I have a very close Aquarius friend who is going through a rough patch with his lady. He doesn't know what to do. Fight
its a period of deep thought and constant conflicts in mind .... i feel like reconnecting back with an old flame lately.
Which sign has it? Thank you :D
Which sign has it? Thank you
I never met a Feb Pisces before. But most of the March ones I did meet were really kind to be around. I wonder if the Fe
Hi there I was seeing a pisces for two months. He was well devoted and made me the happiest girl in the world. It was
Sun - Taurus Rising - Gemini Moon - Sagittarius Mars - Aries Mercury - Taurus Jupiter - Scorpio Venus - Gemini Sa
when is your birthday? How are you celebrating this year? I'm bar hopping with a few folks... err crawling..
Am I missing something or have these been completely wiped?