Hola Peeps :)

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Roxanne on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 and has 22 replies.
Well it's been a long hot summer and life just got in the way of me and DXP for a while there. i've moved off the mountain and into civilised living. i now live in a proper house on a street with neighbours and stuff. my dogs are walked on leads (leashes) and their poop is scooped before it touches the ground LOL and i no longer have them coming home with fresh goat bones for their dinner!
i also have a 'normal' internet connection rather than the one i had before which was just a notch above two tin cans and a long piece of string.
how was everyone else's summer?
i almost missed y'all LOL!!
Welcome back Roxx.
gaurav - why are you admitting so openly to being 'from london'? i'm sure there's much more kudos in your indian heritage Winking gawd blimey mate!
Not a bad idea - but those are my co-ordinates I thought Winking
Hey Roxi glad to know that your move went well.
How are you doing?
Are the kids enjoying their new home?
DC: i haven't but i have heard of it. i've actually moved closer to where it is as well so i may go explore smile
SL: yeah, the kids pretty much love it here. i'm sure the story will change when school starts though. hope you're well smile
gaurav: ofcourse i realised they were your co-ordinates. i should've known better than to expect an aries to get scorpio 'wit' LOL!!!
scorpioheart: someone would've said if i had died i hope. a celebratory thread would've been made LOL!!
"i should've known better than to expect an aries to get scorpio 'wit' LOL!!!"
Caustic, I must say Winking
Welcome back Roxi!
"which was just a notch above two tin cans and a long piece of string."
That is frighteningly similar to my connection here at work. I spend the idle time while pages load plotting where to plant the bomb...
Well, It was nice having you here,Sea Siren. Tell the NSA I said hi!
"Well, It was nice having you here,Sea Siren. Tell the NSA I said hi!"
HA! It's just a small one made out of a wire hanger and a chewing gum wrapper. I learned it from an episode of "Macgyver". I blame the media.
Not at present. Are you? smile
"im on an incredibly boring conference call"
It would be incredibly less boring if you WERE high...doncha think? smile
I thought so...here's some Twizzlers and Cheetos for later.
fuckina: no comment on psycho boy if you don't mind. my lips are sealed on that topic Winking
me and the kids are very happy with this new state of civilisation. i have begonias and a bougainvillea in my garden - i have a fucking GARDEN!! ooooh. i have a roof terrace too and when the sun sets tonight, i may find myself taking a little picture of the view to post for ya. on a clear day one can see africa daaaahling.
the only downside is that because there are more people, there is less safety. it's hardly on a par with new york of course but i have to actually LOCK MY DOOR at night which is a first since i've been in spain. i had been known to leave the keys sticking out of the front door overnight where i was before.
sagi wagi woo!! awwww. i wanted a word with you actually. will pm smile

:: flips Rox the bird ::

i'm surprised the "Roxanne" account is available. i would have thunk you burned through it a few years back Winking
nice to see you too SR.
Hi Roxi smile
Why another user name?
cappysweetie: dunno smile