Happy Hello

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by YummyMummy on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 and has 6 replies.
Well it's been a while...but things are going good...Mr Pisces and I are still together...it's his birthday today so I am sending bundles and oodles of love all over the place to him!
How is everyone here?
Welcome back Yummymummy - was only thinking the other day how long it was since you last posted:-) Missed your colourful, delightful posts......so glad to hear that you and Mr. P. are still together:-)
Lots of new faces here on the board.......and a few old ones:-) - me included!!.....well less of the "old" - all the ladies on this board have faces that could launch a thousdand ships:-)!!!!! - whether the ships return to port or not, that is the question!!:-)
Alana x
Im sick.Theres all kinds of bad stuff coming out or passing out alot and sleeping for 20 hours a daySadI hate it!My pisces is playing baby sitter as well as laughing at and picking on me alot.:S
Tiamat, I'm sorry that you're sick. That really sounds out of character for a Pisces. Though, thier sense of humor can be wicked at times, they're usually quiet compassionate to the sick and/or injured. Maybe he's just trying to lighten you up, so you won't feel so bad. I hope you feel better soon.
Yeah,hes trying to lighten me up honestly but hes still getting poop back about it lol.
"Im sick.Theres all kinds of bad stuff coming out or passing out alot and sleeping for 20 hours a dayI hate it!My pisces is playing baby sitter as well as laughing at and picking on me alot."
Yeah maybe he try and lighten you up.I hope you feel better Tiamat remember to stay hydrated

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