How do Scorpios sting?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by pasc345 on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 and has 32 replies.
Please tell me how can a Scorpio sting if you reject them?
Posted by pasc345
Please tell me how can a Scorpio sting if you reject them?

depends....which scorpio you talkin abt? lol
I'm probably the only Scorpio who doesn't sting.

instead I'm a Scorpio who curls into a little ball with my stinger cooked up and waits for the pain to go away. I'm normally good at hiding pain, so I can act as normal in public but internally I am hurt. I never seek revenge
How long do I have to wait for the " your sun sign has nothing to do with revenge" or "im not a scorp but I got alot of scorpio energy so I can relate" answers?
Op, some of us will resort to violence, some will go the verbal abuse route, some a just block u out of their minds/lives altogether...It depends on the actual scorpio
Posted by 13th
Op, some of us will resort to violence, some will go the verbal abuse route, some a just block u out of their minds/lives altogether...It depends on the actual scorpio

yeah I'm the block you out of my mind type I think. it's easier to just let go that way. out of sight out of mind. as time progresses it gets easier, but I'm too soft to hurt anyone for hurting me
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
I'm probably the only Scorpio who doesn't sting.

instead I'm a Scorpio who curls into a little ball with my stinger cooked up and waits for the pain to go away. I'm normally good at hiding pain, so I can act as normal in public but internally I am hurt. I never seek revenge

You are in the majority actually. But don't ruin the Machiavelli wannabes hopes.
This Scorpio of mine went all the way to reject me hoping that I will like him in return more. And I did and I pursued him. He kept on playing and rejecting me. Now he is coming back but also in a rather weird and secretive way.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
I'm probably the only Scorpio who doesn't sting.

instead I'm a Scorpio who curls into a little ball with my stinger cooked up and waits for the pain to go away. I'm normally good at hiding pain, so I can act as normal in public but internally I am hurt. I never seek revenge

You are in the majority actually. But don't ruin the Machiavelli wannabes hopes.
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interesting! I don't know many Scorpios in real life, but the ones I do hold grudges. I never asked about revenge, but they shared that they do hold grudges.
Posted by pasc345
This Scorpio of mine went all the way to reject me hoping that I will like him in return more. And I did and I pursued him. He kept on playing and rejecting me. Now he is coming back but also in a rather weird and secretive way.

no I don't do that for sure. I have a Virgo moon so I'm really shy anyways. I have a Libra ascendant so I'm also outgoing. it depends on the day and my mood, but I'd never play a game like that. my feelings are genuine and typically shy. I normally wait to be pursued, because I fear rejection and don't want to throw myself out there
so I'd never do that to another person
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
so I'd never do that to another person

no this guy is an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon... a crazy combination
Posted by pasc345
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
so I'd never do that to another person

no this guy is an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon... a crazy combination
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didnt I predict this? I didnt know it would be the OP though lol hilarious...OP, read carefully:
Posted by starlover
Posted by pasc345
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
so I'd never do that to another person

no this guy is an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon... a crazy combination

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Wait a second.....da hell do u know abt this starlover? or was that sarcasm? My daughter is a Aries sun, scorpio moon, am I in deep sheete? lol
Posted by pasc345
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
so I'd never do that to another person

no this guy is an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon... a crazy combination
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My scorpio guy has an aries moon, so I guess you can compare. It really depends on how much he feels like I have hurt him. He usually tries (really hard) to just block out and hide in his shell, and not let me know that he's in pain at first. But he can go all the way to jealousy rages (jealousy is really the only thing that can get him into rage) and trying to manipulate me into feeling guilty and even insulting me. I've had real problems with that, but he has apologized for the last time it happened, and I hope it'll get better from now on. Telling him that he is hurting you is really important (if that's the case). Sometimes they don't really seem to be aware of what they say or do to you. Don't let him manipulate you no matter what. Show him that his stinging leads nowhere. It really helped with mine.
Posted by aquamila
Posted by pasc345
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
so I'd never do that to another person

no this guy is an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon... a crazy combination

My scorpio guy has an aries moon, so I guess you can compare. It really depends on how much he feels like I have hurt him. He usually tries (really hard) to just block out and hide in his shell, and not let me know that he's in pain at first. But he can go all the way to jealousy rages (jealousy is really the only thing that can get him into rage) and trying to manipulate me into feeling guilty and even insulting me. I've had real problems with that, but he has apologized for the last time it happened, and I hope it'll get better from now on. Telling him that he is hurting you is really important (if that's the case). Sometimes they don't really seem to be aware of what they say or do to you. Don't let him manipulate you no matter what. Show him that his stinging leads nowhere. It really helped with mine.
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What? lol So im the same as a taurus sun scorpio moon? I dont think thats how it works
Oh sorry, you said you rejected him. Not in a relationship, huh? And not planning to?
Posted by starlover
Posted by 13th
Posted by starlover
Posted by pasc345
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
so I'd never do that to another person

no this guy is an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon... a crazy combination


