geminis... am i cursed?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by sunglasslove on Monday, November 7, 2011 and has 25 replies.
I??m not even going to lurk here, I think I??m love with you all already.
I??m a scorp (bday November 20).
Lately I??ve been cursed by Geminis. Just broke up with one in May after a five year relationship, have fallen head over heels for another one that is completely unsure of what he wants and used to being chased by dozens of girls (I will. Not. Chase. Him.), although I??ve completely laid out all my feelings for him (very untypical and uncomfortable for me). It seems like everyone I??ve met between has been a Gemini also.
Example - Was talking to a great guy this weekend that I??ve known through other people, and has always had a thing for me, then he tosses out he wants to get a Gemini tattoo. Great, just wonderful!
They drive me bonkers and seem to be drawn to me like a magnet??_ does anyone else have this problem with any signs?
Any insight into the Scorp/Gemini thing?
Posted by sunglasslove
I??m not even going to lurk here, I think I??m love with you all already.
I??m a scorp (bday November 20).
Lately I??ve been cursed by Geminis. Just broke up with one in May after a five year relationship, have fallen head over heels for another one that is completely unsure of what he wants and used to being chased by dozens of girls (I will. Not. Chase. Him.), although I??ve completely laid out all my feelings for him (very untypical and uncomfortable for me). It seems like everyone I??ve met between has been a Gemini also.
Example - Was talking to a great guy this weekend that I??ve known through other people, and has always had a thing for me, then he tosses out he wants to get a Gemini tattoo. Great, just wonderful!
They drive me bonkers and seem to be drawn to me like a magnet??_ does anyone else have this problem with any signs?
Any insight into the Scorp/Gemini thing?

I have a Scorpio right now that is madly in love with me smile He's a sweetheart though. Very intense. However for some reason I am not drawn to water signs, they come to me. Cancers especially, then Pisces, then Scorpios. Gemini's do have a lot of people chasing them all the time. I won't lie, I adore the attention.
So as a Scorpio I know you are possibly jealous and possessive so you will need to learn how to deal with us having a lot of people around us all the time. I think it drives my Scorpio crazy. We aren't together but that is my choice as of late. He needs to earn his way back into my good graces, due to him vanishing twice knowing that I liked him. So. We shall see.
That last sentence of yours is so true. "They drive me bonkers" yeah pretty much. We have that effect. smile
I'm actually not jealous and possessive (outwardly, LOL). The one I really like now makes it crystal clear to me that he's not seeing other people, and it's very clear when I see him push away other people's advances. It actually makes me happy. smile He's very affectionate towards me when we're with other people.
However... you just said something that makes sense! I've vanished on him three times now. Maybe he's holding grudges this time even though I've laid it all out on the line. But, every time I did pull back from him, he confronted me head on about things... me leaving makes him open up, always has. (Just talking about the one I actually care about now..)
This whole thing started with him - Like I said, gems have been coming to me, not the other way around. Now it's flipped and I'm the one realizing how much of an idiot I've been for pushing him away. Generally if I figure out someone is a gemini before I catch feelings I'll run the other direction... I know they turn me into a hot mess. haha!

Posted by sunglasslove
I'm actually not jealous and possessive (outwardly, LOL). The one I really like now makes it crystal clear to me that he's not seeing other people, and it's very clear when I see him push away other people's advances. It actually makes me happy. smile He's very affectionate towards me when we're with other people.
However... you just said something that makes sense! I've vanished on him three times now. Maybe he's holding grudges this time even though I've laid it all out on the line. But, every time I did pull back from him, he confronted me head on about things... me leaving makes him open up, always has. (Just talking about the one I actually care about now..)
This whole thing started with him - Like I said, gems have been coming to me, not the other way around. Now it's flipped and I'm the one realizing how much of an idiot I've been for pushing him away. Generally if I figure out someone is a gemini before I catch feelings I'll run the other direction... I know they turn me into a hot mess. haha!

May I ask why the vanishing? Because with my Scorpio I know hes busy with grad school and the like. But to have such intense feelings and just vanish? I will never understand. Now hes REALLY coming after me. Says the L word and everything. I won't say it back and I won't be with him yet due to his Houdini act.
why did you leave 3 times? and how/why did you come back? I have gemini rising...wonder if I can help you figure this out.
Posted by BigGirlPanties
why did you leave 3 times? and how/why did you come back? I have gemini rising...wonder if I can help you figure this out.

