Has your CAP cheated on you?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by FUMRedFairy_tales on Monday, March 23, 2009 and has 36 replies.

OR did you suspect him cheating?

I truly do not feel good of creating such thread, as I feel that loyalty is one of the stronger trademarks for CAPs as it is for Virgos. However, I wonder if you have any stories leading to his disloyalty? How did you suspect? What did you do about it?
Anything you wish to add, please do so.
Thank you.
The one I dated on and off for several years, never cheated on me. It's been my experience that once they consider themselves in an exclusive relationship, they are totally committed.
dear pathfinder
thank you for responding.
Oh my... I feel even more guilty now. Not that I said anything about disloyalty to him, but that was the base of my breaking up ... rather his lying was the lead for my assumption.
I still can't know, but thank you again, appreciate that you replied to this thread.

Time will tell I guess if it was meant to be.

Am taking all my suspicians back. I have hard evidence: CAP Man was cheating on me. Why his disappearing and not responding to me for a whole week was he had a girl visiting him from Germany.
To all the girls who have this strange feeling in your gut that he is "not that into you".... then he probably is not that into you or he is just a cheating ASS!!
Good that I gave him the boot before I continued suspecting and blaming myself. The signs.. you should never ignore.
Irish... honey
I went online and found out how to deal with a cheating guy. There are many ways of finding out and NO rules for that fact if you are truly suspicious.
To answer your question, I was my own detective.

Don't be afraid of stalking him, checking his phone or email account if you suspect. If you have money to waste on him, get a detective... I don't have that amount of money or the kind of relationship (let's say we are not married or engaged), but we were boyfriend/girlfriend officially. He started draining me emotionally which extends to physical and all the wasted time of thinking what the hell is going on? Things should be straight forward. You shouldn't question... why doesn't he call? Why didn't he pick-up my call? Why didn't he come online for a week?... etc. anything out of the ordinary.

It's fair game! If he is a cheating ASS, then all rules apply and that is how I found out, honey.
Irish --
I very much appreciate your supporting words. I had ended with CAP a couple of days ago as I caught him lying to me quite obviously. When I said "it's over!" he ran out of my car... you should have seen him. I just had this strange feeling in my gut and it must have been around the time when the girl had just left.

See my previous experience with the Virgo man kept me alert on this one, so I could catch the signs much faster. With Virgo I was together for 8 months and I knew him as a friend for 3+ years. Our friendship made me much more naive than I normally would have been. Our ending was very devastating for me.

Yes it was a shock finding out. It's different when you suspect and you just don't have the final big proof. I couldn't believe my eyes, but there it was... black on white.
Yes I do feel better now. I'm proud of myself. But it does hurt.... because all this time you think you are special to this man.

He wouldn't have told me that he met someone else, because it was a fling he had. The girl visited him from germany. We both live in Toronto, Canada. She says she is upset knowing that she can never see him again... and can't imagine a life will be without him anymore... blah blah blah... .

I know he would have continued playing around with me. And I would have continued wondering... well am glad it's over.
No I don't think so, Irish; I don't think he loves me. I don't think he can love anybody. We wish that the guy gets devastated because it feels good and revengeful.

He made me wash his laundry just a few days before she came. I organized his house. Can you imagine what a low character such types have? So no... the best thing is walking away from these guys. Yesterday I was thinking on perhaps telling him that I loved him just to see his reaction. Man that would have been one big mistake!...

I wish I had named this thread "Do you suspect Him Cheating on you?"
Perhaps I should create such post, just to warn some of the girls on here to Trust their guy, but stay Alert when one starts getting these gut feelings that something is not quite right.
satori -- for days I have been thinking if it truly is my paranoia.

I have a letter from a girl in my hand who just has spent a week with him. She talks of their time together and how much she has fallen in love with him within a week. She asks why he NEVER kissed her....

So it's pretty set. I wish I were wrong.
Posted by FUMRedFairy_tales

He wouldn't have told me that he met someone else, because it was a fling he had. The girl visited him from germany. We both live in Toronto, Canada. She says she is upset knowing that she can never see him again... and can't imagine a life will be without him anymore... blah blah blah... .

I know he would have continued playing around with me. And I would have continued wondering... well am glad it's over.

