Help with chart?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by loupgarou on Wednesday, December 19, 2012 and has 4 replies.
Hi, i'm new here, was wondering if someone might help me with my chart? Formatting might be weird... Thanks.
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Scorpio 25.25 Ascendant Scorpio 29.08
Moon Pisces 3.45 II Sagittarius 29.56
Mercury Scorpio 17.28 III Aquarius 4.43
Venus Libra 22.36 IV Pisces 10.14
Mars Aries 2.27 V Aries 11.37
Jupiter Gemini 1.48 R VI Taurus 7.23
Saturn Capricorn 0.32 VII Taurus 29.08
Uranus Sagittarius 29.10 VIII Gemini 29.56
Neptune Capricorn 8.22 IX Leo 4.43
Pluto Scorpio 13.03 Midheaven Virgo 10.14
Lilith Virgo 20.50 XI Libra 11.37
Asc node Pisces 10.49 XII Scorpio 7.23
+1 for Mars in Aries Winking
Posted by Jynja
Very determined person.
Analytically at work though can go off into dream-verse occasionally
Respected and admired for hard work and consistency
Deep, dark fantasy is to be powerful to transform the world?
Seemingly calm but can go off into wild fit if the occasion calls for it?
Sometimes unsure of yourself so comes off as shy or unsociable.
Seeks power through knowledge
Deeply intuitive
Moody on occasion but can slip out of it just as quickly
Cautious of addictions or flights of fantasy
Seeks to be grounded.
ps. I was attracted to your avatar, not only because I am Leo and curious, but it seems to resonate with who you are as well. Unassuming and graceful, but not to be messed with anyway.
If you don't mind me asking: did you seek stability from a particular friend while growing up? Did it feel like only they could help you gain a hold on your reality? Just curious, you don't need to answer. smile

Thank you Jynja and LunarMaiden, it's so strange how this seems to describe me exactly smile And no i don't mind at all. Actually there was a person, and it was my sister. How did you get that?
Posted by LunarMaiden
+1 for Mars in Aries Winking

And what is good about a mars in Aries? smile Thank you.