This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by firesignsunite on Monday, April 22, 2013 and has 17 replies.
If you could say one thing to all the fools that talk shit about you behind your back what would it be?
What would you say to all them haterz
F*ck em, don't worry about what others think of u, there's no point
I don't think I'd say anything to them.
People who speak ill of me for whatever reason will only get respectful smiles and kindness from me- until they look like the fools for ever speaking ill of me at all.
Nothing; those fools know I don't give a dayum... If it makes their day to talk chit about me--go for it; doesn't change a thing about me...
Posted by xdimplez
Posted by dofacc

hey...RNAP was inquiring about you
click to expand

Saw that, dropped off a message for her
Posted by tiziani
Obviously I do care and I am affected when someone talks about me. Be it in a good or bad light. I'm not really buying it when people rattle off a bog-standard response of "I don't care".
Being accepted is a feeling we all chase in life and being rejected is just another part of that game. Comes with the territory. Embrace change, is what I've been telling myself.

Having spent an entire life time of being a pariah, I have learned to not concern myself with what others are saying about me. It was a long hard struggle, but I eventually won. It was trying to meet other peoples expectations of me, of trying to suppress what I felt and wanted, that was making me quite literally crazy. "First, Be True to Yourself" is indeed a very wise bit of advice.
Posted by tiziani
Obviously I do care and I am affected when someone talks about me. Be it in a good or bad light. I'm not really buying it when people rattle off a bog-standard response of "I don't care".
Being accepted is a feeling we all chase in life and being rejected is just another part of that game. Comes with the territory. Embrace change, is what I've been telling myself.

U may not "buy" it but I don't care, if I cared about everything thing ppl said about me I'd be an emotional wreck, if it's just WORDS who gives a shit, I got bigger & more important things to worry about (myself)....the only ppl I want "acceptance" from are the ppl who love me without restrictions...
I believe that everyone cares to a certain degree whether they admit it or not.
However, I do think that change needs to happen not for someone else, but because you personally want to or feel like you need to so that your quality of life may improve or progress. There's a way to say how you feel, and stay true to who you are without offending people or making them think less of you. It's all about respect- you must give it in order to receive it.
Posted by firesignsunite
If you could say one thing to all the fools that talk shit about you behind your back what would it be?
What would you say to all them haterz

While behind my back talking shit, you can KISS MY ASS Big Grin
Posted by tiziani
Look, don't get all hyped up. I just threw that answer in there to avoid this thread becoming a cliche of "yeah I don't care, haters make me more famous"
etc. etc.

Just be a real person of real substance, is my advice. Well, my advice to myself actually. Already dofacc's answer is 1000x more interesting and real to me that the responses you see on the back of a bumper-sticker or twitter.

You cannot tell me that your name being spoken out loud by someone else does not provoke an emotional reaction. It's part of being human. Don't be another sequel.

Not at all, when someone brings up another person that said something about me, I stop them dead in their tracks & tell em "I don't wanna hear it change the subject", I'm over that high school crap, if anyone has anything negative to say about me, why the hell would I wanna hear it?? It's their problem not mine, I don't need their negative energy filling my head...so yes there are people who don't care about the bs people talk about them behind their back, but then there's the people who sadly base their lives around being accepted by ppl who talk about them ....do what u want, don't worry about what others are saying about u & be as happy as u can, that it!
Posted by tiziani
Positivity and negativity are both parts of life, growth and learning.

Heartbeat goes up and down, so does brain activity. This is not coincidence.

People who are high all the time = danger.

I agree with the sentiment in your post but the way you word it does not make much sense. Especially on a Scorpio forum. Doesn't really match up with all the other stuff you Scorps say around here.
And of course it is unwise to base your life on acceptance since we rarely ever are accepted as people, let alone the fight we have in accepting ourselves. But acceptance is a core human desire in life and to be in denial of that will obviously not have people very successful in enjoying happy moments.

The way I word it? Lol that's is your opinion & I'm humored by your responses, either way I made my point & delivered it well smile
Posted by firesignsunite
If you could say one thing to all the fools that talk shit about you behind your back what would it be?
What would you say to all them haterz

I'll play. Big Grin
If I could say one thing to "all the fools that talk shit" about me behind my back, I guess the truth would be most attractive.
If what they had to say had any merit, they would say it to my face and wait for my rebuttal.
Doesn't sound very exciting-- but it can be. Winking

Posted by Arthemis
However, my nice behavior never stopped people to talk on my back.
People will hate you for diverse reasons, even for being to right.
I always worried about people's opinion but honestly, it never stop them to talk.
I did exclude some people and still have to exclude some. I try to stay away from trouble but I don't worry anymore.
If I say it doesnt hurt I'll be lying but I'll make it go away pretty fast. If they hate me why should I take their behavior serious?
Let them talk.
The ones that matter to me is the ones I like.

I agree-- this is well said, Arthemis.
People will talk if you're bad, and they'll talk if you're too good.
Sometimes they talk because it makes them feel better about themselves-- and that's just sad.
If I need to change something about myself, I'm not going to listen to people who tear me up behind my back-- they dgaf about me, anyway-- obviously.
I'll listen to "the ones that matter"-- they will tell me for my benefit; not theirs.
There are people in the world who really don't care about this. My feelings are people are going to talk about you no matter what. Can I control it? No. Then why give a chit? If it's someone I'm close to I bring it up; because I'm close to them. Everyone else...nah.
Karma is a bitch, what goes out comes back too & I am very happy to see it coming back to people when they do this.
I can't help but smile Big Grin
Just wait & watch
If I could speak to a hater:
I would ask them what it is they don't like about me. Then, I would think long and hard about their observations of me, determine if they are correct, and (if they ARE correct) make adjustments to make myself a better person.
Why would I ignore haters like it doesn't matter? I'm not above criticism! I see the negatives in others, so why shouldn't they see the same in me(and much more clearly than I could see myself, since they can be more objective)? If I were to ignore haters, I could be missing a chance to grow.