Then how exactly did you end up with this letter in your hand from her? If he didn't tell, then this means not only did you follow them, you approached her at some point, for her to even know about you to give you this letter.
Or, this is just another one of your lies .... in order to stoke the drama, certainly dramatic things have to be inserted in key places ... a letter from her proclaiming her profound love for him would suffice.
Why would she even give you a letter?

Do you even realize how absurd this sounds? No of course not ... the brain would have to have the ability to reason to come to this realization.

Here it is then ..... if you (3rd person) were involved with a man to whom isn't single, he has a partner, and you wanted this man because you loved him ... the last thing you would do is to inform his partner of your existence because then you would lose him for sure.
If she loved him and wanted him, Fum .... she would NOT send you a letter proclaiming her undying love for your man.

This is what you have yourself believing that we would believe .... perhaps other do believe this .. not me, I'm not that gullible.
I never said she gave me the letter. I have it though... that's enough of info for you. Don't want to wake up the cheaters. I want to alert the ones who are in doubt.
satori, it appears she did confront him ....
"I had ended with CAP a couple of days ago as I caught him lying to me quite obviously. When I said "it's over!" he ran out of my car... you should have seen him." ~ FUMRedFairy_tales
She found out the woman spent a week with him. I don't quite understand what was the extent of the visit, since he did not kiss this woman, maybe she was just visiting? Even so, as the letter indicated, she wanted it to be more.
Idk. I know the cap I dated had a woman living at his house for a while (not while we dated, though), and never did anything romantic with her -- she was just an old friend of his. I think she may have wanted to start something, but if a cap man is not into a woman in that way, he's pretty hard to persuade otherwise. And if he has an SO, I would think he would have to be drugged to be unfaithful and risk his relationship.
FUMRedFairy_tales, not all capricorn men are cheaters. My uncle was when he was younger, though. But he also was an alcoholic, so there you go. He's been sober for over 10 years now, but something was troubling him back then and maybe that was his reason. Funny thing, he has never divorced his wife and it's been over 30 years. Go figure.
Generally speaking, I think caps are faithful.
I'm not saying to second guess yourself, you've made your decision. If this "visit" was innocent, he should have told you some woman was staying at his house. But that would have been doing too much of what is right. What he did does not look good, and as his SO, it was very inconsiderate to you.
I know you are hurt, but you will be OK. Continue to value yourself more and more as the days go by. That's such a great thing.
Better days ahead :-)
oh dear... I wish I were wrong. But in this letter the woman tells that she can never go back to her bed the way it was before. No... there is info they slept together, she was just wondering why he never kissed her.

I KNOW why he hasn't kiss her.
I'm sorry in your uncle's case, pathfinder. I did read that once CAPs marry, they will stay together no matter what and even if the relationship dies, they will stay for their kids. I am just talking about cheating in general. I started up with CAP because it was about him, but later I realized I should have more globalized this issue. I felt there was something happening, but my mind just didn't want to believe it. I did not confront him with cheating. I broke up before finding out. I broke up because of the lies. I felt there was a woman issue but I didn't have proof until now. No he doesn't know that I know he was with that woman.

Thank you for your well wishes honey. As much as I am happy it is over because I don't need to guess anymore, on the other hand it does hurt me being put into a situation of being seen as a big fool. For weeks I have been having stomach aches. I hope it goes away soon. There is absolutely no return. I can never accept him back even if he falls into pieces or whatever. I don't believe he will. He is a low character Ass!! I can only be greatful that God granted me to see this with quite some coincidence. I prayed for it and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this letter.
Well why didnt he kiss her?
*shrugs* trust ur heart where u feel deception. it is more likely than not, correct....

Thank you for your response and telling your story, nihilist. I know it takes a lot to come up with something that is nested very deep inside you. One usually doesn't like thinking about these things even when one has decided to forgive and things are different now.
hugs, love... always nice seeing you around.
Lady_M --
I know you are a true artist. Upon your question - although I know the answer in my case - am going to start up a post on your question. Am curious for reasons others may come with.
Thank you, hun.
Sweet FUM. I know what you need. A good slap in the face and a warm passionate embrace with a deep wet kiss that takes the breath out of you. Like in an old movie or something. Is that what you want? This guy is an asshole on one hand and a prince on the other. You have both, consider yourself lucky. BUT I thought you said you just wanted friends with sex? I understand your wanting to sleep with only one dude but maybe he didn't sleep with the visitor. Maybe the condom in the pocket was a test. Maybe it's killing him not to share all that other freakish tidy stuff he would like you to do? And the letter. What fun drama! Both of you. Perfect for each other. I love it. smile
Posted by warholian
Sweet FUM. I know what you need. A good slap in the face and a warm passionate embrace with a deep wet kiss that takes the breath out of you. Like in an old movie or something. Is that what you want? smile

