Posted by MrFirebird
I don't care if Hillary is a Scorpio Sun / Pisces Moon. That woman is bad news. Seriously.
The face. The cackle. The scandals. The bedlam.
Posted by enfant_terriblePosted by MrFirebird
I don't care if Hillary is a Scorpio Sun / Pisces Moon. That woman is bad news. Seriously.
The face. The cackle. The scandals. The bedlam.
What's her face and "cackle" got to do with politics? Srsly not all public women are there for your sexual gratification. By your logic, Angela Merkel is bad news too?
Meanwhile you haven't mentioned ONE single word about how Trump looks.. and I assume it's not because you think he's a looker.
Too f cking predictible, boyo.
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Posted by Finbuff
Because her cackle and fat azz body and face doesn't make her look presidential in demeanor, nor fit enough to serve out a full term, due to lack of self respect to take care of herself physically. Anything else, just let me know.
Posted by Finbuff
Because her cackle and fat azz body and face doesn't make her look presidential in demeanor, nor fit enough to serve out a full term, due to lack of self respect to take care of herself physically. Anything else, just let me know.
Posted by WhiteChocolate
"Essentially what it comes down to is "I prefer Trump's lies over Clinton's lies"
Posted by MoonArtist
And this made me laugh.....
Posted by WhiteChocolate
El. Oh. El.
5th grade level.
Way to step up your game, America.
Posted by WhiteChocolatePosted by MoonArtistPosted by WhiteChocolate
El. Oh. El.
5th grade level.
Way to step up your game, America.
I'm surprised Drumpf got as high as 5th grade considering he routinely speaks in fragments, and rarely finishes his sentences. My 4th grader has better speaking abilities.
It's 2016 5th grade level though, so it's probably a considerable but lower.
Not 5th grade when we were in 5th to expand
Posted by WhiteChocolatePosted by MoonArtistPosted by WhiteChocolatePosted by MoonArtistPosted by WhiteChocolate
El. Oh. El.
5th grade level.
Way to step up your game, America.
I'm surprised Drumpf got as high as 5th grade considering he routinely speaks in fragments, and rarely finishes his sentences. My 4th grader has better speaking abilities.
It's 2016 5th grade level though, so it's probably a considerable but lower.
Not 5th grade when we were in 5th grade.
Maybe it depends on where the 5th grade school is. I'm sure some in the Ozarks or Mississippi are probably closer to 2nd grade on grammar and vocabulary than others around the country.
IDK...I keep going back and seeing my posts and all the errors and realize I'm probably at Trump's language levelclick to expand
Posted by LetltB
How to Move from the U.S. to Canada
Posted by seraph
The fact that Trump has created an environment of acceptable bigotry against certain groups and he doesn't care, should alone disqualify him, no matter what else he's offering. His supporters, and those looking at this dangerous spectacle with tacit (never mind overt) acceptance, have major boundary issues.
It doesn't matter if it's all a joke, a long con, or some cloak-and-dagger game to get the Democrats into office. He's already caused major social damage and division, for which very few (and certainly not his supporters) are holding him substantially accountable. And it isn't even Trump as an insane-person that's in question here, who's bringing out the worst in people, and who's so cavalier about it that he's encouraging it. The real problem here is folks like the OP, who don't even reference any of this even obliquely. THAT is what's disturbing. Never mind Hillary. Anyone with any hint of a moral and ethical compass should see that Trump makes "the establishment" look like saints.
This demand for revolutionary change from politics-as-usal is causing a disconcertingly large amount of people with voting ability to swing to another extreme. Out of the frying pan and right into the fire. They don't want "lying politicians", but they're just fine with green-lighting an amoral, sociopathic bigot.
Now that the goalposts have been moved, is it a such a cognitive leap to assume that from here on in, it'll be perfectly fine (even desirable) to elevate folks like this to public office?
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by LetltB
How to Move from the U.S. to Canada
Other than the land on the west coast, I can't think of a good reason to move to Canada. It's almost like Arkansas. A place that doesn't belong there.
Lets consider this Asian family
Right below their smiling faces, it reads:
Prepare for life in Canada
Finding a job, getting your credentials assessed, learning English and French and what to expect when you get to Canada, financially, socially and culturally
Seems to me Canada is a bit biased, languagewise. Try that in the US and you might be labeled "racist".
Apparently, Canada doesn't want African-Americans because they want you to find a job, which may explain why the welfare recipients haven't
chosen to move to Canada for all the racists in the US. On the other hand, the "Canamex" highway appears to be a great way for Hispanics to
move north, bypassing the US, altogether.
