Signed Up: Dec 23, 2018 Comments: 1 · Posts: 30 · Topics: 3
Also she makes future plans for us to hangout and when we do its one on one. Like she goes to barnes and noble yes they still exist lol and she said i can come there when she's there its one of her fav places
Ok so I have a female friend who is a socrp sun cancer moon cap venus and mars and sag mercury. I'm a leo sun cap moon libra venus cancer mars and leo mercury. My sun is in 8th house so is my mercury and my dominant planet is scorpio. Saying all that to say we really click, but she has a boyfriend. But we interact a lot on the basis of use having the same passion and having classes at school together. We started collabing together in our passion and She always gave me compliments (like talking to me on the phone for 2 hrs was amazing that i don't know how wonderful it was for her bc i was talking about her novel she wrote and she was also asking me stuff, but saying i have such a cool mind and she said i was easily likeable), she always rescheduled when she couldn't make a planed date, and she has curiosity in me but she doesn't push. Now the tension between us is there, but let me throw this out I am not saying she likes me I understand she has a boyfriend this isn't a how to get her to leave thing. I just want to get insight of what's up. like what is she doing? She's 21 and i'm 25 i'd like to just be her friend and keep doing what we are doing and if she every is single i may shoot my shot after she heals. She's only been with the guy she's with for 1.5 yrs. not trying to get in between there relationship. I just wanna know have any scorps with similar placements done this and what it could mean? O and she knows i care about here as person and i'm nice to her and she thinks im genuine. I feel i expressed my care for her but not in a romantic like way, but even still don't think her bf would like me being nice to her, but she seems alright with it she's not distancing herself. And no i'm not being a nice guy. She's not taking advantage. I mean nice within reason not over doing it. I do let her know how much i appreciate talking and working with her and that im thankful for it.
Anybody who has a similar chart can you tell me the placements of the best partner you've been with intimately? I've only attracted scorpios (which I love)
and cancers (love them to depending on other placements). What's odd is that my do
no 8 - file your notes about Scorpios
Scorpio or whatever 3 months earlier
Don't worry we have no 9 and 7 coming along to handle
We need to re-calculate our situation here
Aries-Leo combination is celebrated as very compatible.
As an Aries I come across many Leo men - both the flamboyant variety and the shy types.
In my experience, Leo men turn out to be my great friends. They go out of their way to do things for me, even
Yo! what's up beautiful people. I wanted to get you all's perspective on how your moon sign affects your depression. As a scorpio, I'm prone to depression, yet I've been down too many times to stay down. I'm very phoenix-like.
How would my Aries moon af
I just wanna take a time out.. n thank all the cool folks who helped me sort my mind out.
Aye dxp, so how we even meet? Oh now I remember! This one Scorp boy- he was cold as December! Left me all confused! Couldn’t figure things out.. so I said what’s to
I have a virgo crush I'm talking to right now, and he seems to be into me too based on how he behaves around me tbh, but he also has a lot of friends who are girls and people at work who are girls, so I'm wondering do virgos like only one person at a time
Well...his mother is a bitch. Like seriously control freak and ignorant woman.
His sister stopped talking to the mother for yeats.
The only person talking to her is older brother.
So we were talking about when I meet his mother she might tell me shit
Staring is a a huge scorpio attribute but has anyone noticed it in Taurus?
ALL the taurus I know are big on eye contact as well. They observe everything u do and will stare you down. This Taurus man I know who’s my childhood friend does this a lot. I al
Into a 20 year old Scorpio guy at work. I’m a 25 year old Taurus woman. Some days he openly flirts with me and I with him and some times I feel like he’s just not into me (he’s not that great at flirting since he has a Virgo Venus and cap mars) b
this year has been one of the most painful years i have gone through. the only thing good about this year was my granddaughter being born. i still have the most painful thing i have ever done in my life to do, and i have had a very painful life. the thoug