FUTURE & Ciara..get MATCHING TATTOOS..(yikes!)

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by TAURUSbelle on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 and has 39 replies.
Future's CHART: (November 20th 1983, Atlanta, Georgia)
Asc- Aquarius (3 deg)
Sun- Scorpio (27 deg)
Moon- Gemini (00 deg)
Mercury- Sagitt.(9 deg)
Venus- Libra (12 deg)
Mars- Libra (1 deg)
Jup. Sagitt.(16 deg)
Saturn- Scorpio (9 deg)
Uranus- Sagittarius (8 deg)
Nept.- Sag. (27 deg)
Pluto- Scorpio (00 deg)
N. Node- Gemini (15 deg)

Ciara's CHART: (Oct 25th 1985, Austin Texas)
Asc- Sagittarius (26 deg)
Sun Scorpio (02 deg)
Moon- Pisces (29 deg)
Merc- Scorp (22 deg)
Venus- Libra (11 deg)
Mars- Virgo (28 deg)
Jupit- Aquarius (7 deg)
Sat.- Scorpio (27 deg)
URan.- Sagittarius (15 deg)
Nep.- Capricorn (1 deg)
Pluto- Scorpio (4 deg)
N. Node- Taurus (9 deg)

Posted by MissGummyshoe

My apologies..ALL opinions are welcome..
Thanks for sharing!
Nope, never. Won't happen. I'm not really sure how I would feel about a man that would do it for me either. I don't think it would work in his favour though.

Posted by MissGummyshoe

I don't understand why people assume it has something
to do with "proving" one's love or commitment; it has nothing to do with *anyone* but the person getting it.

Posted by MissGummyshoe

We've never interacted on the boards, but I've read a lot of your comments, and I have to tell you that you seem like a stand up lady,
which makes your ex a damn fool.
Good luck to you, Tbelle. smile

*a bit misty eyed..due to nostalgic memories*...Aww thanks MissGummyShoe!! Sometimes you just gotta stick to what feels right..even if it calls for temporary pain.
Nice to meet you. smile
Thanks again.
I never could understand the point of tats. Sure there are some fancy artworks out there, but that's primarily a
nod to the artists. Some of them are downright awful.
People say they get them to "express themselves".... ummmm..... tongue in cheek....
Those that do so for THAT reason, must be a bit dense.
TB, sorry to hear about your troubles.
Hang in there.
Hey Pothead!
You need to close your account and update to "PotHeadVirgo 23".
Posted by ellessque
they BOTH have venus in libra Big Grin Silly peoples!
I don't have any tattoos but if I'm going to be honest with you, I can't say that I couldn't have seen myself caught up in doing that when I was younger. Nobody ever brought that to the table (THANK GAWD)....but if they did, I can't say that I would have told them no.

Posted by PhoenixRising
Nope, never. Won't happen. I'm not really sure how I would feel about a man that would do it for me either. I don't think it would work in his favour though.

My NOW former Scorp, by the 3rd month, not long after telling me "I Love You" he wanted to get a tattoo of my nickname with a pair of red lips around it.( I was wearing red lipstick when he met me).. at first I thought him crazy, but I did like the idea of having a mark on him..while at the sametime, I wasn't sure if I would remain in the relationship as long and as permanent as the ink would be. So I didn't discourage or encourage him, I let the idea quiet down... Venus in Libras are great with "Fly by night" impulsive ideas.. fun.. but a little "unsteady.".lol
Posted by MrFirebird
TB, sorry to hear about your troubles.
Hang in there.

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Thanks Mr.Firebird. smile
I feel like this is the new "thing" to do as a symbol of marriage especially. I believe beyonce and jay-z did it, and I personally know a couple who did it AFTER they got married.
Honestly I think its really cute smile (libra venus here lol) I don't have any tattoos and i would "never say never" but I don't think I would do it. I just think it is tooo "permanent". Yes, tattoos are removable, but still the thought of having it done would be there.
I don't think it spells the end of a relationship, but i believe what you believe will happen. So if thats what you think its probably best not to do it haha.
And I am a little shocked ci ci and him did that!!
Posted by TAURUSbelle
... Venus in Libras are great with "Fly by night" impulsive ideas.. fun.. but a little "unsteady.".

