gemini and scorpio, two sides of the same coin?

This topic was created in the Gemini and Scorpio Compatibility forum by youngscorpkid on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 and has 7 replies.
So ive been talking to this gemini girl for the last couple of weeks and i swear its the most frustrating thing ive ever experienced...its seriously like dealing with the female version of myself she loves to play games, shes self centered, beautiful, and completly aloof to the point where i doubt she even likes me even though everyone assures me she does.yet im crazy about her even though ive recently backed off of her for a bit feeling im putting in too much work she texted me today and i didnt respond not that im playing games or anything i jst dnt how to pursue the situation further or if i even wnt too :/
Thanks for the advice stinger baby that sounds similar to if not exactly like my situation,yet im strangely conflicted as to whether or not i still want to pursue her guess im jst young and dum and lmao at "geminis are theyre own coin" comment
Posted by twinklebluetoes
My Scorpio ex didn't win me because he sat around and played games with me and wasn't "sure" about me.
That's what I'm trying to get at. smile

well thats all fine and dandy but i dont want to flood her with the famous scorpio emotions its been everything i can handle just to hold back :/ should one seeking a gemini be more aggressive?

I never played games with my gem ex's. I pretty much came out and expressed exactly how I felt. That was too much for them.
Some women can handle it, some can't. I get that and accept that.
Just don't call belittle me for it.

hmm see scorpiorabbit u have me scared now but shes more closed off then i usually am,god i hate geminis your alot like me but sadly bravor since im too scared to put it all out there for fear of scaring her way where as you could jst say it. Its mainly because im scared she doesnt feel quit the same way about me (insanely bi_polar) QUICK UPDATE: we have a date in about 6 hours hope it goes well still have no idea how to act or wht to say wish me luck smile
unless there is some water in the chart, most geminis don't have the depth for myself as a scorpio. if they have mostly air and earth, it's hell.
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Posted by twinklebluetoes
Gemini hates making the first move. You don't have be "aggressive" or show her everything at once, but you can show you are intere. sted in her.
On a date, just be calm, let her talk. Ask her questions!

I would agree. Part of what attracts gems to Scorps I think is the mystery. I think gems see the intensity underneath the sometimes glass smooth and calm exterior, and it fascinates them because they want to know more about it. Let her do the probing (mentally and physically if you're lucky lol) and give her the choice of how much of "you" is enough for her. It might seem difficult, but it can be done.
My wife is a gem moon and we've been together for 16 years. When we first started out, I forced myself to move slow. So slow it was excruciating. But it worked, so.
You don't have to lie or keep secrets. Just don't play all your cards at once. Let her make the choice of when the cards are played.
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. Thanks I would of used your advice had we actaully went out but me bieng the stubborn S.O.B i am didnt listen to my mom who told me to call her before i get in the shower since most girls take naps from around 4-6 to make sure its a go (my moms also a gemini and like always was right although id never admit it to her face...too much pride) so me thinking i know best say to myself ill call right when i leave the house thinking shell remember because i texted her around 11 this morning so here i am singing dancing and super showering not just a casual shower but an intense shower i let the bodywash marinate on me for 10 minutes letting all the goody goblin smells sink in then through on an outfit i percieve to be fresh im halfway out the door call answer so then i text answer i tell myself ill wait
(Continued) i tell myself ill wait 30 minutes then brood and commence with the watching of por.n followed by COD sprinkled with alittle bit of icing her out (my usual healing process fat girls have icecream i have por.n) then out of nowhere around 2 hours after the time we were supposed to go i get a text saying "sorry i fell asleep and my brother forgot to wake me up" i dont believe that sht for one second i havnt responded to the text yet and dnt know if i will sadly i have to see her at school on monday i giving up to early? Or just overreacting? Or both? P.s i hate when my moms right