He is making me so upset!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by FierceSagittarius on Sunday, August 20, 2006 and has 23 replies.
My guy (Scorpio) is such a A-HOLE! He acts as if I read minds. I dont like hints! Now this fool is upset and wont talk to me, I mean at least say "I dont wanna talk about it!" instead of just ignoring me. He know he see me calling him. He is crazy! He can stay crazy by his damn self because he dont know about me. He will be replaced like 3 seconds ago dealing with me. I offer my compassion to him but he doesnt do it for me! Selfish bastard wants to play psychological games all day! I got better things to do then have patience with him. Then in a few days he will act like nothing happened.
Feel better? smile
ok, poppet...patience is a virtue. get it out of your system because if you throw this type of tissy around him, he'll go into the witness protection program and change his name to hide from your tantrums.
good luck.
I wanna stomp him in the ground! I think that will make me feel better. Too much maintenance with him already.
lmao at stomp him in the ground...he would actually understand that...might turn him on to..Lol.....let it all outttttttttttttttttttttt =)
then you'd have your own little pocket scorpio! i say go for it!
Stop calling him. Its the only way to get to him. He is enjoying you chasing him, and it will only bolster his stubborn position. Stop calling him and dont answer his calls for alittle while. It will drive him nutz.
"Stop calling him. Its the only way to get to him. He is enjoying you chasing him, and it will only bolster his stubborn position. Stop calling him and dont answer his calls for alittle while. It will drive him nutz."

Ok. Whats the definition of a little while? I can get use to not talking to him and it will be forever! lol.
Let him define the time...he's a Scorpio and wants to be in control. Once he feels that control slipping away, he'll call.
LOL @ HP...Yeah just ignore him..he'll be back with his tail between his legs..why you getting so wound up.
So is it best just to ignore him and if he's interested then he'll be back? If not, then he won't be back?
I agree with the others. Ignore his a $ $ we Scorpios are very controlling and very stubborn. Bad Combination. He will be alright but don't call him anymore. He will come around.
I'm with scorpsweetie and houstonpeach74....just stop calling...you're only playing into his mind game. He'll probably call YOU asking what is wrong...which will be an excellent time to bring up the concern that he ignores you without explaining what's bothering him.
fierce saggi , boyy you sound so much like my saggitarian girl friend! i mean love the way saggi gals can swear and not care a damn what everyone and their grand ma's think!
about the scorp prick - well scorp men are just that - mind game playing pricks - the funny part is that shouldnt really play mind games with saggi's (or leo and aries for that matter) - as rarely is a fire sign perceptive - whewwww he may not ever get the message across if he sticks to his subtle 'ignoring when im hurt game'........
" the funny part is that shouldnt really play mind games with saggi's (or leo and aries for that matter) - as rarely is a fire sign perceptive"
Usually it wouldnt, must be my damn taurus moon haha!
"Just wonderin, FierceSag, do you bring these issues up or do you just sorta let it slide and hope it doesn't happen again in the near future?"
I bring up anything that makes me mad. We are in the beginning stages of our relationship. I check myself as well. If I point something out with him, I point out what my fault is also. He listens but sometimes he pulls his stubborn streak.He keep doin it and he will have a case of the missing streak. That fool! how dare him make me show my bad side when im so nice and sweet to his butt.
Fierce, no one can make you show your bad side. We're all in control of our actions. We can't blame others for the way we act and/or react.
I would like you to give me one example of how sweet you've been to him, because I've been reading your posts on this thread and I have a hard time believing that anything sweet can come out of you."
Yeah, I'm sweet. I'm usually upset or cconfused when I come on here(sorry guys)
pluto muse...so he never called you?
I would like you to give me one example of how sweet you've been to him, because I've been reading your posts on this thread and I have a hard time believing that anything sweet can come out of you.

plut...how long did it take you guys to communicate? I just want to know because its been 2weeks since Ive heard from my scorp. I know he hasnt forgotten about what we had together. It was unforgettable...i know it was for him too
*gets out pom-poms* STOMP HIM! STOMP HIM! YOU GO, GIRL! STOMP HIS A $ $ FOR ALL OF US! Winking
"Yea. That would definitely get to him. If you stopped calling. But then it would turn into a game of who can hold out the longest. And I'm sure you don't want to play games. If the relationship is already as frustrating as you say, then maybe you should weigh out the pros and cons and decide what's best for you.
I guess it's a Scorpio thing to shut down on people like that. It is unfair, because like you said, people can't read minds (like us, lol - j/k). He's probably sulking. Tell him to, "get over it!"

Yeah, I dont know what I wanna do. I wasnt talkin to him but I decided text him and asked if he was ok. he replied yeah. He wasnt responding at all before. I mean hes my baby but he is really pushing me away and leaving space with me emotionally is no good for my mate. I try to be there for him but he gets all crazy and stuff, its who I am to make sure my people alright. I express myself very well because I dont care what a person says but he isnt that way. I can accept that but dont get crazy with me. I will find someone else. Confusing....

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