You could possibly be my hero.
First time... we met while on breaks with our significant others. It really was just a fling, or so I thought. We hung out often and I went back to my ex not thinging much, until he texted me randomly asking where I disappeared to and he hadn't seen me.
Second time, things were still very fresh with my ex (the other gem), and I was really unsure of this guy, and couldn't make myself open up at all. I knew he was something special and it kind of (read kind of as REALLY REALLY) freaked me out. At this point, he also admitted that he had missed me, and that he was scared that he was going to mess things up between us. We were together alot for around a month, and on his birthday something in my head snapped and a switch turned off, and a wall just went up. (In my defense, something happened that made me realize I didn't fully trust him.) A week later we talked and he asked questions and cleared things up, but I stayed distant for a few months, then I got an apartment and he started coming over, but things felt weird - he got really, really shy in person, even though he was all about texting me and telling me he wanted to come over, etc. etc. I got confused and couldn't figure him out, so I retreated.
Somehow somewhere along the lines we reconciled.
Third time, I got fed up with always having to call/text him first, after before, where he was open to expressing feelings through text. So I decided to initiate a stand off. Stand off lasted a month and ended this weekend by me texting him - he answered the next day, we talking in person, and I threw everything on the line. I'd seen him during that month, stopping by his house with friends that assured me he wanted me there, but HE never told him specifically to come over. He seemed okay, questioning lots of things, seemed like he didn't believe me. Everything seemed ok.
Now he's still being very weird with me, although I realize I'm not giving it alot of time. I'm giving him his space, and I feel myself building a wall up again brick by brick...
Totally didn't mean for this to get that long. And to think this is the short version... what a nightmare! lol
Ok here are my thoughts, but a little background first.
Im Leo, with Gem rising. Ive been in love twice , second was a Gemini. Earlier this year, I had a Gemini profess love for me and chased me like a puppy dog (I was NOT attracted to him whatsoever). So, maybe I can take some of my Gem experience, which is limited, to help. Im also Scorp moon and have had 2 scorp relationships. (And several friendships).
What I see is you both mirroring each other in fear. You pull back,he reacts, gets distant. You react to that and become insecure. One of you is going to have to be the "hero" in this relationship if you want it to advance. I know as a Scorp you just aint used to being open and vulnerable and lay your cards on the table, but you were the one who kept doing the push-pull, which I am ALL TOO familiar with at the given moment and that is sending the message to him of confusion and not sure YOU are worthy and sincere. It's the circular cycle, someone has to break it.
The Gem I dated was wishy-washy. One day, he'd chase me like no tomorrow, next day he'd put on his other face and go high and dry, and Id have to give chase. I hated it. but, I know I also played games, did lots of testing to see how into me he was. I once tested his love by saying if he truly loved me, he'd propose to me. It was 11pm on a Friday night, no jewelry store open, so he drove to Wal-Mart, bought me a cheap $ 300 ring just to show me he was sincere. when he gave it to me, I told him to keep it. I was driving him crazy cus he had driven ME crazy first. Test test day we jut gotta give it up, be open, sincere and just get damn naked in front of the one we love so we can be happy!!
That Wal-Mart story is epic. I love it!
I do realize I've been doing the push/pull... and you hit the nail on the head that when he gets distant I lose trust.
I did realize I needed to step it up, and that's what happened this weekend. So maybe I'm on the right track. I explained how I felt, and why I did things (believe me when I say I laid it ALL out there). Some of the questions he had really showed his own insecurity. He asked me if I was seeing other people (amongst other things) and I actually told him that I stopped trying to even talk to other people, cause it wasn't working out well for me.
(The one I talked to this weekend was just a friend - nothing there for me at all.)
I'm stepping back a bit to give him some time to process what I've said, but I'm still making sure to do something friendly every day, which he's been taking well I think.
Might be too late for this one... part of me really thinks we've woven too complicated of a web already. (this pans out over a time span of a year and a half now)
Here's my chart, just to make things more interesting.
Sun Scorpio 28.14 Ascendant Libra 10.43
Moon Libra 22.46 II Scorpio 7.30
Mercury Sagittarius 19.11 III Sagittarius 8.30
Venus Capricorn 7.40 IV Capricorn 12.34
Mars Aquarius 3.28 V Aquarius 16.06
Jupiter Capricorn 12.23 VI Pisces 15.50
Saturn Scorpio 20.10 VII Aries 10.43
Uranus Sagittarius 12.52 VIII Taurus 7.30
Neptune Sagittarius 29.59 IX Gemini 8.30
Pluto Scorpio 3.06 Midheaven Cancer 12.34
Lilith Aries 8.23 XI Leo 16.06
Asc node Taurus 27.28 XII Virgo 15.50
Taureans annoy the heck out of me. So persistant! I get lots of those as well, never ends well for them... poor guys! smile
Posted by DazedScorp
I do believe that a Gemicide is in order.

