If you could say one thing to all the fools that talk shit about you behind your back what would it be?
What would you say to all them haterz
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Jan 23, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 326 · Topics: 12
F*ck em, don't worry about what others think of u, there's no point
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Sep 18, 2012Comments: 57 · Posts: 456 · Topics: 7
I don't think I'd say anything to them.
People who speak ill of me for whatever reason will only get respectful smiles and kindness from me- until they look like the fools for ever speaking ill of me at all.
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Jan 12, 2012Comments: 34 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 27
Nothing; those fools know I don't give a dayum... If it makes their day to talk chit about me--go for it; doesn't change a thing about me...
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Sep 18, 2012Comments: 57 · Posts: 456 · Topics: 7
I believe that everyone cares to a certain degree whether they admit it or not.
However, I do think that change needs to happen not for someone else, but because you personally want to or feel like you need to so that your quality of life may improve or progress. There's a way to say how you feel, and stay true to who you are without offending people or making them think less of you. It's all about respect- you must give it in order to receive it.
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Jan 12, 2012Comments: 34 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 27
There are people in the world who really don't care about this. My feelings are people are going to talk about you no matter what. Can I control it? No. Then why give a chit? If it's someone I'm close to I bring it up; because I'm close to them. Everyone else...nah.
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Nov 16, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
If I could speak to a hater:
I would ask them what it is they don't like about me. Then, I would think long and hard about their observations of me, determine if they are correct, and (if they ARE correct) make adjustments to make myself a better person.
Why would I ignore haters like it doesn't matter? I'm not above criticism! I see the negatives in others, so why shouldn't they see the same in me(and much more clearly than I could see myself, since they can be more objective)? If I were to ignore haters, I could be missing a chance to grow.