It really
makes me wonder why the Asian family is smiling. They are pretty smart, you know.
click to expand
Posted by WhiteChocolate
You have to show proof of English language proficiency to get in to Canada!
And yet immigrants to the US demand government documents be available in their native language...
Posted by seraph
The fact that Trump has created an environment of acceptable bigotry against certain groups and he doesn't care, should alone disqualify him, no matter what else he's offering. His supporters, and those looking at this dangerous spectacle with tacit (never mind overt) acceptance, have major boundary issues.
It doesn't matter if it's all a joke, a long con, or some cloak-and-dagger game to get the Democrats into office. He's already caused major social damage and division, for which very few (and certainly not his supporters) are holding him substantially accountable. And it isn't even Trump as an insane-person that's in question here, who's bringing out the worst in people, and who's so cavalier about it that he's encouraging it. The real problem here is folks like the OP, who don't even reference any of this even obliquely. THAT is what's disturbing. Never mind Hillary. Anyone with any hint of a moral and ethical compass should see that Trump makes "the establishment" look like saints.
This demand for revolutionary change from politics-as-usal is causing a disconcertingly large amount of people with voting ability to swing to another extreme. Out of the frying pan and right into the fire. They don't want "lying politicians", but they're just fine with green-lighting an amoral, sociopathic bigot.
Now that the goalposts have been moved, is it a such a cognitive leap to assume that from here on in, it'll be perfectly fine (even desirable) to elevate folks like this to public office?
Posted by WhiteChocolate
From the article:
The supporting documents vary by residency category and include a photocopy of the personal information pages of your valid U.S. passport, proof of English (and sometimes French) language proficiency, birth certificate and financial information.
Posted by MontgomeryPosted by WhiteChocolate
You have to show proof of English language proficiency to get in to Canada!
And yet immigrants to the US demand government documents be available in their native language...
Do you?
Interesting... I wonder then why we're
given so much grief.
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Posted by WhiteChocolatePosted by GetMistedPosted by WhiteChocolate
All I know is Arkansas is better regarded than Indiana.
In what way?
Both of our Governors suck.
No one makes fun of Arkansas.
Everyone makes fun of to expand
Posted by WhiteChocolatePosted by CancerOnTheCuspPosted by WhiteChocolatePosted by GetMistedPosted by WhiteChocolate
All I know is Arkansas is better regarded than Indiana.
In what way?
Both of our Governors suck.
No one makes fun of Arkansas.
Everyone makes fun of us.
Indiana is the only state I know whose border county residents seem to want to belong to another state--Kentuckiana, Illiana, Michiana. I've never heard "Ohioana". Maybe its because it sounds weird...
I once saw a weird conglomerate on Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois up north once...but I can't recall what it was.
I still claim Ohio roots, so I don't technically count as a to expand
Posted by WhiteChocolatePosted by GetMistedPosted by WhiteChocolate
All I know is Arkansas is better regarded than Indiana.
In what way?
Both of our Governors suck.
No one makes fun of Arkansas.
Everyone makes fun of to expand
Posted by enfant_terrible
It's spelled Arkansaw
Posted by cheekyfaeriePosted by MrFirebirdPosted by enfant_terrible
It's spelled Arkansaw
No. That is how it is "pronounced", Yugosloppyun.
Arkansas is also a state who's founders failed terribly at English grammar. So bad, the problem endures to this day. Kansas was already taken.
so the Arkies, as they are known, decided to call the place Arkansas. They were known for their trade in cutting wood.
"Arkansas" was what the carpenters would say at the time. "Arkansas" was "I can saw". They were vehemently against the secret society of "Lodgepoles".
And the best they ever came up with was Bill Clinton, on the left and Mike Huckabee, on the right.
Anyway, that's the story the locals tell.
Worth the trip for the Talimena to expand
Posted by MrFirebird
I don't care if Hillary is a Scorpio Sun / Pisces Moon. That woman is bad news. Seriously.
The face. The cackle. The scandals. The bedlam.
Beside her success in political activism and law, she is also connected with the infamous
scandals that led to intense scrutiny. "Whitewater", "Travelgate" and "Filegate" not to mention
the mysterious death of her friend Vince Foster. A lot of weird things associated
thing floating in and around this woman's past.