Warholian -- honey... Big Grin

I never saw you write like this before. You have stirred quite some passions in me for the way you described what I deserve to have done to me. You sure seem to know what gets this scorp going. Tongue

I wish I could wrong you in terms of the visitor; it wasn't a simple visit by a friend. I don't like to post the letter here, but it was quite self-explanatory. We do have a saying in my culture,
**How would you describe me to the other person? I would describe you the way I am.**
What I mean is, if YOU still believe in his innocence, then I wish myself a man like you, Mr. W! smile I mean it.
What I learned from this relation is that I have a good idea now how it is to be with a CAP man (it's Potent!) -- excluding the asshole stuff he did... I also learned to think faster, when it comes to the matter of the heart. I only count myself 2 weeks behind this CAP. He was faster, but I caught up to him quite nicely... lol...

Today I will send him a big smile along. He has found out that I know now. Game over! ... lol

Caps and scorps are equally painstaking to one another, there's a certain excitement in that. I was trying to point out that since it's not a committed relationship, he can sleep with whoever he wants despite your requirements. I love the way a scorp will use the word "cheating" even if it's someone that's just the object of their affection that they haven't even slept with, let alone confessed their love for. It's scary, and cute. If there's one paramount thing that a cap will teach a scorpio is that the world doesn't revolve around them (what a shock, I know) and that Saturn is a much bigger planet than mars and (pluto?) put together.
Whatever happens between him and whoever, I'm sure it pales in comparison to what you do for him and bring out of him...especially in bed.
So what I understand from your words is that I should not get physically involved with a CAP Man unless he proposes me, or how would you define "committed" relationship?
Otherwise, I can expect the CAP to cheat on me whenever he wishes if I'm only a girlfriend to him? Is that how it works in a CAPs mind?
The girl DID sleep with him! Her letter tells that they shared the same bed. He doesn't have to confess to me. She tells she is crying and missing him already and she never expected to get used to him this way within a week, she wrote. Does that sound like a buddy buddy letter?

Ahh.. anyway.. perhaps it's best to stay away from a CAP male. I don't get it. If you guys want to behave as you desire, then keep on dreaming about SCORP girls... because the world doesn't revolve around the CAP either. If you tell me you want loyalty and I request the same from you, then you better stick to it, too, or you will loose your scorp girl unless you don't care at all!
It's a give and take honey...

I agree.
How you describ this letter .... it sounds like it was one addressed to him, from her ... in which for some reason you have in your possession ... you must think you have rights to his personal mail.

:: shakes head ::
I'm sure it is very true .... that's why he fucked the other girl.

The measurement of a real woman, comes in the form of being woman enough to keep her man out of other beds.

If people like you are going to measure your ability to love your man, and to "capture" this man in your snare according to sexuality ... then you also have to measure your keeping of this man, also accordingly, your ability of keeping him sexually satisfied ... or else you'd be hypocrites.
Posted by nihilist
fumi- hugs back atcha sweety, hang in there and remember we r the only ones who can take us down. even then we only come back stronger (all be it a bit more hardened). which is ok since the one willing to work to get through our shell will be right the one. that is where warholians' last sentence rings the truest. a scorpion girl is not for the faint of heart.
much luv

Thank you, sweetheart. This second time around, I was more cautious and "hardened" as you put it, nihilist. I also appreciate Walholian's hard ass truth. As much as his statement must be caressing a man's ego when he tells that a CAP Man is capable of swinging back and forth when he has not proposed, I also admire his honesty about it. Very good to know indeed.

Posted by nihilist
p-angel- i don't "know" if my hubby cheated so how could you? he broke some rules (no strip clubs, no lying) so that leads me to believe he probably either has or does break others. also i was speaking for the "right" one. when a scorpion girl is safe secure and loved we give that back 10 fold.
"The measurement of a real woman, comes in the form of being woman enough to keep her man out of other beds."
^ r u for real. why r u so mean when it comes to other womens problems. i completely disagree with that statement, it is no reflection upon a women if there s.o. is a cheater. that only bounces back on him and his lack of morals. someone can easily walk away if they r not fulfilled by another, why cause pain? as for sexual advice from someone who claims not to have sex at all, that would make u a hypocrite wouldn't it?

