you allow your heart to flourish after the meltdown?
Yeah your killing my brain, to much thinking, to many words, to late...
Being a mama of two little men, this is the only time I have to relax and read what's going on in here.
"So once a person is frozen, will there always be permanant scarring around his/her heart?"
I think yes, there will always be scarring. However, scars no longer hurt the way the initial cut does, right? Therefore, and in my opinion, though the scars will always remain, there is always new tissue that grows around it or even over it. In other words, we may always know that scar is there and we may also even recognize the significance of it, but that new tissue growing or the scar fading sparks a new fire in us thus...melting that ice away little by little.
(how's that for too much thinking and words, JuiCy girl? LOL!...sorry)
"could those scars be reminders but also hold special meaning -- such as you can be reminded of the love you lost but also of the love you've gained?"
I'm not so sure they can hold a special meaning if they were super painful. But, I do think that if and when you let someone melt that ice a bit, you are that much more greatful for them for just being there and opening you up again.
LOL MOONBABY i need coffee for this! haha
LOL! You crack me up! Winking
thats what i'm here for =)! and thanks!! haha
I think there is every chance your emotions will be open again..but its very hard to put your trust in someone again..Trust is the key word here..It will take a special someone to achieve that. I wonder why people get to the state in the first place..
"*takes away cappysweetie's Madonna CD*"
LOL, actually the questions came from my own mind. I had to make them up after I observed these people within conversations. Afterwards, I came up with a hypothesis smile This is like an experiment of some sorts. When I data enough data from you all ... I can write my conclusion.
missmorals:"I wonder why people get to the state in the first place.."
LOL, this is why I choose this particular subject matter for my project Winking I can learn while receiving real life answers.
DB, I replied to you on the Cap Board smile
"it or even over it. In other words, we may always know that scar is there and we may also even recognize the significance of it, but that new tissue growing or the scar fading sparks a new fire in us thus...melting that ice away little by little."

Point taken moonbabysmile You have proven one part of my hypothesis Winking Do you also beleive that a person can hold the key to a FROZEN person heart ? I just had a discussion with DB about this and both of our view points are very interesting after we put them together.
Well, if you really think about it, the person holding the key has already melted the "frost" or they wouldn't be holding the key to begin with. Winking
moonbaby:"moonbabyWell, if you really think about it, the person holding the key has already melted the "frost" or they wouldn't be holding the key to begin with."
I feel both ways on this statment. DB made a very good point about the de-frosting of the heart being left up to the individual ... but I also believe that's honest (not phony/fake) TLC (tender loving care) can do wonders for some who is FROZEN -- even the most unemotional people will surccumb to the warmth off an honest person.
LOL, I think we are tooo softies who believe that nuturing someone be the best way to melt that ice Winking
anti: "...comes done to the part you give away in a relationship,and then and up resenting/beating yourself for doing it.....usuallt the other half plays the victim,and/or milks your goodness (which you give freely,thinking they need it),and in exchange ,gives yuo their baggage...a pain in the ars,but a fucking great learning long as you accept that this way of thinking was part of you before you became 'frozen', you can reclaim it,but it will be enhanced/modified/skewiff from your initial idea of it....."
You are right antibling, people who feel hate or regret for previous mistakes beat themselves up because they feel that they should've 'known' better -- no one want to be a victim ... NO BODY wants to feel like they've been taken advantage of within a relationship (especially if you are the person doing all the giving). This is where these type of people become "FROZEN" ... before they get hurt again, they will be excessively cold and aloof. Also, these people are FROZEN will damage the emotions of others both intentionally and unintentionally.
Awesome insight