How do you deal when Scorp thinks u have no depth

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Althena on Thursday, February 12, 2009 and has 5 replies.
Leave or try to prove him wrong?
Find someone else who will like you for who you are.
Well ... how do you know he feels this way? Has he said this to you?
Yes it would be good to know if he told you that himself or if it's just you feeling that way ... if he did tell you that, I think it's disrespectful and immature to actually say that to someone. You may not connect mentally with someone and in that case you can just see it for what it is and keep it moving if it doesn't work for you but it's not something that one or the other is missing, you're simply not connecting. That's all.
" .. we get into a discussion on Michelle Obama being on Vogue and I say a lot of people criticizing her are probably haters and he gets all upset!"

You are talking to him about emotions that are on the surface, reactionary .... and this is what you want to discuss. Not, what Michelle might do as a First Lady .. rather, superficial emotions that are evoked on the surface to react to .. such as being a hater.
You wanted to talk about this, which isn't deep at all .. it's shallow.

"I don't understand, it's not logical to me. Then he says he'll call me later. I just hung up on him. I hate illogical arguments, but I keep thinking maybe there's a deeper problem he's hiding behind stupid little arguments."

To just hang up on your boyfriend because you cannot grasp what he is trying to tell you ... is also a reaction on the surface.
If you want him to view you as having depth, then you must first have it.