Second that! Excellent put... I couldn't have said it better.
lol, I'm not mean .. I'm real.

You women actually "used" .... USED ... USED
"as for sexual advice from someone who claims not to have sex at all, that would make u a hypocrite wouldn't it?"

Not at all .. cause I never have, nor ever will "get" a man by utilizing sexual seductions, to only later, after I've gotten him, to then start crying because he isn't moral for me.

"Now, you don't want to own your responsibility of having to keep your man sexually satisified, and if somebody speaks the truth to you about it, then it means it's mean."

This Pee I tell you, she sounds like from a past century comic book. So are you keeping your husband sexually satisfied?
"The measurement of a real woman, comes in the form of being woman enough to keep her man out of other beds."

You say you disagree with that .. and yet, 99.99999999999999999999999999% of all complaints in here from women are because the man either ..

or looked at another girl
or talked to another girl
or she thinks he might cheat
or he has a female co-worker
or he watched tv and a girl was on it
or he looked at the window of V.Secrets and now he wants to fuck the manequin
.. somehow, some way ... her issue she has with him is based around sex, why?

Because she is measuring her womanhood of keeping her man bases around sex.

Are you really that stupid?
And you too, Fum?

Posted by P-Angel
"The measurement of a real woman, comes in the form of being woman enough to keep her man out of other beds."

You say you disagree with that .. and yet, 99.99999999999999999999999999% of all complaints in here from women are because the man either ..

or looked at another girl
or talked to another girl
or she thinks he might cheat
or he has a female co-worker
or he watched tv and a girl was on it
or he looked at the window of V.Secrets and now he wants to fuck the manequin
.. somehow, some way ... her issue she has with him is based around sex, why?

Because she is measuring her womanhood of keeping her man bases around sex.

Are you really that stupid?
And you too, Fum?

The stupid is YOU, Pee!!
Do you know what your Man is doing on the highway?
NONE of those reason you listed is cheating. Funny... you really need an update on this definition. "Looking at another girl" is NOT cheating.

Soon, it won't matter .......

1. You will pretend as though you've changed your mind and decide he's worth another chance because you care for him so much and he said he was sorry and it's ok that he doesn't work and you don't mind being the financer for his dream business ......... oh yes, that will definitely fulfill your drama needs.

2. You will decide to carry this forward ... for it looks like drama can be found in the avenue of approachign him about this letter, and maybe even talking to this girl, maybe even write a chapter where the two of you fight over the man .... yes, audiences really like that, so you this might be an viable option.
3. There's this Leo man from the past, who has resurfaced .... maybe you could finagle some drama out of him .... he IS a Leo, and who loves drama more, right?

4. Virgo man could pop back up ... certainly you haven't twisted everything about him yet, afterall he was a dear friend to you for 3 years before becoming partners, so, certainly since you didn't know a damn thing about his character as a friedn for 3 years, then there's no way just a mere 8 months of using sex to manipulate him didn't flush out all the ways he is fucked up ... so, I'll keep looking at the postings to see if a scene involving him makes it to the viewing audience.
5. There is the Sag man also, who keeps popping in ... and he has always been standing in the shadows waiting for an opportunity to marry you, according to what you wrote as Fumingli_Scorp .... and a man of years and years and years .. just waiting in line to get your hand in marriage would prove an interesting subject to create more drama.

Wow .... I will certainly stayed tuned ... because those are just the ones I know of, surely you have more up your sleeve.
Posted by P-Angel
3. There's this Leo man from the past, who has resurfaced .... maybe you could finagle some drama out of him .... he IS a Leo, and who loves drama more, right?

OK - Pee... You are just making me laugh with your craziness. But I will give you an answer for only one of the above since your mind is getting more and more twisted. I see your head spinning now... The rest what you wrote up there... OH My Dear Lord... really sounds you are on something rather..

Thank my generousity for answering this question finally for you since you want to find out about this Leo Man:
The Leo man is my friend. I'm in contact with him for over a year. He has uttered interest in me, but I made it clear to him that we can only be friends. He appologized and respects my wishes.

happy?? LMAO ... oh dear oh dear..

The rest of the stuff you are talking up there is just craziness. You truly need to keep yourself busy with something else than bothering people on here.