Wish you all the best..and have fun. I suck in toasts.
Hi everyone. This is my first time posting on this board. I'm wondering what you can offer, in terms of advice, to my
From you perspective, which sign of the zodiac do you think have the most hoe-ish qualities?
I had one the other nite...it was very odd...it seemed like a very long dream, and i was walking around in a supermarket
Scorps of Rock - name them
Okay. I recently met this Fiiiinnnnnneee persistant Virgo guy. Interesting I must admit. Plan to hang out this weekend.
that I like him? I keep hearing conflicting info about this....either he will run for the hills if I tell him or he L
Hey I just met the hotest Virgo guy. My first love was a virgo and even after we broke up we remained friends with a ver
Have you ever lived in Hall residence when you're in college ? And what was the experience? I've many neighbours that
OK, I finally got a response from the Letter I wrote to Libra after telling him things were not going to work for me and