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Aries Okay I do like them. But there is too much of a power struggle going on here that is dreading. Like damn, just let me win the argument k? I know what I am talking about and you don't. So stop trying to de
All of my friends (...all 2 of them) are in bed by ten. So uh yeah...I can't complain to them so I guess I just gotta rant through this thing and post my misery here...lucky you...(sarcastic there k?)
I came across this website by coincidence, and believe I can contribute to the topics that have been posted in the past about male Caps. I feel my experiences and growth as a Cap can greatly help those women who are currently dating a Cap, or thinking abo
Hi, I just wanna know that u all women really hate us or like us... I mean.. I m confused. I agree that we cap guys are very complicated people, but we are not that bad. Once u know our typical weird nature I dont think so there will any problems.
I think Jennifer Jason Leigh materializes a typical Aquarius, what do you think? Now obviousley I don?t know her, but she kind of caught my attention the other day and I spent many hours reading about her (interviews and such). I won?t get into what I thi
I know no man wants a women for a president, but I think a Scorpio Man or Women would make a great president, yea yea I know society has set in all mens mind that a women can not run a country, because we are emotional