Holy S***!!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Sola on Monday, January 29, 2007 and has 27 replies.
Ohmygod, last Thursday mr, Scorpio comes round with an armful of sorries and sweet nothing, and things appear to be back on track. I was kinda happy about that, and relieved things were sorted. Anyway, we arranged to meet on Saturday night and spend some time together, BUT on Friday we ended up bumping into each other in a club.......
He brought this howler of a female right in front of my face and started kissing her..WTF?????????

Stick to one man at a time...pimpin aint easy...
Yip, it was nasty.
Then i get home and have missed calls and texts messages..loser!
Lady M..no way!!
lol. What happened to mr aqua...
Nothing!!! I havent seen him in months, since last August actually.
ooooooooh ok.
Stay away from scorps.
what i told Sola..?
You are back to him again.
Nice interests by the way.
Lol HE!!!
I was going back, but he decided otherwise on my behalf!!
Yeah, im staying away from Scorps!
leave them to the virgos...excluding PM...Tongue
"leave them to the virgos"
We had enough of Virgos..time for change.
Whose next?
How about Pisces..i never dated one.
"I was going back, but he decided otherwise on my behalf!!"
We are sooooo irresistables...
How can i live without me.
Keep it in the family...water.
Ha Ha Sola its so funny
Every time you come up with a way to handle this guy he does the same thing to you first and throws you off track. He's reading your rocks off.
Just stick to using him for sex like you said.
If nothing else it should lead to more better sex.
Of course it doesnt make sense..im Libra!!
Nah, i?ll find something much better thank you!
Well, he text me last night to say he?s been thinking about me and suggested we see each other over the weekend?! Why, why, why..men are just addicted to me!!!! Lol.
Nope, honestly.
2 of us can play at that game
oh missmorals remember the scorp i dated the one i was kinda crazy about until he told me he had girlfriend? Well he call me today and told me they were breaking up and he was moving into an apartment (they had a house together) and he is now a free man...but guess what? ITS TOO LATE!
Yeah, it sucks that i hate to love this guy!! Im not sure i?ll see him again, i have to think carefully. I know he?s an ass, but when he?s good, its soooo good.
it has to be the sex...
"Sola, I think you attract those who are like you."
haa haa...very profound indeed !