He's Not Easy to Read

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by LiteofMind on Thursday, July 9, 2015 and has 2 replies.
Well at least he isn't to me. I know that he likes me, but is there such a thing as faking the like? I won't have sex with him bc the scorpio I dated before him was so passionate, so sexual, he knew everything to do to me. It may sound sad but 1) I don't want to be disappointed, 2) that passion left me in such a shock that I fear of giving into him and him leaving me high and dry.

Can anyone make a generalization of him based on his chart?

His placements:
Scorp Sun
Sag Rising and Venus
Leo Moon
Mercury AND Mars in Libra
Jupiter in Cancer
Saturn Uranus Neptune are all in Capricorn
Pluto In Scorpio
Posted by Rabbit
I'd start by dealing with your lingering feelings for the ex-Scorpio.

....and the assumptions that go with
