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Jan 23, 2015Comments: 306 · Posts: 1335 · Topics: 77
I figured I'd ask a sign that feels intense emotions, yet manage to control themselves most of the time. I've seen genuinely happy Scorpios too, and they seem to always manage somehow in the midst of tragedy. Hm,
what are the things you do throughout a sad day/year that make you feel better? Or what goes through your mind during hard times?
And in the midst of a prolonged period of sadness, how do you motivate yourself to get things done? Like chores, studies, etc.?
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
I cacoon wi mth finest of savory meals and decadent desserts.
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Apr 05, 2018Comments: 155 · Posts: 422 · Topics: 6
@squishy_marshmallows how did your scorpio ex cope with the depression after you left him?
Help a friend here baby girl
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36325 · Posts: 40814 · Topics: 321
I don't get it now but when I did, I'd hide, sleep as much as I could and put a brave face on in public
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Aug 04, 2015Comments: 2057 · Posts: 38091 · Topics: 1026
Seen one who was drinking himself into a stupor and falling to the floor hysterically wailing and shaking uncontrollable...scary shit!!!
And another one who is keep on happy face and only thing that giving out that something is wrong - his onyx eyes losing their dept and I can see there is like a’s hard to explain but it’s like you feel he is wrapped into ‘keep out’ energy...
Nobody who isn’t close or welcome will recognize it. It’ll be like that until shit is still boiling inside. Sometimes it takes forever.
And yes, exhausting themselves with more work until it starting to show in their appearance.
It’ painful to watch. Just stand by and don’t try to fix anything.
If they trust you enough - they will still be talking to you and you will hear it in their voice. You will be destroyed but they will maintain their happy face to others while dying inside...
It’s so fucking sexy and scary at the same time. Just keep your distance! God forbid to step over the line.’ll be sorry you were born!
You are approaching it from the get-go the wrong way. You need to find a therapist to help you. You can't possibly understand everything about your depression simply just on your own. There is no shame in it. You wouldn't try to treat your broken leg all on your own without going to see a doctor, would you? I would hope not. Depression is a biological response to external or genetic circumstances and should be recognized similarly as a medical illness.
Things that you can do yourself after that; Take time for meditation. Reflect on yourself, slowly, thoroughly. Met out your sore spots and come to terms with them. Won't make them go away or less painful, but will help. Need a therapist for this too.
Reciting positive affirmations. Walking in nature; going outside. Sleeping in regular intervals. Eating breakfast, in the morning especially, before the day starts; Your stomach is an organ which also influences your moods cyclically.
You have to take care of your body before you can take care of your mind, and really that is half the battle.
Then working on getting your 'house' in order, whatever that may be; literally, fiscally, spiritually. This is hard and often the reason for depression in the first place.
Then try to maintain contact with some people who you actually enjoy the company of, and who genuinely enhance your quality of life. If they don't, don't even waste your time.