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Between those two evils. I think I'd choose my poison of Clinton. I'd still take that damn snake over Trump
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187
Between those two evils. I think I'd choose my poison of Clinton. I'd still take that damn snake over Trump
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Posted by CruellaWhite
Americans hate Hilary mostly for what Bill did. The level of hate is unjust.
Posted by Sn1p3r187Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187
Between those two evils. I think I'd choose my poison of Clinton. I'd still take that damn snake over Trump
What's your point? I'd still take Clinton. I'll admit the protesters who're protesting Trump are a bunch of assholes but that doesn't change anything for me. If I'm going to pick a poison, I'll pick the one that kills me the slowest and makes time for me to get a hospital and hopefully get straightened out. Not the one that acts like Box Jellyfish venom and kills me in 3 to expand
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187
Between those two evils. I think I'd choose my poison of Clinton. I'd still take that damn snake over Trump
What's your point? I'd still take Clinton. I'll admit the protesters who're protesting Trump are a bunch of assholes but that doesn't change anything for me. If I'm going to pick a poison, I'll pick the one that kills me the slowest and makes time for me to get a hospital and hopefully get straightened out. Not the one that acts like Box Jellyfish venom and kills me in 3 minutes.
Why pick a poison?click to expand
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by enfant_terrible
It's spelled Arkansaw
No. That is how it is "pronounced", Yugosloppyun.
click to expand
Posted by FinbuffPosted by Sn1p3r187
Between those two evils. I think I'd choose my poison of Clinton. I'd still take that damn snake over Trump
I was your age once, young and dumb, and I voted for some jerk-weed liberal idiot. Then I grew up, earned a small fortune, got educated, and my perspective changes. 85% of the country is total idjuts, the quesiton is, do you have what it takes to put yourself in the 15 percentile?click to expand
Posted by Sn1p3r187Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187
Between those two evils. I think I'd choose my poison of Clinton. I'd still take that damn snake over Trump
What's your point? I'd still take Clinton. I'll admit the protesters who're protesting Trump are a bunch of assholes but that doesn't change anything for me. If I'm going to pick a poison, I'll pick the one that kills me the slowest and makes time for me to get a hospital and hopefully get straightened out. Not the one that acts like Box Jellyfish venom and kills me in 3 minutes.
Why pick a poison?
Because either way we're screwed. I could choose not to, but it won't make a damn bit of difference for the people who choose to pick their poison and poison the rest of to expand
Posted by Finbuff
Words cannot describe how despicable, weak and feckless the current occupant of the White House appears to me.
Thank God I live in a country where we can call a turd, a turd.
Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by Sn1p3r187
Between those two evils. I think I'd choose my poison of Clinton. I'd still take that damn snake over Trump
What's your point? I'd still take Clinton. I'll admit the protesters who're protesting Trump are a bunch of assholes but that doesn't change anything for me. If I'm going to pick a poison, I'll pick the one that kills me the slowest and makes time for me to get a hospital and hopefully get straightened out. Not the one that acts like Box Jellyfish venom and kills me in 3 minutes.
Why pick a poison?
Because either way we're screwed. I could choose not to, but it won't make a damn bit of difference for the people who choose to pick their poison and poison the rest of us.
You say "either way, we're screwed"
In your OWN words (meaning that you are not repeating what the media says), HOW are you screwed?
What do you like dislike about the two candidates?
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Posted by seraph
The fact that Trump has created an environment of acceptable bigotry against certain groups and he doesn't care, should alone disqualify him, no matter what else he's offering. His supporters, and those looking at this dangerous spectacle with tacit (never mind overt) acceptance, have major boundary issues.
It doesn't matter if it's all a joke, a long con, or some cloak-and-dagger game to get the Democrats into office. He's already caused major social damage and division, for which very few (and certainly not his supporters) are holding him substantially accountable. And it isn't even Trump as an insane-person that's in question here, who's bringing out the worst in people, and who's so cavalier about it that he's encouraging it. The real problem here is folks like the OP, who don't even reference any of this even obliquely. THAT is what's disturbing. Never mind Hillary. Anyone with any hint of a moral and ethical compass should see that Trump makes "the establishment" look like saints.
This demand for revolutionary change from politics-as-usal is causing a disconcertingly large amount of people with voting ability to swing to another extreme. Out of the frying pan and right into the fire. They don't want "lying politicians", but they're just fine with green-lighting an amoral, sociopathic bigot.
Now that the goalposts have been moved, is it a such a cognitive leap to assume that from here on in, it'll be perfectly fine (even desirable) to elevate folks like this to public office?