That is the issue for me. I don't respond well to flighty, impulsive, grandiose gestures. It just doesn't feel "real" to me.
Sorry to hear things aren't going so well *hug*.
i immortalize special lovers on my body. sexy
i have a distorted heart on my left shoulder for the scorp i used to mess around with. he had a profound effect on me. with fish people, i tend to do more artwork than tattoos. with scorpio people, seems to be more body art but they have to have a profound effect. never had anything with a cancer. would i do actual names? idk yet never say never
the new sag i was dating had 2 names tattooed on him; both ex lovers. one girl died and the other was his ex wife. as a fellow venus in cap, i found that weird that he would do that so easily and for 2 people. he MOVED me emotionally, physically, and sexually but i havent even considered putting his name on me.
i saw the last episode of the Game and Pookie was saying how he didnt want to tattoo tasha's name on him; he considered it a bad omen.
my ex leo didnt have any names on him but his ex girl did. she had his name on her 2x.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by TAURUSbelle
... Venus in Libras are great with "Fly by night" impulsive ideas.. fun.. but a little "unsteady.".

That is the issue for me. I don't respond well to flighty, impulsive, grandiose gestures. It just doesn't feel "real" to me.
Sorry to hear things aren't going so well *hug*.
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ive also found libra moons to be like this 2. they want the world at night and change their minds by the morning.
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Future's CHART: (November 20th 1983, Atlanta, Georgia)
Asc- Aquarius (3 deg)
Sun- Scorpio (27 deg)
Moon- Gemini (00 deg)
Mercury- Sagitt.(9 deg)
Venus- Libra (12 deg)
Mars- Libra (1 deg)
Jup. Sagitt.(16 deg)
Saturn- Scorpio (9 deg)
Uranus- Sagittarius (8 deg)
Nept.- Sag. (27 deg)
Pluto- Scorpio (00 deg)
N. Node- Gemini (15 deg)

Ciara's CHART: (Oct 25th 1985, Austin Texas)
Asc- Sagittarius (26 deg)
Sun Scorpio (02 deg)
Moon- Pisces (29 deg)
Merc- Scorp (22 deg)
Venus- Libra (11 deg)
Mars- Virgo (28 deg)
Jupit- Aquarius (7 deg)
Sat.- Scorpio (27 deg)
URan.- Sagittarius (15 deg)
Nep.- Capricorn (1 deg)
Pluto- Scorpio (4 deg)
N. Node- Taurus (9 deg)

Let see there is a bit of past life experience here his scorpio planets are connected to her south node. His sun is connected to her south node that represents that he could have been her father in past life or a father figure. Its a strong connection but I think what is going on here is. His saturn is connected to her south node here is a break down This connection indicates the South Node person may have been a restrictive or disciplinary force on the Saturn person in past life. South Node energies are very similar to Saturn energies, so this relationship is likely to be very ???heavy?? and serious. At the same time, this bond is said to be ???unbreakable??! The feeling of commitment to each other is strong, and it can be difficult to separate from one another. On the other hand, this aspect is also regarded as a ???separative aspect,?? as in, the relationship between the two may never fully get off the ground. Saturn represents restriction, so this aspect indicates there may be significant barriers between the two of you, which impedes on your ability to form a real relationship.
At any rate, the two of you tend to reinforce each other??s pessimism, seriousness, cautiousness. You discourage each other from taking risks. The Saturn person may eventually feel ???drained?? by the South Node person??s disciplinary and repressive nature. If you do enter a relationship, and there are supportive aspects, the feelings of commitment and responsibility to one another can bind you together for a long time.
His south node is in her first house This aspect indicates compatibility, comfort and familiarity. You feel as though you are ???meant to be.?? Indeed
The rest
His south node is in her first house This aspect indicates compatibility, comfort and familiarity. You feel as though you are ???meant to be.?? Indeed, this is an indication that the two of you are Soul Mates. You feel very attracted and attached to one another, and the physical attraction is off the charts! You immediately feel a sense of recognition when the two of you meet. The Ascendant person freely gives to the Node person, but the Node person may restrict or limit the Ascendant person in the way they present themselves to the world.
I have two tattoos but I would never get anyone's name or initials tattooed on me. Terrible idea.
My sister has done it SEVERAL times. lol. You'd think she'd have learned the first time she had to get one covered up. She's a Leo, Cancer moon.
My sister's friend got her whole family's astrological glyphs incorporated into one design- kind of a family tree. It's kind of neat.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by MissGummyshoe