Wait a second.....da hell do u know abt this starlover? or was that sarcasm? My daughter is a Aries sun, scorpio moon, am I in deep sheete? lol

I was with one for five years.....Scared
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ok nevermind.....thought u were reacting to the actual aries sun-scorpio moon combo
@13th Haha no, I didn't mean to say it's the same. I'm really not an expert, but I think aries and scorpio energy combined anywhere in a chart can have similar effects on how people behave? Am I wrong?
Posted by aquamila
@13th Haha no, I didn't mean to say it's the same. I'm really not an expert, but I think aries and scorpio energy combined anywhere in a chart can have similar effects on how people behave? Am I wrong?

im assuming your wrong but im still learning this astro stuff myself. If im the one who is actually wrong im sorry for being a smart ass
Lmao. I was watching Dr. Phil one day and this guy got pissed at his wife and put his feces in her lip gloss. I'm positive he was a Scorpio.
Posted by 13th
Posted by aquamila
@13th Haha no, I didn't mean to say it's the same. I'm really not an expert, but I think aries and scorpio energy combined anywhere in a chart can have similar effects on how people behave? Am I wrong?

im assuming your wrong but im still learning this astro stuff myself. If im the one who is actually wrong im sorry for being a smart ass
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being a smartass myself, I'll look into it and try to find it out lol. But yeah, you're probably right, I guess an Aries moon is more aggressive/quick-tempered than the other way around when it comes to relationships.
Posted by 13th
Posted by pasc345
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
so I'd never do that to another person

no this guy is an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon... a crazy combination

didnt I predict this? I didnt know it would be the OP though lol hilarious...OP, read carefully:
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lmfao literally though. you win
From my experience Scorpios only sting a person if there is feelings and emotions involved with the person if not they just walk away.
This question is for the Aries forum ,he's just a scorpio moon.
Some Scorpios don't sting they'll shut you out completely and act like you are Dead even if There's feelings and emotions involved..but in this case the guy is not a scorpio he just has a scorpio moon.
Obviously you didn't read her question
Posted by RumiLove
Posted by 13th
Posted by starlover
Posted by pasc345
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
so I'd never do that to another person

no this guy is an Aries sun and Scorpio Moon... a crazy combination


Wait a second.....da hell do u know abt this starlover? or was that sarcasm? My daughter is a Aries sun, scorpio moon, am I in deep sheete? lol

No. Your daughter is the best daughter one can have. Trust me on this.

I'm not being sarcastic...btw Straight Face
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something tells me you have these exact placements....I hope youre right lol thanks
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by Udylaw1
This question is for the Aries forum ,he's just a scorpio moon.

I wonder if you people even realise there's actually a proper forum for moon signs?

Stop misdirecting people with Scorp moon issues to sun sign boards.

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aries sun scorpio moon is not the same thing as a cancer sun scorpio moon, or a Virgo sun scorp moon smartass, they all have their own unique personality.....She's better off finding another Aries with a scorpio moon....
Posted by Vixen2
I don't know...and it's just my two cents because obviously, I don't know every scorpio man or woman alive...I've got a few in my circle and they are all different- but the same at the same time. Hard to explain.

None that I know "sting" for shit and giggles. And I don't think any of them would sting for plain rejection. Thet are more of like "you don't want what I have to offer you...well feck you too!" Done, cutoff, silence, finis, gone.....

It's different if you reject them and there is a history... that becomes more of an unbearable longing and yearning maybe some would describe obsessiveness. Its if you humiliate them, embarrass, or betray them or the perception of that, then they will sting and you can't miss it when they do it. I've known one that waited ever so patiently to exact it to for just the right unexpectedly. No doubt it friggin hurts but that's the point, to hurt you just as you made them hurt.

I agree totally with the "they are all different-but the same at the same time. Hard to explain" statement......very true
I have scorpio sun and moon and I find it hard to tell someone that they have hurt my feelings,I keep it bottled up inside.Sting means I can hurt u back real bad,but shutting u out to me means I just want to cool off,and I do that with people I have feelings for.After that I can talk to u about it or not,its quite different.
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Shoot u mean stare, ignore u and say dirty things to being u down. The poison is more potent than the sting

Me smile. I cannot even deny it. If I don't have feelings I just let it be.. Not bothered. In a very simple terms I just ignore.