My world would be a much better place... smile
HEY! I resent that! Thank you very much!
Posted by TastesOfChaos
I attract Gems like fly on shit.... They love me.
My entire immediate family are Gems and all my closest friends are too...
Plus I have a Gemini moon.
Wouldn't wanna be with one though, their lying really aggravates me...
Especially the males, my 12 y/o nephew lies soooo bad it's insane. He told me the other day he had been bitten by a spider... So I immediately called bullshit and he laughed. Lil fucker Tongue it's funny when they are young but my brother STILL lies at the age of 40 =/
Love the females though... They are hilarious and heaps of fun to hang out with smile
My BFF is marrying a Scorp... They have the perfect relationship. They rarely fight smile he is heaps more Emo than her though, she is Gemini with a Libra moon ???
He is Scorp with a Cancer moon!

You know I have to agree with this. Speaking as a Gemini female, the males are terrible about lying. Right now I have a Scorpio with a Capricorn moon chasing me like no tomorrow. We get along great however which is surprising to me. Just like your BFF I am a Gemini with a Libra moon! So maybe this just might work out! Yay!
Posted by SatoriFierce
The Gems love me too; I always thought it was odd. smile It never worked out for me with one for one reason or another, but I've seen it work for other Scorps and Gems.
They're not all the same, of course. A lot depends on age and maturity, as does everything with all signs. If you like them and they like you, just finding one in the right place and time might be all you need.
What was it that broke up your 5-year relationship, if you don't mind my asking?

Night and day is too true. I've always felt that I balance out a Gem in our differences, we mesh well, but they still drive me crazy.
I broke off the relationship. He became way too controlling and jealous, and the relationship became a job rather than something fun. He always had issues, but I just stopped putting in the effort to deal with them. He was a cusper, Taurus/Gem. (May 21)
Actually.... the new guy is May 22. Does that make him a cusper also?
Posted by TastesOfChaos
I attract Gems like fly on shit.... They love me.
My entire immediate family are Gems and all my closest friends are too...


My closest cousin is a Gemini smile He really amuses me!
Posted by sunglasslove
Posted by SatoriFierce
The Gems love me too; I always thought it was odd. smile It never worked out for me with one for one reason or another, but I've seen it work for other Scorps and Gems.
They're not all the same, of course. A lot depends on age and maturity, as does everything with all signs. If you like them and they like you, just finding one in the right place and time might be all you need.
What was it that broke up your 5-year relationship, if you don't mind my asking?

Night and day is too true. I've always felt that I balance out a Gem in our differences, we mesh well, but they still drive me crazy.
I broke off the relationship. He became way too controlling and jealous, and the relationship became a job rather than something fun. He always had issues, but I just stopped putting in the effort to deal with them. He was a cusper, Taurus/Gem. (May 21)
Actually.... the new guy is May 22. Does that make him a cusper also?
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Oh another one on the cusp. Interesting. I was about to say jealous and controlling? That doesn't sound like a Gemini at all. Must be because of the Taurus. I for one am hardly jealous unless it's warranted. Controlling not so much. Im totally bossy though, but that's entirely different.
Posted by Xin
Posted by sunglasslove
Posted by SatoriFierce
The Gems love me too; I always thought it was odd. smile It never worked out for me with one for one reason or another, but I've seen it work for other Scorps and Gems.
They're not all the same, of course. A lot depends on age and maturity, as does everything with all signs. If you like them and they like you, just finding one in the right place and time might be all you need.
What was it that broke up your 5-year relationship, if you don't mind my asking?