I've never understood why people believe they're the kiss of death; most relationships end, period.

This is very true and wise.
Regardless, I'm not into tattoos so I wouldn't do it. In any context.

If others find happiness in it then let them be happy.
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i also see getting preggo to be relationship altering.
How many children does he have?
Too much seed spilled from this guy.
I thought she was dating the rapper, 50 cent.
< width="560" height="315" ="http:
I did not know he was a Scorpio. Makes sense why he slunded so good with Rihanna.
NO Tatting unless he is a long-term husband.
Posted by TaurusBull1977
I thought she was dating the rapper, 50 cent.

That was YEARS ago..2008-9 I think?? he started dating Late night tv host Chelsea Handler right after, but even still, Ciara still had a grip on him. 50, even suggests that Ciara was the possible cause for his & Chelsea's break-up...oh well..lol
Posted by lnana04
I did not know he was a Scorpio. Makes sense why he sounded* so good with Rihanna.
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Yeees..FUTURE is GETTIN' his money honey!! He is features in ALOT of tracks, for A SLEW of people this year.. 2013 is ALL his!! lol
The video is cute..kinda corny.. but cute. LOL
Posted by LunarMaiden
NO Tatting unless he is a long-term husband.

"Long-term husband"?....isn't that the whole point of marrying someone?
@Lunar, I'm teasing. I understood what you meant.
Americas Most Wanted" tour which also featured ATL rapper, T.I. and was set to kick off this Summer. It looks like there has been a change of plans. Future has been replaced with 2 Chainz before the tour even started. In a local radio interview, T.I. made the announcement that Future would no longer be part of the tour:????It was Future and something happened. Future pulled. He disassociated himself from the tour for whatever reason. It??s still love.????
It is being speculated that??Ciara??may have something to do with this? Why you ask? Read below!??
Via??Rhymes With SnitchA Las Vegas concert promoter is suing Future for $ 46,000 because he was a no show for an event at Club Pulse.According to promoter Cliff Dutton, who spilled alllll the tea to The Breakfast Club on Power 105.1, upon arrival in Las Vegas??Ciara??refused to set foot in the stretch limos sent by the club and demanded SUVs instead.After the SUV's showed up??Ciara??still wasn't satisfied and she and Future skipped the gig altogether opting to go out to dinner instead.After missing the show, the promoter had??Ciara??and Future evicted from their hotel room, and that's when he received a call from Future's manager Rocko Da Don, who placed the blame squarely on??Ciara.Cliff Dutton tells the Breakfast Club,??"I don't give a damn about??Ciara. I didn't book??Ciara."??This would have been Future's first appearance in Las Vegas
.Read more:??#ixzz2TBWr8W6l
" data-url="http://www.balleralert.com/profiles/blogs/is-ciara-messing-with-future-s-money-future-removed-from-lil?xg_source=activity#ixzz2TBWr8W6l
" target="_blank">http://www.balleralert.com/profiles/blogs/is-ciara-messing-with-future-s-money-future-removed-from-lil?xg_source=activity#ixzz2TBWr8W6l
Is Ciara insecure? Why is Future being a lil bitch? Who wears the pants?
They refer to Ciara as the CBug. Any dude thag getz with her, his career goes down the drain.
CBUG indeed she is messin with his MONEY!!! That SUCKS!! uuughhh... NOone even a significant other is gettin in the way of me gettin' that WORK!! Hell naw!!
I sure hope Future snaps outta that trance REAL quick before his current momentum takes a backseat with Ciara's damn near non-existant career...smh
I wonder if charlagmne the god is on dxp?
@DMVL Naa Charlemagne is TOO busy "SMASHIN' dem heaux"...haha
But he DEFINITELY delivers the truth..STRAIGHT no chaser.
I like seeing how his face changes when things get "Too Serious" or "Too spiritual"..haha!! He gets humble REEEEAL quick...LOL
I should post this under L&HHAtl...lol but since these two guests (Stevie J & Joseline) are also 2 Scorpios like Ciara & Future, it falls under the same crazy umbrella..lol PLUS Charlemagne is messin with the WRONG BISHHH in this interview..haha!!
"Now, I may joke around with you alot..Charla-UGLY! ..lmao!!"
< width="560" height="315" ="http:

Joseline is entertaining..lol
@Tizi: LOL!! glad I actually DID post it..lol
I like how their birthdays are consecutive (Nov. 2 & 3rd) yet their personalities are like night & day. Stevie is that quiet, creepy, "behind the scenes" stalkerish Scorpio, While Joseline is like: "HEEEY WORLD!!!"...Loud and in charge...Joseline CLEARLY wears the pants..
I STILL don't think she's 26 tho. she's must be REEEACHING (for PR reasons)...she looks older.
Why would someone tat someone's name on their body????
Personally, I'm not into tats. Not that it matters, but it just seems like something people do
in order to have something to regret about later in life.
How about that dumb Hell's Angel biker who got a tat that was supposed to say "Danielle" and it came out as "Daniel".
Don't get me wrong, it WAS a nicely executed tat, but.... well... don't say I didn't warn you that there are some
truly stupid people out there in the world.
Sure, IF couples treated sex like a tattoo, they'd think long and hard before jumpin' in the sack.
Just another sign of the times.
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Future's CHART:

Ciara's CHART: (Oct 25th 1985, Austin Texas)
Asc- Sagittarius (26 deg)
Sun Scorpio (02 deg)
Moon- Pisces (29 deg)
Merc- Scorp (22 deg)
Venus- Libra (11 deg)
Mars- Virgo (28 deg)
Jupit- Aquarius (7 deg)
Sat.- Scorpio (27 deg)
URan.- Sagittarius (15 deg)
Nep.- Capricorn (1 deg)
Pluto- Scorpio (4 deg)
N. Node- Taurus (9 deg)

That is downright trippy. Those are my placements. The only difference is that I have a Cancer Ascendant! Confused Must do a recon mission on Ciara now.
My Libra niece is searching for a way to remove her Scorpio ex-boyfriends name from her left breast.
She got it in her late teens. She is now in her mid 20's.
I told her then not to do it and that someday she will regret that.
I told her that what we want in our teens is not what we want 10 years later.
She told me then that no she wouldn't regret it, because a guy should just accept her past.
The type of guys she likes now are totally different from what she wanted then and I'm guessing having a dude's name tatted on your left tit above the heart is a possible turn off.
Posted by TAURUSbelle
@Tizi: LOL!! glad I actually DID post it..lol
I like how their birthdays are consecutive (Nov. 2 & 3rd) yet their personalities are like night & day. Stevie is that quiet, creepy, "behind the scenes" stalkerish Scorpio, While Joseline is like: "HEEEY WORLD!!!"...Loud and in charge...Joseline CLEARLY wears the pants..
I STILL don't think she's 26 tho. she's must be REEEACHING (for PR reasons)...she looks older.

Scorpio women are more masculine than the men.
Posted by tiziani
You know TB, I was actually considering posting that video last week and asking people to guess their two charts. I find their whole setup and the way they talk to each other pretty intriguing

The car scene I was yelling at the screen KISS HER STEVIE KISS HER and when he did. It was love 2 me.