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Jan 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 15
I stopped talkin to my Scorpio for a min.. I began talkin to him again now and he has been refreshed, very eager to talk with me and stuff. Now.... he is gettin crazy again! Well I do have to admit that he is making more progress than I thought he was able to do. So before I have to physically put his lights out for acting up, what could I do next? Any techniques. I want him to express more to me. Sometimes he answers me, sometimes he doesnt. I have him very spoiled with that because I try not to pressure him to answer and tell him to be free and stuff. We havent ever been intimate together, he brings it up time to time. I know he wants to but I cant share myself when he goes up and down with me. I feel that if he gets weird o me now he will definitely get weird on me after sex. It will be more complicated. What could I do?
I dated 3 scorps before about 6-7 years ago, two long term and they all did this very same thing but I dont recall what I did. You know how when you dont like someone anymore you forget all about them, the relationship becomes vague in your mind when you begin seeing someone new who is very different you cant recall much of the person before??? maybe its me but thats my issue. I have the answers from experience but dont remember!
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Jan 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 15
Haha! I like scorps though, my best friend is one and we are. We have the most fun together, its just the beginning that always crazy!!! If we can get passed that both alive, we are always good. I like a good challenge too.
Signed Up:
Jan 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 15
Lemme clean that up.....
Haha! I like scorps though, my best friend is one and we are friends who never argued or fight becuase we understand each other so well its crazy, I love that girl to death. Scorps and I have the most fun together, its just the beginning that always crazy!!! If we can get passed that both alive, we are always good. I like a good challenge too.
The love of my life is a Sag and I fully appreciate everything about them. Unfortunately I think there were definite experiences and journeys I had to go through before I was capable of being who I am today. For someone who is new here, could you elaborate on what it means when he "gets crazy again"?
Signed Up:
Jan 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 15
"For someone who is new here, could you elaborate on what it means when he "gets crazy again"?"
He is going into that shell again. He isnt saying much. I can accept that hes quiet, its a trait I like anyways with him but I'm not clear on why hes gotten extra quiet lately? He answers some of my questions and others I have to be very patient and wait for him to warm up to answer, sometimes he wont answer at all. The intimate thing he brought up briefly. He just did it oneday, before we never talked about that but I think it will get too complicated. so I refuse. He seems to be very open to wanting to be intimate with me and I'm not even on that page yet. He says nothin that relates to how he feels towards me. I'm very open with my feelings, ion care! "it is what it is". He listens very silently when I talk with him. I will back off and go missing and dont wanna talk or stop expressing my feelings and its as if thats when he says somethin, he gets eager to talk to me again. I will get a line or two and then "He gets crazy again" I let him do what he wants and I do what I want because I feel you should be accepted and accept people for who they are if you wanna be with them but there has to be some kind of understanding. he would not even take the time to be silent with me if he didnt want me to continue with me. I mean it would simply be wasting time. He keeps alot inside, he told me this long before so I try to think about that statement.
I'm not new to this with Scorp men but I just dont remember how to handle it like I use to... you know without stranglin him haha.
Hahaha, yeah, it seems like he's accepted his nature all too well. It does take a higher form of Scorp to fully appreciate a Sag. Honestly, living by a disclaimer "I keep alot inside" or sticking to constant truths isn't very good for a person in a world of impermanence.
*sigh*... if he's a nice guy, the best way to get through to him, I think, is to appeal to his sympathy, but from the looks of it, this might be a pattern that you probably don't want to continue in any form. For him, it may be a way to make it last as he clings onto constancy. What you are capable of together is much like a lightbulb. Those that burn twice as bright last half as long. As for two hearts, it seems yours is burning out faster than his, since his is set so dimly. He'll only turn it up if yours goes out. Now I'm probably telling you things you already know, though I don't presume to be an expert on any of this.
My advice is that you should probably be brutally honest with him about this whole 'pattern' and how me makes you feel. Maybe he'll struggle to change in his need for self-control or freedom from predetestiny. Or maybe he'll even want to change for you -- wouldn't that be a pleasant thought?
Signed Up:
Jan 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 15
I will try that. He just such a biotch, ya know. I never know with him. Just when you think he wont, he will.... when you think he will, he may not or then he may. I do this to but i'm clear you could have some kind of clue but with him, oh.. Its never clear. He didnt answer me when I asked if him "Do you feel I like you too much?" I just told him I will work on stopping my feelings towards him. It doesnt sound like a trick question to me. If he cant answer that I have no hope for him.
Also I think it's important never to put yourself or your feelings below his -- we already know you can effortlessly carry yourself with grace. Before I even spoke to my Sag girl I felt she was so high above me and that I would need to become worthy of her, hence the beginning of my last transformation begun out of that.
Signed Up:
Jan 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 15
Yeah, I agree. He had me buggin for some reason, I guess I simply cared too much. He nevers tells me his feelings for me. I'm not as bothered with someone saying it but there are no clear clues. For all I know, he could feel I'm more of friend material though their is a contradiction even with that. Our relationship is complicated because we both agree that men and women cant be friends. So what could we be then....
Signed Up:
Jan 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 15
Yeah WaterPhoenix is too cool! Unbiased advice is whats up.
Haha, you two are too kind. Really though, I just hope I don't make things worse and wear out my welcome! I'm here to learn a bit more myself!
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
That's awesome FS!! It's so great to hear a success story for a change. There are so many that don't work out.