
This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by soulbomb on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 and has 10 replies.
So I'm just wondering why I have never met anyone that's a halloween baby like me!
And was wondering do these decan things really effect the kinda scorpio you are?
My sister is a halloween baby too. smile
Devil child!
LOL I've heard that one too many times @IIIdol.
@mellymel909 yep my cousins is on the 30th too but never met a 31ster
@sugerbear she must b special
Were just too rare I guess

I love it...Drewcifer! hehe that is great. smile
Yes you guys are very special! I dont think she has ever met another halloween baby either.
She can't be that bad ey :p
All those horror flicks hitting the screens and dressed down kids celebrating your bday with you.. Whilst you wonder wth its my bday foool!
I was born on Halloween Scared
Because you want to feel unnecessarily special. I'm a Halloween monster.
...of the Chinese dragon zodiac kind.
I also date someone born on Halloween for awhile. We're still friends.
i know of 2 scorps born on halloween.