Night and day is too true. I've always felt that I balance out a Gem in our differences, we mesh well, but they still drive me crazy.
I broke off the relationship. He became way too controlling and jealous, and the relationship became a job rather than something fun. He always had issues, but I just stopped putting in the effort to deal with them. He was a cusper, Taurus/Gem. (May 21)
Actually.... the new guy is May 22. Does that make him a cusper also?

Oh another one on the cusp. Interesting. I was about to say jealous and controlling? That doesn't sound like a Gemini at all. Must be because of the Taurus. I for one am hardly jealous unless it's warranted. Controlling not so much. Im totally bossy though, but that's entirely different.
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My thinking too. But he didn't start out that way.
GEMS ROCK, and I say that completely unbiased of course.
Posted by DeadRingerr
I was there, actually, he was smart enough to realize he was getting no where with you and logged out.

Nah, he knows better.
Plus, I'm the one who found out dirt on him and got over it, not the other way around. smile
Say what you want, but Scorpio/Gemini is a popular pair.
Posted by DeadRingerr
Posted by lnana04
Say what you want, but Scorpio/Gemini is a popular pair.

Very true....I noticed the Scorpio's on DXP hate to admit that.
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Really? Wow. Well sometimes I keep thinking it's not going to work with the guy that is talking to me right now. Still trying to see how this will pan out as of late. Hes a Scorpio with a Cap moon. We are so vastly different in temperaments its crazy. He's very grounded, intense, serious. I'm flighty, superficial, flirty.
Posted by DeadRingerr
Posted by lnana04
Say what you want, but Scorpio/Gemini is a popular pair.

Very true....I noticed the Scorpio's on DXP hate to admit that.
click to expand

I'm guessing because there's no happy endings to talk about. smile
Posted by DeadRingerr
Posted by Xin
Posted by DeadRingerr
Posted by lnana04
Say what you want, but Scorpio/Gemini is a popular pair.

Very true....I noticed the Scorpio's on DXP hate to admit that.

Really? Wow. Well sometimes I keep thinking it's not going to work with the guy that is talking to me right now. Still trying to see how this will pan out as of late. Hes a Scorpio with a Cap moon. We are so vastly different in temperaments its crazy. He's very grounded, intense, serious. I'm flighty, superficial, flirty.

Gemini's seem that way, it not the reality, its just a cover up, defense mechanism, takes us a while to trust and feel comfortable in our own skin. Its more of a nervous habit, the whole chatty, laughing, joking thing is a smokescreen cus we are really checking out the situation at the same time, we just dont want people to be aware of it, sort of a diversion if you will. Once we feel safe then the true Gemini comes out. Thats the duality. One is combing the area, the other is creating the diversion, so the other one can do his or her job. Then we re-group, make an assessment and decides which twin will handle a given situation.
click to expand

Ok you hit the nail on the head. *Sighs*
Totally true about us Gemini's.
I still think I am unsure about Scorpio/Gemini pairing. Right now I am seething about the Scorpio guy who (according to him) has major feelings about me. He has said the L word and everything. As you know I have posted before about how he has vanished on me twice before. I know he wasn't seeing anyone he is just really busy with grad school and other things. Except what I don't understand is the push/pull thing going on. I get that he is very busy with school. Ok. But why are you trying to talk to me if you don't have any time? I require some kind of attention. One day he will be sort of talking to me the next day nothing.
Just last night he said he would send me an email, nothing. Now mind you he gets very upset if I don't send him one, but I have to be cool if he can't do anything. Im to the point of just ignoring him. I read somewhere that Scorpio's hate that and they eventually come looking for you. I figured since he is so busy, I need to be busy. I feel there is a double standard too. Like I have to be the first to initiate, I have to write him emails, I contact him, etc. Im not really sure what to do at this point. Twice before he has gotten so busy he just vanished. Of course I told him I am wary of this and Im afraid to get involved because of his Houdini act. Maybe ill just ignore him and back off. *Sigh* Guess im feeling like Scorpio's might not always actually say how they really feel. Because his actions never really backed it up.
Posted by sunglasslove

Any insight into the Scorp/Gemini thing?

We are most attracted to that which is bad and wrong for us.
Chocolate - Fried food - wheat and other processed foods